Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 645: He becomes stronger

After all, after getting such a name from Rosecuff, Lu Yuan did not fail to collect information about this person with them.

If you're welcome, this power is only on the surface and can compete with the billionaire Ewan Hertz, not counting his connections in the Pentagon.

Facing such a giant enemy, everyone has to weigh their own strength.

"So what about you?" Once again helping the hunters on the road to repel the counterattack of the Great Rose mercenary in the high position, Turner hurriedly changed to another sniper position, and asked the lieutenant, "Why do you hunters dare to trouble him all the time? "

"How do you say this," the lieutenant sighed. "Like such a big man, naturally there are also enemies of the same big man."

"Lingks (Lynx, Turner's code name), now you know all these things, I want to ask," the lieutenant said deeply, "Can you control yourself?"

"What do you mean?" Turner asked with a cold face again.

"We have been investigating and collecting evidence for that guy not a day or two. Recently, we have wiped out a considerable part of their power." The lieutenant continued.

"As long as we continue to investigate, these things will be vindicated sooner or later!"

"Now you also have a new life, and new relatives need your care."

"Maybe you can't listen to what I say now. After all, I promised you that you would tell you all these things one to five to ten."

"But, just treat it as a blessing from an old friend of decades, can you bear this moment?"

If you change the situation, maybe Turner will be as worried as the lieutenant, regardless of the chance to seek revenge directly.

But now it's completely different. He is not only a person with a family and a room, but also a teammate who can be trusted. He even believed that even if he wanted to rush into the Pentagon to kill the culprit who was performing his duties, the two teammates would accompany him.

And in fact, the assassination part of that incident is not difficult, the only difficult thing is to escape afterwards.

Fleeing to other planes, although wasting the foundation of this world, is also an effective alternative.

But Turner would not choose to do that now. In addition to the fetters of his family, more importantly, he knows that there is something deeper than this series of conspiracies.

For example, the Theodore McCall, although the lieutenant did not say clearly, he also hinted that there is a huge family power behind him.

In the words of Big Mouth Black Armor, he is the illegitimate son of a certain super boss, and he is currently the first and second heir.

But Turner knew that these were not the scariest parts of the man. Because that guy, very likely, was a rebirth of a certain consciousness that had existed in the age of ancient mythology.

And it is very possible that for thousands or even tens of thousands of years, that person's reincarnation has not been interrupted.

Because according to Rosecuff, the Theodore McCall is really her father.

Not the biological father of the dark eagle body in this life. It is represented by the name Rosekoff. He lived with the Isu people in ancient times, and was later accepted as a servant of the **** by Isu Sonaz. Human girl, the biological father of humanity.

In other words, the man conservatively estimated that he was an ancient human in the era of the catastrophe of Baha over 75,000 BC.

Only relying on the technology of not only the Isu but also the outsiders, the Green Light Devil Void Flying Insect, that person's consciousness has survived to the present.

Of course, from Rosecuff's point of view, that person's ancient consciousness should not have been fully awakened.

Or in the long journey of life, he actively or passively threw away part of his memory.

Because of this recognition that can be called the mythical era, from the day he learned the true identity of the culprit who killed his ex-wife, Turner had never thought of accomplishing his revenge on that person on his own.

With this mentality, Turner only felt a sense of joy when he listened to the lieutenant's "Tun Tun's teaching".

It feels like the uncle next door who taught himself to read historical stories when he was a child, and read to himself historical stories again after many years.

It's just that now, that child has already become a professor of history.

Time has changed, things have changed and stars have changed, the world is different, and I am also different. Turner sighed inwardly.

"Well, I know." This is Turner's reply to the lieutenant's exhortations.

It's not that "you" can rest assured, it's not that "you" don't care, but that "I" knows.

The change of a personal pronoun changed the lieutenant's face slightly.

He knew that Turner was no longer the weak person who needed his own help to get rid of the life of a tramp.

He became stronger and bald...

Wrong, wrong, wrong script~

It should be said that he is already a strong mentality and no longer needs others to "care" him and guide him.

Faintly, the lieutenant also understood why he felt something was wrong with Turner just now.

In these few conversations, neither Turner, the lieutenant nor the others in the Hunter squad had stopped the attack in their hands.

Black official cars and vans were parked securely on the side of the road.

The lieutenant, luxury car, and Billy kid on the official car were scattered on both sides of the road. Under the cover of the luxury car grenade launcher, they continued to shoot at the emerging enemy with M4A1 points.

The van is driven by a police dog. The rear compartment has the middle door open at this time, and there are two people lying on the bottom of the compartment who have just replaced the anti-material sniper rifle with an assault rifle, a light machine gun bat, and a sail.

It can be said that in order to rescue the Turner family, except for the husband and wife file of the captain and the doctor, and the intelligence officer Song Sparrow, the main force of the entire city hunter investigation service company almost ran over.

A five-seater car and a seven-seater car only seated six people. There were exactly six seats left for the four female students of the family, Turner Swallows.

It's hard to say that this precise configuration was intentional or a coincidence.

Soon, without the suppression of the powerful units of the black armored fighters, the sails on the van were the first to pick up his M249 and jumped down, while suppressing the remaining dozen large Ross mercenaries with machine gun firepower. , While slowly looking for opportunities to rush forward.

Under the cover of his firepower, the two firepower assaulters of the short club Billy Kid also started from the side to assist in pushing the line.

Although the lieutenant is also considered a fireman, because he is also a commander, he will not lean too far.

However, the two drivers, the luxury car and the police dog, did not intend to get off the car, and were ready to use the vehicle to cope. Of course, they are not idle either. Both of them are masters of using rifle grenades. Will they add some smoke grenades to the front line?

At this time, the big Rose mercenary who was stunned by the tear gas has been cleaned up.

The remaining people rely on the villa as a defense, and have already brought all the gas masks.

It's just that although he had survived the tear gas attack, the one who commanded the Mercenary of Great Rose, was half happy.

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