Chapter 132

Ignoring the horror on Wang Wei’s face, the flame blade in Luo Heng’s hand turned into a golden-red phantom, and instantly attacked: “Dawn!”

“The fourth layer of “Jidao Yandao”??!!!”

Feeling the terrifying power of Yandao, Wang Wei’s face changed drastically, and the light barrier around her body instantly became brighter: “Glow!”


Accompanied by a deafening sound, Yandao touched the barrier of light!

“Break it for me!”

Feeling the resistance coming from the war sword, Luo Heng’s heart moved, and the power of the sun’s true fire on the flame sword once again increased by a level!


The flame knife slashed on the barrier of light seemed to have been slashed on a piece of extremely tough alien animal skin.

Although the barrier shook for a while, it was not broken.

“It’s not broken?”

Looking at the still tough barrier, Luo Heng frowned.

He used this trick of all his hole cards, even if he was a Tier 3 high-level ability player, he was confident that he would be slashed by the sword.

But it couldn’t cut through an ordinary barrier of light, which was really weird.

“Auntie, you shameless!”

Yao Muxi couldn’t help but shouted.

Luo Heng’s abilities and swordsmanship, how strong she is actually, is not very clear to her.

But from the aunt’s reaction just now, we can know that this is definitely out of her expectation!

In the end, even Luo Heng like this did not break through the light barrier of my aunt!

In this case, only the aunt didn’t want Luo Heng to pass the test.

After all, there are many ways for a Tier 5 ability person to prevent the barrier from being broken by a Tier 2 ability person.

“You little girl, I didn’t say that your little boyfriend failed the test, why are you in a hurry?”

Accompanied by a mellow voice, opposite Luo Heng, the white-green light barrier flashed slightly, then turned into a little light and gradually dissipated in the air, and Wang Wei’s figure appeared again.

At this moment, there was still a trace of horror on her beautiful face.

“Really? That’s great!”

Yao Muxi was pleasantly surprised, her cute little face was a little red from the excitement.

“The power of the knife just now was pretty good, and it made me feel a little threatened. I couldn’t help but strengthen the power of the barrier.”

“According to the strength of the original barrier, it will definitely be broken, so you passed the test.”

As Wang Wei explained, she looked at Luo Heng, her eyes full of appreciation.

One after another powerful moves, as well as the aura and artistic conception that obviously shouldn’t be mastered at this level, Luo Heng is indeed a top genius!

Such a genius is worthy of Yao Muxi.

“Thank you Aunt Wang.”

Luo Heng’s eyes lit up.

It seems that Aunt Wang is quite fair and didn’t deliberately make things difficult for him.

“Hehe, since you passed the exam, you can just train here.”

Wang Wei nodded and smiled, “You can ask me any questions you have during training. Although I am not as good as Madman Jiang, I can still answer some questions.”

“Well, I got it.”

Luo Heng nodded, expressing understanding.

Not in Teacher Jiang’s villa, if there is a problem in practice, without the teacher’s guidance, it would be really troublesome, but with Aunt Wang, this shouldn’t be a problem.

“Xiao Xi, let’s start training separately.”

Luo Heng smiled and said to Yao Muxi who was on the side.


Yao Muxi smiled, with an unstoppable sense of happiness on his beautiful face.

Luo Heng was also very happy to be recognized by Aunt Wang.

Picking up the saber, Luo Heng stepped aside and started his own training.

“The sun is really hot!”

His eyes flashed, the golden red sun fire appeared in the air not far from Luo Heng, and he began to exercise according to the exercise method in “Anode Fireworks”.

And he didn’t idle himself, and continued to start the training of the sword technique.

His posture was very standard, with one knife after another, and he was quickly immersed in it.

“Well, being able to enter the state so quickly, the concentration is good.”

Seeing Luo Heng quickly entering the state, Wang Wei nodded.

The couple who first fell in love didn’t want to be separated for a moment. Luo Heng was able to directly enter the training state when Yao Muxi was next to him. This shows that his own concentration is very good.

“Your little boyfriend has entered the state, you can’t lose to him.”

Wang Wei giggled.

“Hmph, I won’t lose to him! Auntie, let’s start, I feel I can enter the second order today!”

Yao Muxi with Luo Heng next to him is full of energy!

“Well, let’s start the exercise of supernatural powers first, and you can use your divine healing light first.”

“Okay, the Light of God Healing!”

Yao Muxi’s crisp voice sounded, and her power was used.

Although it is daytime, her divine healing light is not very conspicuous, but after it appeared, it still added a dazzling white gold to the golden red brilliance in the room!

Under the guidance of her aunt, Yao Muxi started his own training under the control of the platinum god-healing light.

All of a sudden, apart from Wang Wei’s occasional guidance voice and Luo Heng’s knife swing, the entire training room 9 seemed extremely quiet and peaceful.


Kyoto City, the northern community, one of the famous rich community, there are no tall buildings in the community, there are only one small villa after another.

There are luxury cars parked in the parking area of ​​each villa, which shows the wealth of the owner of the villa.

At this time, in one of the villas, there was a middle-aged man dressed in a suit and a big back, dressed as an elite.

Holding a glass of red wine in his hand, he is staring at the 3D projection in front of him and looking at it seriously.

The picture in the 3D projection is amazingly the picture of Luo Heng using the sun to kill the alien beast in the city gymnasium!

“¨” Oh, I didn’t expect that after so many years, the real fire of the sun would appear in this world again, and the heavens really care for mankind. ”

The middle-aged man shook his red wine glass and dialed a phone call: “People from the other branches of Jiangnan Province, I will give you one day to investigate the identity of the fire supernatural powers in the Jiangning Gymnasium!”

After speaking, he hung up the phone.

“Although the avatar of Jiangning City didn’t achieve much success (has Zhao), Guo was destroyed, but the news that the sun was born is quite good.”

As the middle-aged man spoke, a blood-red mist began to appear around his body.

After the mist disappeared, the face of this middle-aged man changed drastically!

Two ferocious big horns appeared on his head, and a long tail appeared behind him!

The suit that had just been fitted was also slightly raised by the muscles on his chest.

If this look is seen by ordinary people, you will definitely be scared to death!

“Hmm, it’s still more comfortable in this form as expected.”

The middle-aged man with horns on his head groaned, then he picked up the red wine glass again and drank.

“The things in the human world are awesome, he.”

The man sighed, and then a cold voice sounded: “This kind of human world, I really want to occupy it sooner.”


ps: I’m a bit busy today, and the next two are more likely to be released in the evening. .

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