Chapter 176

Luo Heng, who left the canteen, did not go directly to the training building. Instead, he turned his feet and walked towards Villa 029.

“Why are you here again?”

Looking at Luo Heng who walked in, Jiang Nian in the living room said angrily.

“Mr. Jiang, you should have seen the ranking of my combat power list.”

Luo Heng smiled, “According to the requirements of the contract, I should have got a lot of those resources, right?”

“The contract you signed with Principal Bong, you go to Principal Bong.”

Jiang Nian rolled his eyes.

“Ms. Jiang, you gave me the contract at that time, I can only find you now.”

Luo Heng frowned.

Just kidding, he doesn’t know where Headmaster Feng is. Where can I find him for resources?

“Boy, you still rely on me.”

Jiang Nian cursed with a smile, and immediately dialed a call: “Hey, principal, he has already met some requirements in the contract you signed with Luo Heng. When can the resources be given to him?”

“Meet the requirements? Jiang Nian, are you kidding me?”

Feng Keliang’s tone on the other end of the phone was full of disbelief.

“Don’t you know if you look at the ranking of the battle list?”

When the voice fell, the phone fell into silence. After a while, Feng Keliang’s surprised voice rang again: “It’s actually fulfilled the request! You tell Luo Heng, let him not worry, tonight I’ll come back and let him come to the top floor of the teaching building to find me at 8 o’clock in the evening.”

“Luo Heng, can you hear me? Tonight, you can go to the top floor of the teaching building to find him.”

Jiang Nian said with a smile after hanging up the phone.

28  “Hmm.”

Luo Heng looked happy.

As long as he waits until 8 o’clock in the evening, he will be able to obtain that huge amount of spiritual resources!

In the next time, Luo Heng went to the training building again, and practiced with Yao Muxi until it was close to 8pm before walking towards the training building.

“Yao Muxi, this little girl, is getting bolder and bolder.”

Reminiscing about the softness just now, Luo Heng smiled slightly, and then walked into the teaching building.

The teaching building, he was brought in yesterday because he violated the disciplinary order, but he didn’t expect to come back so soon.

Without staying too much, Luo Heng walked directly into the elevator on the first floor and pressed the button on the 20th floor.

The elevator rose quickly and reached the 20th floor in a short while.


Just stepping out of the elevator, suddenly, a luminous 3D projection appeared in front of Luo Heng:

“Hello, student Luo Heng, Principal Feng has been waiting for you in the office for a long time.”

“Mi Yi?”

Listening to this somewhat familiar voice, Luo Heng said uncertainly.

This sound is somewhat similar to the intelligent system named ‘Mi Yi’ in his dormitory.

“It’s right here, the intelligent system in your dormitory is a part of me.”

Mi Yi showed a kind smile.

‘This artificial intelligence is too advanced. ’

Listening to Mi Yi’s words, Luo Heng exclaimed in his heart, and then walked inside under Mi Yi’s leadership.

The top floor of this teaching building is about 2,000 square meters, but it is only dedicated to the principal. Therefore, there are many rooms with different functions on this floor.

Along the way, all Luo Heng saw were training rooms, study rooms, and living rooms…

These rooms are extremely luxurious and beautifully decorated.

Think about it, Feng Keliang, as the principal of Jiangnan University of Ability, is also a 7th-order Ability Player of the Strengthening Department, and it is normal to have this luxurious decoration style.

“Principal, Luo Heng is here.”

After taking Luo Heng into a room that looked like an office, Mi Yi disappeared into the air.

The luxurious decoration inside and outside the office is very simple, and the layout is also very simple.

Only bookshelves, tables and chairs and other items.

On the chair behind the desk, there was a man sitting upright.

Resolute and divine eyes, sturdy arms, tall figure, this man exudes a heart-palpitating breath!

Just looking at it, Luo Heng knew that this should be Principal Feng.

“Principal Feng.”

Luo Heng saluted.

