Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 818: Events in Europe at the Beginning of the 15th Century

Of course, this kind of time disturbance of the grandfather's paradox, the longer the distance, the easier it is to be filled in by the self-correction of the timeline.

For example, in 2013, Zhang San, a hundred years ago, the great-great-grandfather Li Si was killed by a time traveler, then it could also be that Li Si's brother Wang Er married Li Si's daughter-in-law and gave birth to Zhang San's ancestor.

The changes in Zhang San's body may be small.

If the difference is more than one hundred years, but six hundred years, then the timeline of the disturbance caused by an isolated event will be easier to correct.

So although a red deer deducted Lu Yuan's money, it only deducted eight points.

Although a little bit unreasonable, Lu Yuan quickly picked up his mood and continued his fourth exploration.

This time, he still chose the Jeanne line.

Not for anything else, just for the powerful conspiracies surrounding this girl, those who want to use her, and even create her mythology.

Then, he actually found something.

For example, among the nobles on the Anglo-Chinese side, there are hidden conspirators who are extremely similar to the Knights Templar.

Those people, although they are quite familiar with the affairs of Jacques de Molay, the last leader of the Templars, they did not say the word Templar when Lu Yuan monitored them through disguise props and other means. .

Instead, there is something called the inner ring, or the ring, TheCircle.

These people call their organizations that way. It feels like the inner sanctuary of the Knights Templar. But they are not the same.

However, these people acted very carefully, and they barely revealed many flaws to Luyuan, especially flaws related to Isu Technology.

There is only one thing, when Nadak was finally put to death by the Angloans, her sword fell into the hands of these people.

However, after these people got the holy sword, they did not realize that it was the most important power component, that is, the so-called sacred heart that was thrown into the river by the servants. Therefore, the holy sword is in the hands of these people, but the material is special. It’s just a weapon.

This also proves from the side that these people have limited knowledge of Isu technology.

So Lu Yuan didn't find any useful information from them in the end.

On the other hand, the creator of Jeanna's rumor, Yolande of Aragon, surprised Lu Yuan.

Lu Yuan did not notice during the first contact, but after many times he fully confirmed the identity of this person, who was a quasi-awakened person.

This is an intermediate state in which one's own human memory is retained to a certain extent, while part of the Isu memory is downloaded, but the two can coexist peacefully.

Lu Yuan hadn't fully judged her Isu identity, but according to her feelings, it should be someone at the Olympus test site or the Danu test site. It is one of Greco-Roman mythology or Celtic mythology.

Because when Lu Yuan was preparing for a showdown with him, the time tracer watch in his hand issued a strong vibration warning.

According to the warning statement, Lu Yuan's subsequent behavior may cause serious time disturbance, and it is likely to be thrown into time turbulence by this period of time.

As a last resort, Lu Yuan can only watch remotely here.

But this time, Lu Yuan finally determined that he could actually use the time backtracker as a time disturbance radar instead of having to do so to find the historical fragments that would cause him to alert.

Therefore, even though he did not break the game for the fourth time, Lu Yuan admitted that he had caught the tail of victory.

By the way, he also discovered a dispensable little detail. The amazing girl who was burned to death on the torture rack turned into a devout female follower of the girl here.

The latter "willingly" die for her so that she can marry her beloved one incognito and have a peaceful life.

However, in Lu Yuan's view, it was the half-awakened Yoland who used the Isu artifact or something in her hand to control the mind of the poor scapegoat.

As for the reason, or other bystanders would think that it was the compensation of the user half pity and half guilt for the user, but Lu Yuan would not be so naive.

Considering that Yolande was only half-awakened, and there should be someone behind her, maybe it was the prophet on this timeline, so the reasons for leaving Nadak's life and even letting her give birth to as many children as possible were almost obvious.

Because she is a person with a very high concentration of Isu genetic material in the individual, although she has not awakened, her child, presumably, the concentration of Isu genetic material will not be low.

If Lu Yuan was the prophet, even in order to make the manpower a little more abundant in 2013, he would try his best to allow individuals with high Isu gene concentrations in history to leave as many children as possible.

So far, all the suspicious issues on the Anglo-French Hundred Years' War have been investigated by Lu Yuan.

As a result, the key perturbation to break the game is not here.

However, knowing that the time tracer can send out time disturbance warnings still gave Lu Yuan infinite confidence.

So, next time, Lu Yuan began to track the major events in this period of European history inch by inch.

For example, the invasion of Naples by Alfonso V of Aragon.

Naples was only a city in Italy in later generations, but at this time it was a kingdom occupying the southern half of the Apennines (Italian Peninsula).

Although Aragon’s capture of Naples did not have a particularly significant impact on later generations of Europe, it is also an important part of modern Italy.

More importantly, Lu Yuan can continue to attack someone's identity while chasing this line.

That is the half-awakened one, Yoland of Aragorn.

Yolande was the daughter of the former king of the Kingdom of Aragon, but after their direct males were no longer there, Aragon chose a new king, the family of Alfonso V, to be precise, his father.

The in-laws of the former Germanic chiefs of the European royal family are far from interested, and they are not playing a p-society game.

But soon, Lu Yuan discovered that historical events that only affected Francis and Italy, and no disturbance occurred.

Although the new generation of kings of the Kingdom of Aragon seems to have contact with the inner ring organization of Anglia.

There was no drama here in Western Europe, and Lu Yuan began to walk east.

Not to mention, at this time, the Holy Roman Empire also had an event that had a far-reaching impact on future generations, the Hussite War. The Czech peasant war against the church.

In other words, it was a peasant uprising.

Regrettably, although this war has a profound impact on European political history and religious history, it has little to do with Lu Yuan. He only cares about time disturbances.

But there is none here.

Further east, what's next?

In 1424, the Ottoman Empire occupied all the territories of the Eastern Roman Empire except Constantinople.

This means that a thousand years after the collapse of Western Rome, Eastern Rome was almost exhausted.

After losing the nourishment of the Silk Road, it is almost impossible for this empire to survive.

But Lu Yuan's problem was that the disturbance he was looking for was still not here.

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