Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 620: Planetary orbit cannon

The cloud server that originally stored Clifford's core program has been loaded into the car, and at this time it has begun to escape from the secret base exit.

IAA military satellites can still track those cars for the time being, but if it takes too long to give them a chance to change cars again or use other means, Clifford may really become an eternal electronic ghost on the Internet.

"That won't work. As long as that Clifford is still online, our crisis will not be in contact!" Lachman gave a final word, "We must find a way to solve it!"

"There is an Orbital Cannon communicator on the top floor of that facility. You can use it to kill those cars!"

"Very good, then hurry up!"

Although I don't know what the planetary orbital orbital cannon communicator is, the other members of the team ran around according to the tips given by Lester.

But Lu Yuan deliberately fell behind again at this time. Because he still had a hidden card, it happened at this time.

"Swallow, have you seen a few cars leaving from near the base?" Lu Yuan took out another set of his team's special communication device, and said to the Yanzi who had been on standby outside the base before.

"Cars? Four vans just came out of the mountain road just now. They didn't even have big lights, and they scattered out in the darkness. Isn't that what you said?"

"Yes, it's them!" Lu Yuan said immediately, "What is your current vehicle? Is it fast enough?"

"Don't worry, two modified mountain bikes! It's enough to catch them!"

"Okay!" After Lu Yuan finished, he quickly confirmed their current plan of action with the three people here, and then quickly said to Yanzi, "Hurry up and catch up with the car driving southwest, while they are drilling the tunnel. At that time, take the cargo away from the carriage!"

"No problem!" Yanzi said immediately, "What's in the car?"

"It's the cloud server that stores the Clifford AI." Lu Yuan said, "But be careful, if that car leaves the tunnel, don't chase it!"


"There will be shelling!"

Although vowed to say that there was shelling, Lu Yuan was really suspicious of the existence of that thing.

Fortunately, Yanzi didn't ask too much. After all, there was not much time left for them, and it would not be too late to ask such questions in the future.

In contrast, while not allowing military satellites monitoring the nearby area to discover their strangeness, while rushing into the tunnel to hijack the van, these are more problems that need to be solved and much more difficult.

Fortunately, their mission started in the middle of the night. Although they spent a lot of time in the base, it did not reach dawn the next day.

Ye Se is their best arm at the moment.

Lu Yuan couldn't help much with this, and could only trust their ability to teach and apprentice.

After contacting Yanzi, Lu Yuan also hurriedly found a so-called planetary orbital cannon to try to control a cannon.

It is not impossible for this thing to be referred to as a railgun, but it is easy to be confused with another railgun. It is the kind of rail gun that uses rail modules in electromagnetic guns.

Rail gun is RailGun, and rail means rail.

The general gun body structure of a rail gun is a pair of parallel metal rails, which is indeed a bit of a railroad track.

Railroad tracks are also called train tracks, so it’s not wrong to translate rail-gun as railgun.

But right now this thing is OrbitalCannon, cannon needless to say, it is a cannon. Orbital refers to the orbits of planets, and can also be the orbits of other space celestial objects.

The so-called orbital cannon is a cannon that is placed in the outer space of the earth and orbits the earth.

In other words, it is a cannon mounted on an artificial earth satellite.

It is the legendary space-based weapon, the satellite cannon.

The Black Armored forces actually possessed a satellite cannon, which is not particularly difficult to understand.

But IAA actually knows the existence of this thing, indicating that the thing itself is probably the property of IAA.

However, it is too strange that such a big killer can be placed in an intercontinental ballistic missile launch base controlled by Evan Hertz and Clifford.

What's even stranger is that if there is such a thing as a satellite cannon, what do Ewan Hertz and the others do so hard to launch thermonuclear missiles? Is the power of satellite guns inferior to nuclear bombs?

The result is really beyond compare.

Just when Lu Yuan was puzzled, he saw from the satellite map screen on the control panel that a van was shot into the soul by a so-called satellite gun not far away.

It seemed that the area covered by that satellite gun was enough to scrap dozens of vans together. The scene was indeed quite shocking.

However, compared with satellite guns in geosynchronous orbit, this degree of power is not too big or too small.

The main way to see the flames of the explosion is, obviously, the shells of the satellite gun are not kinetic energy bombs that rely solely on kinetic energy, but some kind of high-explosive bombs, that is, grenades.

This is so strange.

In order to launch a grenade, he did not hesitate to spend high rocket costs to launch such an ordinary ammunition to an altitude of at least 100 kilometers above the ground.

Originally, a grenade, even a heavy artillery grenade, was only a thousand dollars.

But sending it to an altitude of more than 100 kilometers would cost hundreds of thousands of millions of dollars.

In addition, when returning from there, you have to consider the loss caused by friction with the air when you return to the atmosphere, and the ammunition has to be insulated.

After all this, what could have been done with a cannon on the ground for a few thousand dollars, has become a big trouble that costs more than one million dollars in total.

Why is this?

And there is a huge problem, that is, the time between when the shell is given the launch order and hits the target is only three to five seconds.

Taking the 100-kilometer ground distance of the spy satellite orbit as an example, it can travel 100 kilometers in just five seconds, which means that the speed of the shell can reach 20 kilometers per hour, which is 20,000 meters per second. The speed of sound is 340 meters per second, and the previous speed is as high as 58 or nearly 60 times the speed of sound.

The speed of the shell is Mach 60, which is three times higher than the speed of Mach 20 at the end of the intercontinental ballistic missile. Is this really possible?

Compared with satellite guns, Lu Yuan felt that the attack on those vehicles just now was more like a grenade attack from a mortar-like curved cannon on a secret base.

At least this hypothesis, whether it is cost price or battlefield performance, is too reasonable.

It is nothing more than using technologies such as end-guided projectiles to correct the aiming through satellites.

Lu Yuan's curiosity for such weapons is always the heaviest. Since there are many uncomprehensible places, just follow this control system and have a look at it.

So while operating the control system in front of him, he signaled the system to follow this system to see what the state of the artillery connected to it was!

As a result, while surprised him, it also made him feel dumbfounded.

As he guessed, the so-called cannon is not on a satellite at all, but on a high-altitude aircraft! The flying height of the aircraft is certainly not as scary as 100 kilometers, but it is also above 10,000 meters.

The most important thing is that the thing can stay still relative to the ground. This is difficult for most high-altitude aircraft to achieve.

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