Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 823: Obsidian Pedigree

What about the holy land of Yokotan, Lu Yuan looked at the surrounding landscape and his heart was very familiar. This is clearly the area where the Olmec ruins are located.

What will the future generations call this place? Yes, La Venta!

It was the relic of the mother of Mesoamerican civilization that Lu Yuan found when he wanted to get in touch with the Isu survivor Quetzalcoatl again after he left Los Santos.

There was a typical Olmec statue in the place where Campeche’s chief just looked.

"Holy land?" Captain Huang frowned and looked around, and found those statues that could be regarded as exquisitely crafted to these locals, and he couldn't help but nod.

"Could it be that this is their goal?"

Since the answer to the question "Why Chief Soldier Wang came here with mercenaries" that bothered everyone was right in front of them, naturally not many people in the team flinched.

People at this time were indeed superstitious, but after enjoying the life of being treated as a **** by the locals for a few days, most of the crew at least had little fear of the gods of the locals.

As for those in Campeche, although hesitated, they didn't leave alone because Kukulkan's envoy was nearby.

Soon, the team that had done a good job of internal coordination left the coastline and moved towards the depths of the ruins.

As the journey deepened, in addition to the number of relics began to increase, the remains of the corpses on the road also changed.

The most surprising thing is that the bodies of fleet mercenaries began to appear on the road.

All the way from the Xiu family's site, this is the first time everyone has seen the Wang Zongbing attrition.

Isn’t everyone surprised that they crushed the enemy along the way and never left any wounded?

There are indeed some doubtful voices.

But this phenomenon is also easy to explain.

After all, the absence of a dropped body on the battlefield is different from the fact that no one was injured in the battle.

Since Zongbing Wang's mercenary regiment can defeat the enemy every time, they naturally have plenty of time to clean the battlefield after the battle is over.

In this case, it is normal not to leave corpses on the battlefield.

But now, the mercenaries not only attrition, but also left their bodies on the battlefield. What does this mean?

This shows that Wang Zongbing's people are not as relaxed as before.

Under the continuous attack of the Yokotan people, they could not calmly clean the battlefield.

This change shows that after several failures, the Yokotans began to threaten mercenaries.

In fact, other changes on the battlefield also corroborated this point.

The Maya did not enter the Iron Age. Don't talk about iron, not even bronze.

The core component of the sharp weapon they used was obsidian, a natural glass formed after the cooling of volcanic magma, um, natural colored glaze.

It is this kind of obsidian that is unlikely to appear on the previous battlefield.

Most of the weapons used by Mayan soldiers were only the most primitive wooden spears.

But the battlefield after entering the ruins group is different.

Not only did the corpses of mercenaries appear on the battlefield, but there were also a large number of elite fighters using obsidian weapons on the Yokotan side.

These warriors not only use obsidian arrow arrows, but also obsidian spears, and even a one-handed weapon with many obsidian stone leaves embedded in it, similar to a mace with a wooden stick at the core.

This knife-like and saw-like weapon covered with obsidian teeth leaves Lu Yuan instantly remembered the bone serrated knife used by the double-knife green lizard in the normal timeline.

Although the materials are different, the overall design is very similar.

Spears using obsidian as the tip of the spear have also appeared sporadically on the battlefield before, but this stone-leaf mace, which uses a lot of obsidian, is also the first time it has entered the ruins area.

Lu Yuan also picked up this thing and tried it. Not to mention, except for the original and smaller size, this thing is quite good whether it is the handle of the handle or the swinging body.

Naturally, it is completely incomparable with the best steel weapons. After all, natural colored glaze also has the commonality of colored glaze. It is hard but also brittle.

However, because of its brittleness, if this obsidian weapon breaks into the body to produce fragments, it will kill people more than ordinary iron weapons.

There were quite a lot of scars from this weapon on the corpses of the few mercenaries dressed as Persian warriors on the battlefield.

"Be careful!"

Discovering that the Yokotans here were already able to pose a threat to Wang Zongbing's mercenaries, Captain Huang said to his own people with a somewhat ugly expression.

Continuing to deepen into the southern dense forest, there are more and more stone ruins, and more and more corpses of mercenaries and elite Mayan warriors.

And high-value weapons such as synthetic bows that have not been taken away began to appear on the corpses of mercenaries.

Lu Yuan left it silently. General Wang Jinhai, a mercenary team with two or three hundred men, went from the Yucatan Peninsula all the way through Campeche Bay, and there was almost no reduction in staff before entering the ruins.

However, it has only been a few kilometers since entering the ruins area, and the number of people has been reduced by dozens.

This huge difference between before and after, if only because they entered the holy land of the Yokotan people, the plane is too thin.

Sure enough, when the team advanced about one kilometer or so again, Lu Yuan's expedition was also attacked by Mayan warriors.

Although these Mayan warriors resembled those of Campeche in appearance, they were obviously more gorgeous in dress.

Because of the climate, most of Campeche’s soldiers only have the simplest underwear, and their bodies are mainly marked with tattoos and graffiti.

So they stand with the well-armed Eastern Expedition, and it is not an exaggeration that people like Lu Yuan are considered to be divine envoys.

But these elite Maya who attacked Lu Yuan and others not only had their headwear more colorful and exaggerated, but they also wore cloak-like leather armor or wood chip armor on their bodies.

Although it is still not as protective as full body armor, the armor of these elite Mayan fighters can at least protect the heart and even the throat. Dealing with enemies who also use obsidian weapons, they still have a great advantage.

As for why these people don't wear full body armor, maybe someone will laugh at the far side of the road at first, but after traveling hundreds of kilometers in this hot and humid place, no one doubts these local elite choices anymore.

On the contrary, many sailors from Southeast Asia want to dress like these people.


But immediately, their attitude will change again.

Because the lack of armor means the lack of armor. These Mayan elites looked very bluffing, mostly because of their gorgeous headdresses.

Those cloak-like half-length armors, under the strong bows and crossbows of the Eastern Expedition, are not much better than no armor at all.

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