Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 640: Fangs in the shadows

What the lieutenant didn't know was that with the help of Swallow's mantis soldier, Turner had just listened to a certain big mouth talking about a big mouth.

Most of the doubts that had kept him awake at night for ten years were solved by the help of that big mouth.

The conversation in just a few minutes was more complete than what he had heard from the lieutenant in the past ten years.

Although Turner knew subconsciously, there must be a lot of things hidden from him on the lieutenant's side. He also knew that it was a way for the lieutenant to protect him.

But if people are like this, they will subconsciously resent deception, even if it is a so-called white lie.

What's more, Turner once asked the lieutenant face-to-face in the name of his comrade-in-arms, and asked if there was any other information that hadn't been told to him, and the answer was the firm word "no"!

In this case, even if he knew that the lieutenant's concealment was a kind of protection, Turner had some complaints.

When complaining encounters new information, it becomes suspicious.

When the lieutenant said that sentence, Turner, who usually didn't think much about it, immediately grasped what was wrong this time.

Why would the lieutenant be surprised that Vicki was still in the villa?

Besieged by unknown enemies, first hide the old and weak women and children in a secret safe location, and the soldiers go out to find opportunities to fight back. Isn't it a normal mode of action?

Why are you surprised?

Unless, the lieutenant has a way to confirm that Vicky and the others are not in the villa!

what way?

The simplest is nothing more than a GPS locator!

If Vicki and the lieutenant put this thing on their bodies, then when they enter Turner's space, the signal received by the lieutenant will naturally disappear.

This also answers another question at the same time, that is why the lieutenant came so quickly.

However, to use this security method, the lieutenant should tell Turner.

Using this method without telling Turner, besides protecting a few women, does the lieutenant have another purpose?

For example, to guard against Turner taking a family far away?

For example, to track the whereabouts of Turner and others who fled?

So the question is, why?

Why did the lieutenant guard against his escape? Turner was a little confused for a while, and suddenly missed a guy who was missing.

If it were that little guy, even if he didn't help analyze anything, he would at least calm himself down, right? Turner thought so, and subconsciously looked at the area where the other little guy was.

Just as the lieutenant hunters suddenly appeared, the situation on Yanzi's side also changed abruptly.

But compared to Turner's side, her heart was much more stable to this change.

At this time, she had already sneaked behind the four black armored warriors with the invisibility technique, leaning on the other side of the palm tree, waiting for the direction of the villa to change, attracting the black armor's attention, and creating opportunities for herself to lay down black hands.

So when the sound of grenade launches and those crying and loud screams came, she just froze and recovered completely.

At this moment, she was like an agile cheetah lurking in the shadows, ready to rush out and bite through the throat of her prey. Her muscles were stretched to the most appropriate position, waiting for the best opportunity to appear.

Sure enough, I heard an abnormal sound from the front force position. Although the Quebec team was too gossip, the professionalism was still there. After two or three strokes, it entered a state of alert and at the same time got in touch with the front commander.

After learning that two foreign vehicles suddenly attacked everyone with tear gas, the black armor team leader immediately gestured to let the black armor configured by the two firepower assaulters ran to the road that the two vehicles must pass to stop.

Their mission was to deal with the uninvited guests in the Great Ross Mercenary search mission.

Two firemen were sent to intercept the two vehicles, and the other sniper was arranged by team leader Quebec-1 to occupy the high ground on the roof of a villa.

At the same time, he also released the reconnaissance drone on the charging position of his command-type battle armor.

With the assistance of the dual vision of one person and one drone, he, the commander and fire supporter, has sufficient intelligence to assist his grenade support.

It is a pity that although his arrangement is quite satisfactory, he also exposes himself alone under the fangs of the enemy hidden behind him.

When he raised the programmable grenade launcher based on the XM25 aerial bomb launcher, and prepared to rely on the drone's reconnaissance data to provide fire support to his teammates, the swallow behind him was like a ghost leopard. So silent but deadly rushed forward.

The two odd-shaped daggers in her hand, like the sharp teeth in the mouth of a cheetah, went straight to the enemy's vital points.

The outer armor of the black armored warrior is as complete and heavy as ever, but as long as one day is not a full version of the mobile armor, it will inevitably have the same weakness as the ancient full-body plate armor, and the protection at the joints is weak.

In fact, Swallow’s two swords were neither aimed at the heart nor at the waist or abdomen. Instead, one sword went straight to his armpit along the raised arm of Quebec-1, and the other sword went up against his back to find the breastplate and helmet. The joint can move the gap of the neck guard that is less than cm wide.

At this time, even under the effect of the invisibility technique, the blades of the two daggers were faintly exuding brown-gray cold light. The alchemist knew at a glance that it must be a paralysis potion that can make the mammoth lie down instantly. .

In the end, the thing did not disappoint Yanzi.

The Quebec-1 felt cold under his right arm and axillary, and he seemed to be stung by a wasp. At the same time, the back and neck were also hit. The whole person instantly lost his strength and collapsed onto the ground.

However, the process of planting him felt extremely long. He didn't feel that he should have landed. He barely opened his eyes to see the past, but he was still falling.

He didn't know whether it was the effect of medicine or what, but he found that the palm tree in front of him turned into an oak tree somehow, and the villa in the distance turned into a fortress on the mountain.

It was just that the paralysis potion was too powerful, and even the speed of his brain was affected, and he did not react at all. During the process of his fall, he had already changed a space.

The oak tree and the mountain fortress are naturally not his illusion, but the arrangement in the living space of the swallow.

This in itself is the action plan that Yanzi set up before.

Waiting for the opportunity, looking for an opportunity to place Quebec-1, and then use a dagger coated with a powerful paralysis potion to bring his flesh and blood up.

Taking advantage of his loss of mobility, he threw him directly into his lakeside grassland space.

But this set of operations is not over yet.

About half a minute later, Quebec-1, who was still unable to move before, suddenly felt his physical strength returned to him.

In the next second, he wanted to take out the spare pistol around his waist and prepare to fight back.

Of course, Yanzi had already made preparations a long time ago, and would give him a head-on attack when he stood up.

However, for unknown reasons, when he saw the surrounding environment clearly, he was surprised at the same time, but he threw the spare pistol that escaped to the ground, and then raised both hands to perform a French military salute.

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