Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 658: The third wave of despair

In fact, when Gunther arrived on the battlefield, Swallow and Turner, with the support of aerial firepower from the Hunter squad captain and others, had gradually grasped the initiative in the battle.

The eight Victor group black armors who had been riding in the Annihilator had been killed and one person was seriously injured, and one person was also seriously injured in the crash of the helicopter.

In addition, the six Zulu team with three birdies, because they forcibly jumped down at nearly 100 meters, were also killed by Turner and Yanzi who came with a counterattack.

The third bird was fighting with the squirrel helicopter of Captain Hunter, and the two black armors on the plane were far away from the combat center, so it did not become the focus of Turner and the swallow for a while.

However, there were four remaining members of Victor's team. After landing in the villa area, they directly chased the Swallows from the ground north, and there was a fierce exchange of fire with Swallows and Turner.

At this time, the six combatants of the Hunter squad who had left the battlefield no longer used the two ordinary civilian vehicles that were seen everywhere. Instead, they switched to two bullet-proof armored off-road vehicles and returned to the battlefield again.

The two threater armored off-road vehicles are "hunting vehicles" modified based on the civil Hummer site. They are actually vehicles used by gun lovers who like to hunt in the woods.

They are much smaller than the rebels they are used to, and of course the armor is thinner.

But if there is bad, there is good. The performance of these "old boy toys" modified by hunters is much higher than the original version. The acceleration and speed on urban roads must stabilize the rebels.

Moreover, the head sunroof draws on the design of the military Hummer, and two people in the back row can simultaneously drill out of the sunroof and use the external arms placed on the roof.

Of course, this setting also shows that this kind of thing will be quite inadequate against attacks above.

The civil Hummer (HUMMER) itself has a problem with its military version of its older brother (HUMVEE). It is not resistant to beatings and is nicknamed a living coffin.

It is enough to be transformed by hunters into the current type that can resist a dash of 50 machine gun rounds (.50BMG rounds) at a distance of 500 meters. People can't ask for too much.

What's more, the M2HB heavy machine gun mounted on the roof of the car is not fake. The specially modified gun frame can even be fired upward at a 90-degree angle, which is more threatening than the heavy machine gun that comes with the rebel pickup.

Moreover, the hunter can stand up and support with a shoulder-mounted stinger anti-aircraft missile or AT-4 anti-tank rocket at any time, so that the threat actor is exactly as the name suggests, and has a high degree of threat to the black armor.

After the two threats joined, the remaining six black armors on the ground were quickly attacked by both the hunter and the swallow. If it weren't for the lack of inventory of the previous cruise missiles, the swallows would have the confidence to round the six black armors directly.

It was at this moment that Gunther's Savage helicopter hurried over.

After getting in touch with the two Turner on the ground and learning that her home was half-destroyed by the black armor and the safety of her family was also threatened, Helena in the weapon bay directly pointed at the six remaining black armor on the ground and poured rockets. .

The second wave of black armor is completely wiped out.

Well, in a strict sense, even if Lu Yuan had included Gunther in the team of Crossers before, the six black armor points would still not reach his team, unless he also included Helena in the team.

Under Yanzi's surveillance, that is impossible.

After solving the second batch of black armors, the big Ross mercenaries who stayed near the villas of the two families were even less opponents.

With the combined forces of the three parties, only six or seven of the remaining remnants will be defeated and will soon surrender their guns.

After that, Helena clamored for Turner to take her to see if her sister was injured, and Gunther asked about the situation of her three beautiful colleagues.

When asked these two questions, Turner and Yanzi couldn't help but look at each other, and for a while they really had a headache.

Helena's problem is easy to solve, the big deal is to play a magic trick in front of everyone, Turner and Swallow together perform a big change in the ruins of the villa.

But Gunther's request was a bit difficult to handle.

After all, the fact that the three women are IAA and black armor double spies is really not one or two sentences that can be clear to Gunther.

And this kind of thing has always been Lu Yuan's task, and now he doesn't know where to go to play "Metal Gear Solid", Yanzi and Turner neither want nor are confident enough to complete this work for him.

As the situation on this side slowly became weird, the captain on the squirrel helicopter still in the sky eased their predicament.

But using it is bad news.

The third bird helicopter was not shot down by the captain. After all, the civilian version of the squirrel with an assembling weapon system is really not an opponent without the bird light armed reconnaissance helicopter with a heavy load.

Although the squirrel pilot relied on the ground snake's memory and skilful flying ability, he did not allow the bird to find a suitable transmitter-carrying stinger missile, but he also failed to give the captain a chance to counterattack.

After the savage helicopter used carpet bombing to clear the remaining black armor on the ground, the third bird knew that his abilities were not enough to change the situation of the battle, so he turned around and left the battlefield and fled towards the city.

As a result, about a few minutes later, the bird reappeared, unexpectedly returning with a fleet of six or seven helicopters.

Obviously, after the bird pilots who fled from the battlefield reported the situation of the battle, the upper class of the black armor sent a third batch of black armor reinforcements.

This time, although there is no high-end cargo that combines stealth and transportation in the helicopter group, there are three larger CH-53E super stallion transport helicopters.

These guys have a maximum take-off weight of nearly 20 tons, and they are basically testing back and forth on the edge of medium and heavy transport helicopters.

Even if it is transporting heavy soldiers like black armor, a CH-53E can transport at least 10 black armor and their armed forces in addition to the main and co-pilot.

In other words, three CH-53Es can transport 30 black armored fighters at once.

This horrible figure directly shows how bad the mood of the black boss is caused by the successive bad news.

However, this is not all. The armed helicopters that accompany the three transport helicopters and provide **** services are four UH-1 improved Valkyrie helicopters that also have certain transport functions.

Although the Valkyrie has increased its airborne weapons compared to its prototype, which has reduced its transportation capacity, it can still carry two more black armors on the premise that the main and co-pilot are also black armors.

This is twice as high as the nuclear carrying capacity of a light helicopter like the Little Bird.

After all, a bird can only transport two black armors, and the driver cannot be a black armor, and at the same time it cannot have a co-pilot.

If the main pilot is not considered to join the ground battlefield, then the four Valkyries can also bring twelve black armors into the field.

As a result, there were forty-two black armors in this batch of reinforcements.

When the news reached Gunther Turner and others on the ground, the heavy mood of everyone can be imagined.

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