Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 660: Big toy in a metal box

Since the backstage management asked the hunters to retreat and wait for the news, while Gunther and the others hurried to leave, the hunters' two threats also quickly retreated.

After slightly covering the two threats on the ground and disappearing nearby, the squirrel helicopter carrying the rescue team's red and white skin also slowly disappeared over the city.

At this time, Gunther's Savage helicopter had bypassed the Hollywood Hills and flew to the north in Blaine County in the valley between the Tatavian Mountains and the Hollywood Hills.

The formation of black armored helicopters flying from the southwest to the northeast from the center of the city also followed the savages at this time.

However, the current speed of the Savage is 300 kilometers per hour, and the CH-53E super stallion with a heavy nuclear load can only chase behind at a speed of 220 kilometers per hour.

On the contrary, the escorting Valkyrie has greatly enhanced its flight ability on the basis of the original UH-1, and its cruising speed has increased from 200 kilometers per hour to nearly 300 kilometers per hour.

If you don't deliberately save fuel and increase battery life, you can still catch up with the savages in front of you at the speed of the Valkyrie.

After all, Gunther also completely ignores the comfort of the three seats in the rear cabin, and uses his own skills to densely cover the large empty weight. The speed of 300 kilometers per hour is not the rated cruising speed of the wild man, and it will not be too long.

However, the four Valkyries dared to venture forward in this situation, leaving three CH53Es with no counterattack behind to be beaten. That really would test the tactical wisdom of the commander of this entire combat squadron.

Of course, there is also the ability to withstand stress.

But judging from the results, the unknown commander's two abilities are somewhat lacking.

Because as Gunther bypassed the Hollywood Hills and left Los Santos into the Blaine County airspace, he was also blocked by the black helicopter formation on the south side of the mountain. Two Valkyrie gunships were separated to chase Gunther and the others.

This method of division of troops cannot be said to have failed, at least it is better than going with four Valkyries, or just splitting out one.

At least from common sense.

But is Gunther someone who can be judged by common sense?

Even if Gunther is, is Turner or Swallow?

Just as Gunther entered the sky over Blaine County, and the overall flight attitude had been stable, Turner and Swallow glanced at each other, eagerly unfastened their seat belts, and got up from their seats.

Under the dubious gaze of Shitou's head, the two opened the large metal-clad cargo box that each took the helicopter, and pulled out pieces of unknown firearm parts from it.

The two first placed a frame structure on the rear cabin seat, and used a structure similar to a support rod to fix the frame in the cabin with the seat as the center.

After confirming that the frame was strong enough, the two together set up equipment similar to a remote-controlled machine gun stand on it.

Soon, a set of remote-controlled M2 heavy machine guns with a fixed gun platform structure were built in the engine room. It's just that the weird barrel looks like a sci-fi movie prop in the eyes of Stone's head who doesn't go to school much.

In fact, he feels right, because this set of so-called remote control machine guns is actually an improved coil gun based on the coiled electromagnetic gun in Luyuan space.

For example, the frame has strong universality. It can be built not only in the cabin of the wild man, but also in a car with enough space.

On the other hand, the remote control weapon station system on the frame has quite strong stability, and can even compare with the stability of the gimbal used for camera on the drone.

More importantly, this remote weapon station system itself can also be moved to a certain extent, so that it is convenient to adjust the weapon station in a vehicle where the supportable part and the fireable part are not consistent.

Finally, it is the coil gun itself.

The coil gun in Luyuan Space is an enlarged version based on the hand-held coil gun "snatched" from the Meriweather Mercenary Corps.

However, because the coil gun itself has been strengthened for its energy supply and the design of relying solely on the power of ammunition has been abandoned, the coil gun has a higher energy requirement.

The power supply method using special batteries like the original version can no longer support the energy demand of the coil gun.

So that thing can only be connected to the power supply line in the space, and it is directly powered by the generator system that comes with the space.

But when it is used outside, it is impossible to use a portable diesel or gasoline generator to supply energy, right?

So in the end, after the successful research work of the Dragon UAV weapon system, Lu Yuan simply trial-produced a magical version of the system that uses the soul stone of the plane of Nin to release lightning magic.

Although the electrical energy output by Lightning Magic is not stable enough, after installing a special stabilizer module, it can finally be used to provide stable power in a short period of time.

Of course, this system still cannot provide a long-lasting stable power supply, but it is used for the coil gun that is released immediately after short-term energy storage, and it complements each other.

Moreover, the final volume of this system is not large, which is larger and limited than the bullet supply box of the M2 machine gun. Once the magic energy of the soul stone is exhausted and it is difficult to replace the soul stone alone, it can be like replacing the bullet supply box. Change another set.

By solving the power supply mechanism, the structure of the body part of the coil gun can be much smaller.

At least, all the parts of this coil gun were truly scattered in the two metal boxes of Turner and Swallow, and they could still be put down successfully. And it is the case where a shock absorption mechanism is installed inside the metal box.

Of course, the two of them are not so idle. In fact, the parts that have been assembled into large modules in advance are placed in their portable spaces.

Because the two were not familiar with this set of coil guns, they couldn't start from the smallest parts. They had to let Lu Yuan assemble them into a large module in advance, so that their length size would be the same. It will be too high, and only large parts can be stored separately.

The two metal boxes that looked like they could put a crouched adult in were actually two blind tools. It is specially used to hide the portable space of two people.

Even so, when the two assembled the coil cannons, the stone head looked at the two men as if looking at God, and kept muttering, "Is this the ability of high-end mercenaries? This is too strong? "

However, the stronger ones are still behind.

After confirming the successful installation of this thing through the self-check module, Yanzi immediately greeted Gunther and Helena in the cockpit and signaled her to open the rear cabin side door to prepare them.

Although at the flying altitude of the helicopter, the cabin door will not be pressed out of the cabin due to the pressure imbalance when opening the cabin door like a high-altitude civil airliner, but the similar impact is still there, but it is lighter.

When a vehicle driving at high speed on a highway suddenly opens its windows, the vehicle body will be blown laterally by the sudden change of air turbulence, not to mention the faster helicopter at an altitude of several hundred meters.

What's more, opening the cabin will inevitably lead to a drop in the speed of the helicopter, which also requires the pilot to be psychologically prepared.

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