Chapter 396

She didn’t understand why Shu Xin was changed to the heroine, but it seemed that based on her favorite coffee position, there shouldn’t be any overly obvious coffee position transfer.

At this time, he meets Gentle and comfortably. Because a few of them were taken by Gentle, she also knows Gentle’s family background, so she didn’t care about Gentle. I voted a few more for myself, which may be a temporary change of the company, but Shu Xin cares that the directors behind these movies and TV series are all big directors.

After catching up with them, there may be some unexpected gains. In the two years of Meng Feifan, Shu Xin has become less naive, because some naives may be compared to Reba when they pretend to be innocent, but Reba’s innocence and Wu Fei’s innocence are those who have no desires and do nothing, while the comfortable innocence is full of scheming and scary things. Fei Wu called Ye Fan at this moment and said, “I was, before my aunt left, I asked her about that, did she do it?”

Wu Fei: “She said she didn’t.”

This made Ye Fan say: “I know this.”

Fei Wu just sighed and said, “I apologize to you for my aunt, I’m really sorry.”

Ye Fan said, “This matter is not your business.”

This is Wu Fei said: “Zhao Ziwen is also my friend and me, because these things have determined some things for me. My aunt also locked me up, and she told my dad that I would not be allowed to enter the showbiz. So I will give you all my resources. I also thought about it, thought, at home, these two days, knowing that you will definitely find new artists in these two days. For what we broke out for you this time Woe, we don’t know what to do, and we don’t know what to do. After all, you were very tolerant of me back then, including Sister Reba.”

At this time, Wu Fei said: “It has been two years, I don’t know what kind of psychological process Zhao Ziwen took to persuade his mother to accept it, but I know he must love Fang Qing very much.”

Then Ye Fan said: “I don’t know about this, but how to deal with it is up to you to figure it out.”

Fang Qing has finished calling him. Fei Wu just called him. Fei Wu also wants to ask how her health is.

Facing the death of her fiance, Wu Fei also felt that Zhao Ziwen was a bit pippy and sometimes unreliable, but she had to say that in the face of Fang Qing, he really did three words of love.

He was basically fighting for Fang Qing and everyone, but that was the fact.

Ye Peng came back at the moment. Ye Fan hung up the phone. Ye Peng said, “I have a big discovery about the invitation to sing and dance this time.”

Ye Fan said, “Oh? Come and listen.”

Then Ye Ye said to Ye Fan: “About this incident, we have already found a few things for you, but for the specific things behind, I just went out to investigate and talked about some things with Mai Chao.”

Ye Fan said, “What?”

This is what Ye Peng said: “At that time, Wu Ta communicated with the former Seven Star President before going abroad.”

At this time Ye Fan said: “President Seven Stars, do I remember that he is not the Sanshu family group?”

This is what Ye Peng said: “Yes, that’s the third uncle.”

Ye Fan: “This is the third uncle, I really didn’t expect it.”.

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