Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 662: Cannons can bully people

The Yanzi didn't notice the full stomach of Stone's spit.

Even if they knew, they would only deal with the past with a chuckle.

After all, people and people's ideas cannot be generalized. Some people have a sufficient bottom line for certain things, and some people have been affected by the ears and eyes since childhood, and the cognition of such things is no different from tobacco, alcohol, sugar and tea.

Since I was a child, I felt that the thing seemed to be some kind of necessities of life, so most people in that system would have a negative attitude towards banning the thing, and there would be no psychological pressure on the production, sales and use of the thing.

As a result, a certain country firmly occupies the vast majority of global consumption of such things.

So a vicious circle arises.

Turner, the only local in the Luyuan team, also hated this, but there were too many things that made him hate, and he was really limited in what he could manage.

After all, counting that he was expelled from the army and his wife and daughter were assassinated by a chaebol's prospective heir with a self-destructive man, Turner is simply a proper template for a local dark-faced victim.

At this time, the victim was sharpening his sword, ready to strike back against the perpetrator's eagle at any time.

With Turner's drones providing additional battlefield information, Rosecuff has a more accurate understanding of the enemy's position, separation, respective speed and even battlefield wind speed.

After processing the newly acquired data, Rosecuff once again signaled the completion of preparation to the swallow.

This time Yanzi didn't hesitate anymore, and directly contacted Gunther to let him maintain a stable flight attitude for a short time.

After confirming that everything was ready, as Rosecuff completed the lock on the enemy, Yanzi simultaneously pressed the trigger button on the military laptop.

At the same time, a tungsten alloy arrow-shaped projectile wrapped in a polymer shell in the barrel of the coil gun began to accelerate forward. After the coil was accelerated several times, the thing left the barrel at a speed of nearly Mach eight.

The polymer shell fell off instantly after leaving the barrel, leaving only the arrow-shaped projectile flying towards the enemy plane.

The specially processed warhead still maintained a stable and precise trajectory in high-speed flight, rushing over a distance of thousands of meters in an instant, and went straight to a black armored soldier on the console of the revolving machine gun in the rear compartment of the Valkyrie.

In a short distance, the speed of the warhead didn't decay much, and in the end, it shot through the outer armor of the black armored warrior at a speed of Mach six or seven, and even penetrated the other side of the back armor.

Although the tungsten alloy arrow-shaped bullet directly pierces the black armor, the huge kinetic energy lost in the process is also dissipated in the black armor.

Under the impact of this huge energy, the internal organs in the chest cavity of the black armor were squeezed and crushed instantly, and there was no possibility of surviving after being pierced.

Even the black armor pierced by the arrow-shaped bullet in the lens, the body was taken out of the cabin by huge kinetic energy, and fell into the Hollywood mountains.

After looking at the kill records in the system, Swallow did not hesitate to quickly charge the coil gun once, and when Rosecuff steadily caught the revolving machine gun operator on the other side, he pulled the trigger again. .

That's right, the reason why the coil cannon was used in the cabin this time, the swallow wanted to deal with the black armor one by one.

Attacking the helicopter body directly with the power of a tungsten alloy arrow-shaped projectile, of course, it can be shot down with one shot. To the purpose of destroying the enemy's vitality.

So the swallow simply chose this somewhat wasteful method and used tungsten alloy arrow-shaped bullets to directly sniper the black armor long-rangely.

There is no alternative, because Lu Yuan has not yet solved the problem of conventional economical ammunition for coil guns due to lack of time.

After all, flying at speeds of up to Mach 8 in the atmosphere, most metals will deform under the high temperature caused by huge air friction, which will affect accuracy.

Therefore, the high-temperature-resistant material of tungsten alloy is the easiest thing in Lu Yuan's hand to make ammunition for the coil gun.

Soon, with the completion of the third charge, the rear compartment machine gunner on the other Valkyrie was also hit.

At this time, the two Valkyries who left the formation and chased Yanzi and the others realized that they had been attacked, and both made maneuvering evasive actions.

Although at the speed of the tungsten alloy arrow-shaped projectile, the enemy cannot hear the ear-piercing squeaking sound of supersonic ammunition before being hit, but it can always be heard after the attack is over.

However, it is a pity that the huge noise caused by the helicopter's own flight method will cover up the sound transmission, causing the remaining black armor to be unable to judge that they have been attacked by the sound.

In the end, the life status indicator system integrated in the Black Armor revealed the cruel fact that they were about to be cut in half.

In fact, even if the two Valkyries began to evade immediately after the third black armor was hit, they still did not escape Rosecuff's capture.

After all, the old design of the Valkyrie main body makes its flexibility in the air unsatisfactory. Even if it is evaded in time, it is easy for observers to determine its next flight direction.

After all, the actions it can make are limited, so the next possible movement trajectory will be well judged on the premise of not affecting the following tasks as much as possible.

It is as if someone is chasing after you run ahead, and when you want to turn around and punch him, he will hide, but at the same time he doesn't want to be dropped too far by you, then he can only hide to the left or to the right.

In a helicopter in flight, there will be no people running on the playground that are flexible.

So the fourth arrow-shaped projectile was shot, directly taking away the fourth black armor.

However, in the strict sense of this round, Rosecuff shot missed, because she predicted that the target was the last machine gunner, but it was the co-pilot on the Valkyrie that was hit.

But the effect of this shot is not bad at all. After all, a shot in the co-pilot means a shot in the body. At the same time, it did not directly hit the weak part of the body, and would not destroy it in one blow.

So this blow not only killed the co-pilot controlling the Valkyrie's nose cannon, but also lowered the helicopter's power by the way.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of the main pilot to adjust the flight attitude imbalance caused by the hole in a hurry, the swallow's next arrow-shaped projectile was fired again.

This gun, due to its location, directly penetrated the windshield, wiped the driver's helmet, and penetrated the steel plate inside the aircraft again, hitting the last machine gunner.

The difference is that this time the arrow-shaped projectile failed to penetrate the second layer of black armor, but was nailed into the armor of the machine gunner's back.

But despite this, the complete loss of terminal kinetic energy caused huge damage to the black armor. The fifth black armor was pawn.

The remaining three black armors checked the situation in the team information and couldn't help but lament, is this too bullying? What the **** is that?

After all, the coil gun is no better than the rail gun, and the movement during launch is not big enough.

On the other side, after five consecutive attacks, the power supply of the coil gun is also insufficient,

Fortunately, Turner had already taken out another set of energy supply modules in advance, and after Swallow recovered the cannon body, he immediately replaced it.

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