The dynamic department, when I was a freshman, I definitely couldn’t touch the major.

In the early stage, I still learned calculus, line generation, machine diagram, large things, electricians, electronics, etc., as well as chemical physics.

As a top university in China, Tsingda University will naturally not be bad in terms of faculty.

Basically, every student has their own teacher from the institute.

An Jing took a few classes in front of him, and it was really boring.

This basic university course, which he has completed on his own, has begun to study professional knowledge.

It’s really not interesting to continue to listen to lectures here.

He occasionally communicates with teachers and professors, and then teaches himself other things, often haunting the laboratory in the courtyard to study his own things.

As Dean Zhang said.

There are indeed many people who are interested in the study of Anjing.

When Anjing is doing research, many people will come over to make fun, come to help, or study.

Most of them are graduate students, and they are also seniors in their senior year.

An Jing was in the laboratory, came into contact with more research equipment, and also asked the dean to buy some equipment to supplement his laboratory.

Anjing’s requirements for equipment are not very high, and the equipment bought is currently available, which will not be very sensitive.

After buying it back, he upgrades it himself.

As long as the equipment is complete, plus a few processing instruments that An Jing opened from the treasure chest, it is not a problem to slowly upgrade these experimental equipment.

In this way, we continue to rotate and upgrade, and then develop some new materials and technologies to create better experimental equipment.

Slowly, Anjing’s laboratory will also become the world’s top and most advanced laboratory.

Of course……

At that time, the space in his villa was simply not enough, and the laboratory would have to be moved to Rong’an New District.

“An Jing is also too strong!”

“Think about my Kenji, compared to Anjing… I’m like a newcomer. ”

“Don’t say it, the professor can’t hold it, let alone us?”

“Such a technology, the supercar that Deep Blue Industry wants to make, must not be bad, right?”

“The “Deep Blue Supercar” is really handsome, it is said to be designed by An Jing, the perfect integration of appearance and aerodynamics, is really perfect, the professor said that this design can not be more perfect, I really don’t know how An Jing made it!”

“More critically… An Jing is not engaged in design, but in the Aerospace Academy. ”


“Although Qing University is a top student, they are all geniuses… But An Jing is really a demon, right?! ”

“You said that after mass production, what level of performance can the “deep blue” achieve? Can it really be like An Jing said, the performance is comparable to the top supercars? ”

“It should be possible, after all, it is Anjing, they have all participated in the research and development of fighters, and supercar is not trivial!”

“Supercars are not trivial, if it were that simple, other car companies would have done it a long time ago!”

“Which of those supercar companies abroad has not changed owners several times and almost went bankrupt? Suffice it to say that supercars aren’t that easy to do!!”

“Design is one thing, manufacturing production is another, materials and craftsmanship are the real problem!”

“The “Deep Blue Supercar” that An Jing is driving may have been designed by him, but the manufacturing is Shufei Industrial Group… Shufei is a fighter jet, their production equipment, the materials used are top-notch, are used to make fighters. ”

“It is impossible to sell the material to Anjing to produce supercars, so it is not certain to what extent the “Deep Blue Supercar” can eventually hit.”

“Not much expectation… Just like high-end machine tools, domestically manufactured equipment, insufficient precision, short service life, even if the “deep blue supercar” is manufactured, it may be the same result. ”

An Jing returned to Qingda, and the relevant news soon spread on the campus forum and became the object of everyone’s discussion.

Not only on the side of the Academy of Astronautics, but also in the entire Qingda University, there are many people discussing Anjing and the “Deep Blue Supercar”.

Colleges and universities like Qingda University have a very strong ability to accept new things.

What’s more, An Jing is still a student of Qing University, “Deep Blue Industry” is a company founded by An Jing, and he wants to build a super car?

Not long after the promotion of “Deep Blue Supercar”, the students on the side of Qingda basically knew about it.

This also shows from the side that everyone is still very concerned about the “domestic supercar”.

However, there are many people who are not optimistic!


In fact.

An Jing was studying Formula 1 during this time and did encounter many problems.

One of the most important issues is the material.

This question is very important!

Whether it is the engine engine, gearbox, brakes, body, or even the housing, the material requirements are very high.

There is no need to talk about the engine, this is the heart of a car, the heart is not good … It’s basically wasted.

F1 cars can accelerate from 0 to 100 km/h in 2.5 seconds and reach 200 km/h in 5 seconds, and the engine is key;

In addition to performance and speed, the F1 car can slow down from 200 km/h to 0 in 1.9 seconds with a braking distance of 55 meters.

This places high demands on the brake system and the materials used.

What concept?

The energy required for an F1 car to go from 315 km/h to 185 km/h is equivalent to the energy required for an elephant to jump 10 metres.

If the brake system is not good, the material is not good, and there is a little problem, the result is… The car is destroyed and people are dead!

The manufacturing process, precision and materials of F1 cars must be the best in the world.

Anjing researches and designs engines, gearboxes, etc. in accordance with FIA (International Automobile Federation) regulations.

But the engine, gearbox, body, shell are all designed.

Manufacturable equipment and raw materials are a problem.

Top F1 teams, the process of manufacturing racing cars, not counting the pre-production and testing of concept cars.

During the race alone, a team makes 200,000 parts a year.

The automotive production lines purchased by Deep Blue Industries from the Special Automobile Group, a subsidiary of the Aerospace Industry Group, certainly do not meet the requirements for producing Formula 1 cars.

Anjing needs to remanufacture production equipment, improve process technology, precision… Upgrading with ordinary automobile production lines cannot meet process requirements and precision requirements!

At the same time, the raw materials for the production and manufacture of Formula 1 cars are also a problem.

But in terms of raw materials… Stuck owner!

Whether it is the materials to make the “Deep Blue Supercar”, or the materials that Anjing wants to make F1 cars, they are stuck.

Can’t buy it!!

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