Chapter 168

“Three hundred years ago, the passage of the alien beast world came, and the alien beast ran out. We humans were slaughtered and the territory was occupied. The ensuing life and death fight, the survival pressure made the blue star superpowers rise rapidly!

Under such circumstances, one after another high-level abilities have risen rapidly like new stars. Finally, a hundred years ago, these top-level abilities led a large number of high-level abilities and the alien beasts on the blue star. A big battle, and finally won, sealed the alien beast channel, do you know this? ”

Jiang Nian, who was sitting in the seat next to Luo Heng, asked.


Luo Heng nodded. This section of history appeared in the high school textbook as an important test site, so he remembered it clearly.

“A hundred years ago, our Blue Star had 11 rank 9 ability players, and 6 of them fell in the battle. There are still 5 left. Do you know that the remaining 5 rank 9 ability players go? Where is it?”

Jiang Nian’s words were very low, as if they were telling a long dusty history.

“Returned to the mountains and forests?”

Luo Heng said smoothly.

In each magnificent story, after defeating the final boss, the hero will lead to a flat life.

“Ha ha.”

Jiang Nian smiled with a smile, “For the 9th-tier strong, there should be news about them even if they are returned to the hidden mountains, right? Have you ever heard of them in the report?”


It’s okay for Jiang Nian not to mention it. When Luo Heng is mentioned, something is wrong.

“If they didn’t return to the mountains and forests, where did they go?”

Luo Heng asked quickly.

“They, they are still in the world of alien beasts.”

Jiang Nian’s eyes instantly became distant, as if he had passed through time and space, seeing the distant world of strange beasts.

“How is this possible? Wouldn’t you lose your mind if you stay in the world of alien beasts for a long time?”

Luo Heng exclaimed in surprise.

This is what he has personally experienced. The longer he stays in the world of alien beasts, the more alien beasts he kills, and his sanity will become more violent!

“Luo Heng, have you used the mysterious meditation of Gujia Country I gave you before? How effective is it?”

Jiang Nian didn’t directly answer Luo Heng’s question, but instead asked about Ming thoughts.

“Well, after using it, it can indeed suppress the negative emotions brought by some alien animal world.”

Luo Heng replied.

“A book of mysterious meditations in ancient Canada has the ability to suppress negative emotions. Would you say that those 9th-level strong people have no way to eliminate this negative influence?”

Jiang Nian said with a smile.

“Then Teacher Jiang, you lied to me before!”

Luo Heng suddenly reacted.

He asked Jiang Nian if there was a way to eliminate the negative influence of the world of alien animals. Jiang Nian’s answer was no!

“Ah, let’s talk about this later, let’s continue talking about those 9th-tier powerhouses.”

Jiang Nian coughed dryly, and continued, “In fact, the top powerhouses in those days, after eliminating the alien beasts on the Blue Star, once invaded the alien beast world, and they found that there are still a lot of alien beasts in the depths of the alien beast world. The high-ranking monster!”

“What happened later? Have those high-level strange beasts been wiped out?”

Luo Heng hurriedly asked, this story made him a little curious.

“It would be nice if it was really like that.”

Jiang Nian sighed, “After discovering that there are still a large number of strange beasts, the top supernaturalists once again organized their power to completely eliminate these strange beasts!

The battle in the world of alien beasts has lasted for ten years. In the end, the top superpowers and the royal alien beasts discovered that neither of them can do anything about it.

After weighing the gains and losses, a contract was signed between the humans and the royal alien beasts, stipulating that no more wars should be provoked within a thousand years!

And those strong, in order to prevent the alien beasts from attacking again, they established our human city in the world of alien beasts, and that city is called Juque City!

There, we gathered all the high-level abilities of Blue Star!

That is to say, they are blocking the imperial alien beasts from coming to Blue Star through the alien beast channel. ”

“High-level ability person?”

Luo Heng raised his brows, “Meaning that besides the 9th-level abilities, there are other high-level abilities that can survive in the world of alien beasts?”

“Luo Heng, let me explain this.”

Lu Yuan in the front said, “During the ten years of fighting, Tier 9 powerhouses gradually discovered a way to protect ordinary abilities from the negative emotions of the world of alien beasts, and organized them into cheats.”

“According to our name in China, that secret book is called Qingling Jue.”

“Qing Ling Jue?”

Luo Heng’s eyes lit up.

If you can get this cheat, wouldn’t you be able to stay in the world of alien beasts, kill as many alien beasts as you want?

For a while, he seemed to see many power points beckoning to him!

As if he could see Luo Heng’s thoughts, Jiang Nian on the side smiled and said, “Qing Ling Jue can only be cultivated by supernatural powers above Tier 4, so when you asked me, I didn’t tell you.”

“And the supernatural beings on our Blue Star, as long as they reach Tier 4, they will all get a Clear Spirit Secret Art. After completing their practice, they can ignore the negative effects of the world of alien beasts.”

“Can I practice at Tier 4?”

Luo Heng frowned.

Although Teacher Jiang Nian said this, he still didn’t believe it. What if he could succeed in his practice?

“Jiang Nian, it seems that your disciple is a little unbelievable.”

Lu Yuan said with a smile.

“Boy, you come to my place tomorrow, and I will give you a copy to see if you can practice cultivation!”

Jiang Nian said with a beard and staring.

It’s just the opposite, and I didn’t even listen to what the master said!

“Then thank you Teacher Jiang.”

Luo Heng looked happy, and then asked with some doubts: “Since there is the existence of Juque City, why can I still meet this royal animal today?”

The city of Jueque brings together the powerful from all over the world, how can it release the strange beasts of the royal family? This is too unreliable.

“This imperial alien beast is not actually an imperial alien beast in the true sense, but a clone puppet of the 9th-order imperial alien heart-controlling king!”

“This King of Heart Controlling has the ability to sow alien species! As long as the alien species is planted by him, it will be transformed into a puppet of the King of Heart Controlling within three days, and will inherit part of his own power!”

“A person who has been planted a different species and turned into a puppet, as long as the King of Heart Control does not actively control the appearance of his true body, ordinary detection methods cannot detect him. Therefore, he can bypass the detection of Juque City and pass through the alien. Beast passage, come to Blue Star.”

Jiang Nian explained with a solemn expression.

The puppets of the Controlling King can actually get into the school. It seems that in the future, we must strengthen the inspection of the freshmen!

“It turned out to be so.”

Now the truth became clear, but Luo Heng came up with another doubt: “Teacher Jiang Nian, then why does the heart-controlling king sacrifice a alien puppet to kill me?”

Judging from the situation when he came out of the teaching building today, the puppet of the heart-controlling king had definitely been staring at him for a long time.

And he has never been in contact with the King of Heart Control, why is the other party so eager to kill himself?

“This may be related to your s-level ability, the sun is really fire.”

Jiang Nian said with some uncertainty.


ps: second more~~

Juque City, Qingling Jue, Luo Heng’s next map, you should be able to see it. .

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