Confirming these gains, Lu Yuan's regret over not being able to seize the opportunity to more smoothly harvest in the black methyl ground below his feet once again dispelled most of the regret.

It was a miracle in Lu Yuan's view to finally cheat some of the difficult girls from the Turner family into the space.

This time, his worries in the Sanctuary of Luo were reduced by more than half in an instant.

After not having that much psychological pressure, he was determined to try many things that he had not dared to do before.

The second overall value gains are Julian, Robin and Chainsaw.

Although these three can't compare with Rosecuff and Siafi, they can solve the most recent huge doubt in Lu Yuan's heart, that is, what kind of calculations are behind the Donbass affairs.

Although Lu Yuan has already confirmed most of the request from Julian as an IAA agent, he still needs this guy to help him add some details.

In short, although the cause of the Donbass armed conflict has not changed, the goals that all parties want to achieve seem to be very different from what he previously speculated.

For example, he believed that Donbass was forced to rebel, and the backing was more of the support of Rose. Now it seems that IAA has contributed to a lot of actions from it.

If you add the Beech anti-aircraft missile that the Donbass obtained from Big Rose, it is actually under the control of the mercenaries led by IAA agent Julian. It's more complicated.

If Lu Yuan is really a Russin from Donbass or a Da Rus, at this time it really has a headache how to characterize this matter.

Fortunately, he is not.

He knew very well that things like this, even if they were simple at first, as the various forces continue to follow into the field, they will eventually be made extremely complicated.

He is a passer-by, and he wants to help cut the mess quickly, but that is just to directly destroy the complex thread group created by the various forces. The so-called solution of the problem is only temporary.

When he pulls away and leaves, the contradictions that have not been fundamentally resolved will again breed new chaos.

Faced with that kind of thing, from his eighteen years of ordinary people’s perspective plus two years of life as a traverser and the memory of the Isu people who don’t know the years, the only way he knows that can fundamentally solve the problem is that the home country is doing it. kind.

In the final analysis, people are pursuing a sense of happiness in life. Although it is a feeling, it is not directly proportional to the concept of wealth, etc., but there is a certain corresponding relationship.

It's roughly the same as that sentence, money is not necessarily happy, but it is definitely not happy to be short of money in an accident.

The most inevitable and most concerned issues in most people’s daily lives will not be unable to be solved due to lack of money. So-called social problems can be solved more than half.

Yes, looking at only one person alone, human beings are indeed hard to fill in their desires, as if desires follow one another, and will never be satisfied.

But when it rises to the collective height, the overall demand of a group also conforms to the probability distribution.

To put it simpler, the definition of a good life for a group will increase as the average quality of life of the group rises, but this speed will not be too fast. At least not so fast that all the efforts made to this end will not catch up.

Just like people eating, eating less makes it easier to work hungry and loses energy, eating more and gaining weight are prone to various diseases and die early. It is best to eat 80% full.

In this way, people will not go hungry or gain weight, and the rate of appetite growth can be controlled and healthy.

The society as a whole yearns for happiness in the same way.

In places where there are problems, in most cases, the reason is that people there can only get three points full.

In places like Russin and even Donbass, people can only eat three minutes full, but they were told in advance that they might only eat two or even one full.

In that case, it will be chaotic.

Even if there are no spoilers coming in, it will only be like poor countries in Africa or Latin America, drifting out of the eyes of others, and every day is a human tragedy, but no one pays attention.

Although Donbass made things more complicated because of the spoiler's entry, it finally attracted a certain degree of attention.

Whether it is a blessing or a curse, Donbass himself should be the one who can make the choice.

Heaven saves the self-help, otherwise everyone will be powerless.

Compared to Lu Xin's problem that is destined to be unsolved in a few years or even more than ten years, Lu Yuan wanted to clarify the black armor problem on Luo Sandu's side.

Then after the captives received the goods, the three of them also merged the information about the black armor.

The fact that oneself and others are numbered "spoilers" by the black armor is just the basis.

The establishment of the four squadrons of the black armor has been known for a long time.

There is also the expansion of Black Armor, who used to find a master, and recently it is even more unscrupulous, and it is also improving with Ewan Hertz's cyber technology.

Unfortunately, in the successive attacks of the three battlefields, the black armor's core combat power has lost at least half.

After that, the low-level logic behind the succession of the Black Armor was the same party that did not exceed Lu Yuan's expectations.

Mike Cole’s opponent has also been confirmed many times, and is the same person as the city hunters and IAA agent Lachman.

However, after communicating with this, Turner and Lu Yuan turned their heads at the same time to look at Evelyn, the woman in red, who was protected by the hunters. When they turned back, they nodded secretly to each other.

The swallow next to Turner also turned his head, but it was his master who was looking at him.

Knowing that she was worried about herself, worried that she didn't know how to face the person who might have used her group, but also had inextricable connections with her, Turner just patted her on the shoulder to express her gratitude, but Did not say much.

If it's just three people being used by Evelyn to fight for control of McCall, it doesn't matter.

However, this is only the first layer hidden underwater.

Just as the three people gathered the tripartite news together, a sudden change occurred between the two groups of people who were facing each other.

First, the remaining hunters also got helicopters and quickly rushed to this sea from the city.

Then, at least ten black armors "grew" out of the sea one after another. It was the external elevator at the top of the underwater base that was working.

The number of confrontations between the two sides has risen sharply, and the probability of conflict has also greatly increased.

At this moment, there was a riot on the side of the black armor that was disassembling the shell, and then a black armor was suddenly thrown into the sky without knowing what attack he had suffered, and then fell into the sea nearby like a broken kite.

While falling, the blood spewing from the neck of his headless corpse outlined a weird and evil spectacle in the air. Even faintly formed a rainbow.

Seeing this scene, the hunter almost pulled the trigger, but Evelyn reached out to stop it.

The strange thing is that he was hit hard by this, and the remaining black armor not only didn't shoot, but soon there was one person who took the initiative to put down his weapon and continued to drill towards the place of the accident.

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