Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 857: This is Sparta

Soon, this group of people arrived at the destination of Cassandra’s big business, Megaris (Megaris), west of Attica and north of Corinthia, which is Peloponnese. A long and narrow strategic point on the northeast of the peninsula leading to Athens.

At this time, the Greek city-state Sparta, located in the south-central part of the Peloponnese Peninsula, was fighting fiercely here with the Athenian defenders on the Attica Peninsula, also a Greek city-state, in the northeast.

For the Peloponnese Peninsula in the southwest and the Attica Peninsula in the northeast, this Megalis is like a natural bridge between the two islands.

It is a bit low to say that it is a battlefield for military strategists. It can be said that it is one of the strategic places that dominate the battle.

At this time, Sparta, who is usually red on the battlefield with a red flag, was fighting there with the blue Athens. However, as a spectator, he almost laughed.

The posture of this red and blue war is so similar to the donkey and elephant battle in a certain country two thousand years later?

If the Greek city-states are regarded as a whole, the war between the blue party Delos League headed by Athens, the Aegean League, and the Red Party Peloponnesian League headed by Sparta, is not another one. Kind of civil war?

And their demands for war are not just about land and property, but also wanting to fight for the right to speak among the Greek city-states.

This is more like a donkey elephant vying to enter the white house as the boss.

The goal of Kassandra's mission this time was a Spartan general who was leading the attack on the Athenian defenders.

Nickname, wolf, wolf of Spartan. Because the Spartan flag is a red symbol of blood, it is also extended to be the blood wolf.

His real name is Nikolaos.

Also, Cassandra's father.

To be honest, Lu Yuan wasn't surprised at the fact that the boss Cassandra was actually a Spartan.

This tycoon, who resembles the God of War in Greek mythology, is not only proficient in weapons such as the "knife, spear, sword, sword, axe, hook and fork" of the Greek era, but also particularly good at contradictions.

In fact, it can be seen from the source story of the idiom that the word contradiction extends. In the era of BC, this set of equipment was also one of the most active weapons on the battlefield of China.

The so-called contradiction.

The weapons sold in the market are not always the ones that ordinary people don’t know how to use, right?

If you want to make money, you have to sell popular varieties~

This thing is quite common on the Eastern battlefield, and it is the same here in the Mediterranean.

After all, civilizations on the Eurasian continent generally progressed faster than civilizations on other continents because of more frequent exchanges between them.

And here in the Greek city-states, the Spartan Citizens, the National Army’s heavy infantry contradictory phalanx, is the most famous.

Of course, in the Greek city-states, the civic soldiers as the heavy infantry as the core of the main battlefield is the most fashionable battle formation at the moment.

However, compared with Sparta, which began training at the age of 7, joined the youth team at the age of 12, officially served at the age of 20, was allowed to leave the military camp at the age of 30, and was recruited at any time before the age of 60, other city-states are slightly worse.

Even if Spartan women do not have to perform military service, they still receive training.

With Kasandra's superb combat power, Lu Yuan really couldn't think of her origin other than a Spartan.

However, what surprised him was that as the daughter of a general, Cassandra was reduced to a remote and poor island as a mercenary.

We must know that although Sparta is a martial artist, it is not yet extremely oppressive of women.

In fact, it is a long way to go. Since the demarcation around 1500 AD, a time period of about one or two hundred years is delineated. From the first of this time period, continue to look forward, or advance backward from the end, the more time goes. Far away, the smaller the gap between men and women’s social status.

There are many reasons for this, but the core is probably the two, productivity and production relations. Or to be specific here, it is the mode of resource production and the social structure.

Take Sparta as an example. In the climate of the Peloponnese Peninsula, women can also participate in production in large numbers, so their status is naturally not low.

At the same time, Sparta adopted a civic system, and people were divided into citizens, border citizens, and black laborers. Black Laos is a slave, the descendants of the aboriginal people captured when the ancestors of Sparta conquered here.

Hearing this feels like a fourth-class citizen of the Yuan Dynasty, right? In fact, this has always been the case here, including the Roman Republic, which was blown to heaven in later generations, and only citizens can participate in the municipal administration.

However, the citizens here are different from those who are translated into Chinese in later generations on the premise of "justice" and "righteousness". At this time, the citizens faintly have meanings similar to victors and conquerors, which are similar to the feelings of later generations of "Tianlongren".

The highest-ranking citizens have the least number, the most power, and the most wealth. They must also perform military service, so it is also the easiest to downsize.

Under this circumstance, the status of women in citizen families will naturally not be low.

In this way, Lu Yuan's conjecture that Kassandra was exiled to a remote island because he was not taken seriously by his family was completely untrue.

What's more, when he heard from the one-eyed chief mate that Nicolaeus was the so-called wolf of Sparta, Kassandra's momentary shake was not pretentious.

So when she accepted a mission from a suspicious client, she only knew that her goal was to kill a Spartan general who was in command of Megaris. She knew that the general was nicknamed the Spartan Wolf, but she didn't know the general. name.

Therefore, she didn't know that she was hired to kill her father.

But how should I say, after the initial shake, Cassandra calmed down unexpectedly and quickly, and had no intention of giving up on the mission.

At first, Lu Yuan didn’t know why, but when she helped Sparta defeat Athens and won the honorary reward of being received by the general, and then had a face-to-face fight with her father, Lu Yuan finally understood Cassandra’s real life experience.

She was thrown off the cliff by his father, but she was lucky enough to escape and wander to Kefalonia by herself.

According to her own words, she has been physically stronger than ordinary people since she was a child, no matter how severe the injury, just sleep. She fainted for a while at most when others jumped off the cliff that would inevitably fall to death.

It sounds like a myth to others, but to Lu Yuan, this is a manifestation of physique or physical attributes exceeding the ten-point limit of ordinary people.

Yi Luyuan's physique has just been raised to 15 points, and it is somewhat close to Kasandra's description, but it is still a little bit worse.

According to his and the system's speculation, when Cassandra was a child, his physique was probably at least 18 points.

With such strong innate attributes, it is no wonder that the Isu mixed blood of this era is directly called a demigod.

Lu Yuan speculated that Cassandra went back, probably not out of the five generations, and the direct elders were pure-blooded Isu.

Having said that, if Cassandra survived because she was a born demigod, then the Spartan wolf really wanted to kill her back then.

In other words, she who has killed a mortal.

In this case, it is no wonder that she will continue to do the task after knowing that the target of the task is the father.

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