Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 760: As long as you are willing to cheat, tanks hit planes

Lu Yuan looked at Sam who was sitting on the floor opposite, hesitating to inform him of the "Merriewether Project" he had discovered.

What if he is also part of this plan?

No, what is even more frightening is, what if he is one of the executors of this plan?

The mutual trust that has just been established will disappear again.

In his entanglement, Turner, who had collected the corpse of the Gallus gallus, also took Gunther and Helena in the next door freezer.

Faced with the female stars in the palace, Swallow finally chose the way to deal with Quebec-1, threw these women back to the main plane, and let her dryad empire give these poor heads mostly broken or never well. Women have a new life.

Of course, there are no movies, no TV series, no Internet, and no social media in that new life.

There should be drama, and I hope these people can have a second spring.

Moreover, most people in that world don't care much about their "splendid" private lives. It's a big deal to describe them as some kind of female warlocks. Anyway, the style is similar.

Lu Yuan couldn't say anything about the way Yanzi handled it. At least this does not kill the innocent, nor does it allow the danger.

If they still have any relatives and friends in Luo Shengdu who can't let go, they will find one to send one to fulfill their relationship.


Turner and Yanzi returned after finishing their work, but Lu Yuan was still struggling.

Seeing that their mission had been completed, Lu Yuan couldn't hesitate further, and simply told Sam about Meriweather's plan.

"You mean, these gangsters have a plan called the'Merriewether Project', which is to collect special equipment that Mike Cole secretly placed around Los Santos?" Sam asked with a frown.

When he said this, Lu Yuan not only didn't frown, but rather relaxed.

Sam's performance shows that he is not a member of this plan with a high probability. Even if it is, it is mostly a chess piece rather than a chess player.

"Not good!" Not long after Lu Yuan felt relieved, Sam suddenly yelled and awakened him again.

"What's the matter?" Lu Yuan asked hurriedly.

"Damn, we all underestimated that lunatic! He wanted to take advantage of Meri Weather's chance to eat the former in one go!" Sam said and stood up from the ground immediately.

"No, we can't waste any more time. There is not much time left until Merriweather initiates! The people who just resurrected Chris should be the guard sentries who were pulled out in advance! Damn, it looks like their action is ahead of schedule! "

"We have to warn them as soon as possible!"

Although Sam, who was skipping work halfway through his personal affairs, was suddenly a little bit abrupt with his professional ethics, Lu Yuan understood why he was so excited.

Because so far, Sam thinks the fastest way to leave Los Santos and head to Washington, DC on the east coast is to return to the port controlled by Meriwether, and from there take a helicopter to the nearest airport and fly directly to the east coast.

And if Meriweather's site is also controlled by the gangsters like Los Santos International Airport, his journey back to the east coast will have to be delayed for at least a few more hours.

So, after searching the ruins of the factory for the last time and recovering a few suspected Isu gold apples from certain key locations, the four returned to the elevator from the original road, climbed up the elevator shaft by themselves, and finally returned to the ground.

The so-called Isu golden apple is the most commonly used form of optical analysis props by the Isu people.

Many other forms of light analysis props can also be transformed into a spherical shape that emits golden light, that is, golden apples.

But these few are not golden apples. If you want to say, they can only be green apples, not even green apples. Because the light radiating from the outside of them is the dark green of the green devil. Weird, gloomy, and chilling.

Unfortunately, Lu Yuan didn't have the opportunity to study this thing.

He can only be sure of one thing, and that is that these green apples are the core of the resurrection factory, that is, the small cloud consciousness uploading center made by the green light devil simulation world tree supercomputer.

So he didn't dare to leave these things in the work space for Siafei to study, nor did he dared to let them accompany the Valeria purple lizard that might change at any time, but threw them in the portable space.

The next step is to move forward and break through the blockades of the Gangster Alliance.

This time, none of the four are keeping hands.

Lu Yuan and the three changed into normal assault rifles. After breaking through the first blockade, Sam picked up a gang-used AK and performed the marksmanship he had practiced in Eastern Europe.

This time, the four of them can be described as cutting melons and vegetables, riding Juechen, oh, riding Juechen, and quickly traveled from the small Seoul area to the junction of Shizhong District and Nanluo Shengdu.

The prophet in the population such as Little Liz who was supposed to be there only left a note saying that there was a sudden important event and left temporarily.

After returning to the ground, Sam kept trying to get in touch with Meriweather's commander via satellite phone, but there was no signal.

If Lu Yuan and others were puzzled about this matter before, after destroying the underground resurrection factory, they have already understood that the gangster alliance has some kind of electronic jamming equipment in their hands, or the kind that will not be affected by the blackout. .

This thing is one of the magic weapons that the Gangster Alliance can firmly control Shizhong District and Nanluodu.

At this time, the four of them had no other thoughts. What kind of cell division actions of the Rainbow team were all left behind, and they rushed towards the Laporta area with all their strength.

Passing through the Laporta area, or taking the high-speed elevated road or simply taking the waterway to continue south, it is the site controlled by the Meriwether Mercenary Group, the South Los Santo Port Area.

However, when the four of them marched to the iconic building of Laporta District, the Garden Bank Arena, the battle in the South Luodu District on the east side made them, uh, in fact, the main reason for Sam’s mood fell into a trough. .

They saw with their own eyes that the formation of at least twenty helicopters, including the Bird Armed Reconnaissance Helicopter, the Valkyrie Armed Transport Helicopter, and the FH-1 Hunter Armed Helicopter, assembled by Meri Weather did not take long for Nanluodu. Suddenly volley exploded in twos and threes.

The four hurriedly figured out a way to climb to the heights and looked through the binoculars. They unexpectedly saw Sankudo rhino tanks parked on a **** of 30 or 45 degrees on the top of buildings in Nanluodu and even in some central districts.

It was a tank that was supposed to be crushed by a gunship. At this time, I didn't know who modified the artillery fuze. As a result, one tank gun became an anti-aircraft gun. After crossing a distance of four or five kilometers, it exploded in the air near the helicopter.

On the other hand, the helicopter, although there are Hellfire air-to-surface missiles, the hit rate is poor for some reason.

In the first batch of Hellfire launched by more than 20 helicopters, only two tanks were hit. After the tanks calibrated their trajectories, the safe launch space of the helicopters was greatly compressed, and the missiles launched sporadically afterwards had a lower hit rate.

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