Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 849: The second Asgard

Although Sigurd had anticipated the entrance to the God Realm, he followed the siblings and entered the familiar mountains far away. When I saw the Isu ruins in the cave, it looked like a towering tree of Isu equipment. At that time, he was still taken aback.

That thing is clearly the fragmented skeleton of the Asa God Realm Stone that was destroyed by them when Loki led the team to invade the Temple of Asa!

The Thunder God Arrow God Realm Stone in Lu Yuan's hand was a fragment that fell from that giant God Realm Stone.

Although he had long guessed that this giant God Realm Stone should have been obtained by Loki's people, he even extracted the consciousness of other Asaisans from it, and made them play the Twilight of the Gods again, but he really saw this thing. , Still let Lu Yuan sigh.

However, when Sigurd, who was in a state of memory confusion, accidentally triggered this set of equipment that looked like a tree and was thought to be the World Tree by Aivor, the two were actually pierced behind their necks by the mechanical arms of the equipment that looked like branches. Hung up.

In that way, it seemed that the two had become corpses hung on the tree for public display.

Suddenly, Lu Yuan was far away from them. Before they had time to help, the two were hung up one after another.

However, when Lu Yuan realized that the two were not dead, but fell into a deep sleep similar to hibernation, he soon realized that the branch that lifted the two of them was actually an access device that supported the "hot plug" consciousness upload.

Compared with the device that can upload hundreds of thousands of consciousnesses at the same time in the God Realm Stone of the Temple of Asa in the past, this branch-type access device that can only accommodate up to ten people at the same time is too simple, and it is also very useful for resources. Too wasteful.

In particular, this kind of technology that still needs to be connected to the nerves behind the neck to upload consciousness is many generations behind the technology used by Sonaz and others in the past.

However, after checking this thing, Lu Yuan confirmed several other things, one of which is that the real World Tree supercomputer should not have been mastered by Ascharotar.

Because the technical abilities displayed by those Lizardmen couldn't be compared with the Yisu clan at all.

They may be able to do some repairs on the basis of the Isu creations, and make a new thing that is probably useful, just like maintenance engineers.

But it is difficult for them to reverse the principle of Isu technology based on the finished product, and then make effective use of a certain Isu article.

If they want to use a certain Isu technology, they have to let the Isu people demonstrate it to them.

Therefore, they will use the fragments of the Asa God Realm Stone to make this another Asgard, which is the God Realm that the frustrated Sigurd Tyr thinks.

Therefore, they will extract and hypnotize the consciousness of Odin and other Isu people in the stone fragments of the God Realm, and let these Isu consciousness play their own role and experience the dusk of the gods again.

This fragment of the God Realm stone connected to the real cloud World Tree server was used by the green lizards to distort the timeline to establish a connection with the Olympus test site before the Toba catastrophe.

Under the deliberate guidance of the green lizard, Odin sneaked into the Olympus experimental field to steal their techniques such as consciousness transfer and consciousness rebirth in order to allow himself and others to survive the Toba catastrophe.

With his demonstration, the Ascharotar green lizards have mastered techniques such as consciousness transfer.

As a result, Xia Feloscfu Xingmei had been replaced by this technique many times and became their thugs.

As for the real supercomputer and cloud server World Tree technology, even the Isu people lost the ability to make deep use of it after the Toba catastrophe began, or the engineers who could make deep use of it.

The remaining Isu-related technicians can only use it limitedly at best, but cannot manage or even improve it.

As a result, the green lizards who did not have a teacher had a limited ability to use the world tree of the cloud server.

Following the line of Sigurd Ayvor brothers and sisters, you can see the second-generation Ascha Divine Realm system that was patched by Ascharotar, and Lu Yuan felt that this trip was worthwhile.

Soon, just as Lu Yuan just copied the log records in this set of equipment, Aivor on the branch suddenly woke up and escaped from the access device.

Fortunately, Lu Yuan was prepared early, so he hid to the corner in twos or twos before being caught by the female soldier.

However, Lu Yuan was quite surprised that Avor, who had awakened and came down, just glanced guiltily at Sigurd, who was smiling faintly on the branch, and walked out of the cave without looking back as if relieved.

Although Lu Yuan was surprised at first, after thinking about it, he realized that it was reasonable.

Sigurd, who was frustrated and mad, really regarded this place as a paradise in the gods.

In that case, it would be a good thing to let him spend the rest of his life in this illusory world with peace of mind.

If in a normal world, perhaps this escape will be corrected by those who really care about him.

But the problem is that these Isu people, who have been captured by Ascharotal once, will return to the real world, and they will only be repeatedly used by the green lizards in eternal reincarnation until the end of time.

Instead of living in "reality" like that, being able to happily spend the remaining life in this "illusory" God Realm Stone is a good thing.

However, looking at the back of Aivor Odin, who resolutely walked outside the cave, Lu Yuan suddenly doubted his previous judgment on her.

Is she really completely controlled by Bassim? Only because of the absolute resistance of the deep consciousness on some key issues, did you fail to comply with Bassim's instructions several times?

Or is she acting from the beginning? Pretending to be completely controlled, hiding yourself, waiting for the moment?

After all, she is the reincarnation of Odin, the mobile phone, the awakener of the Isu who dared to exchange one eye for wisdom.

It's just a pity that no matter how much she did in the end of her life, from the extent to which Lieutenant Odin was controlled by Evelyn Loki, her resistance should not have played a big role.

However, I didn't see how far the road was.

Because he hadn't waited for him to follow Aivor back to Angland, this time the cycle of time was reset again.

As a result, this time he encountered no disturbance.

"How is it possible?" Once again, returning to the beginning of the second half of the ninth century, Lu Yuan grabbed his hair very irritably.

"Even Odin is not disturbed? This is too much!"

"Aschalotar, what did you do in this era?"

This time, Lu Yuan was not in a hurry to set off. He simply took out a pen and paper and listed all the major events of this era that he experienced during several resets, and studied bit by bit what he missed.

In the end, he found two key points.

One is the Invisible Man Conference that will be held in the Alamut Eagle's Nest in the near future.

This should be the origin of the Assassin School.

Second, it was the leader of the Angland Ancient Order Orderer that Aivor had not assassinated.

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