For the 7th rank strong, it is necessary to maintain the necessary respect, not to mention that this is his own principal.

“Well, sit here.”

Looking at Luo Heng who walked in, Feng Keliang said with a smile.

“Luo Heng, I only went out for a few days. I didn’t expect you to create so many surprises for me.”

Looking at Luo Heng sitting opposite, Feng Keliang was deeply moved.

When he returned to the office an hour ago, Mi Yi had already reported some recent events to him.

Sweep the No. 6 game area, kill the royal alien puppets, and enter the top 50 new students in the battle list at the beginning of school.

Everything is related to Luo Heng in front of him.

“It’s just a coincidence.”

Luo Heng smiled humbly, and then asked: “Principal, when can I get the training resources in my contract?”

His “Extreme Flame Sword” has reached the sixth level, and he is in urgent need of the number of cheats behind.

And this cheat is issued in the contract.

“You kid, why are you so anxious.”

Feng Keliang cursed with a smile, and then said: “You have entered the top 50 of the battle list, and you have met most of the conditions in the contract.

Tomorrow morning, those resources will be delivered to your dormitory, so don’t worry about this. ”

“Calling you over this time, one is that I want to see with my own eyes what your genius is like, and the other is to tell you something.”

“If you have something, just tell me directly, I will definitely help you.”

Luo Heng, who has confirmed that the resources will be there tomorrow, feels very happy.

Even if Principal Bong asked him to do something, he would not refuse.

“Hehe, even if I have something, your current strength can’t help me.”

Feng Keliang joked, and then said sternly: “Luo Heng, do you know why I signed this one-year contract with you?”

“Because of my high potential, I am worth training.”

Luo Heng did not hesitate at all.

“Haha, you are quite confident.”

Feng Keliang laughed, “Yes, this is indeed the reason why I signed the contract with you, and the most important point is that the Global Ability Genius Exchange Tournament will be held a year later.”

“Do you want me to participate in this competition?”

Luo Heng, who understood Principal Feng’s meaning, frowned.

The Global Supernatural Talent Exchange Tournament is held every three years, inviting young people under the age of 24 from all over the world to participate.

With a variety of abilities and explosive combat methods, every time it is held, it is a grand event for all Blue Stars.

But for this matter, he didn’t want to participate too much.

The exchange competition schedule is extremely long, from city competitions to provincial competitions, to national competitions, and finally to representing the country into the global arena, it takes a total of half a year!

Has this time to be used for spiritual practice, isn’t he fragrant?

“It looks a little bit unpleasant from your appearance.”

Feng Keliang keenly noticed the change in Luo Heng’s mood, “The global genius exchange competition is not as simple as you think.”

“After the royal alien appeared yesterday, Jiang Nian already told you about Juque City, right?”


Although I don’t know what President Feng said about Juque City, Luo Heng nodded.

“Since you know the Juque City, I can explain it more simply.”

Feng Keliang said slowly, “Compared to our Blue Star, the law is still in an imperfect stage, and it is more conducive to our understanding of the law.”

“Therefore, the abilities above our Blue Star, basically after reaching Tier 4 and knowing the existence of Juque City, they all went to Juque City.

And we teachers and the high-level supernatural beings in the army can be regarded as the strong in Juque City forced to arrange them in Blue Star. After all, the people on Blue Star also need guidance and protection. ”

After a pause, Feng Keliang continued: “Almost 90 years have passed since the establishment of Juque City. The existence of level 9 abilities and many high-level abilities has led to the rapid development of all aspects of Juque City. , Whether it’s technology, economy, or even power training.”

“Take the “Anode Fireworks” and “Jidao Yandao” that you have practiced. Although they are top cheats on Blue Star, they are no more than that in Juque City.”

“According to the speed of your promotion, you will definitely enter Tier 4 and go to Juque City in the future.”

“When you enter the Juque City, you will definitely need stronger power training methods and knife skills, so where do you get them?”

The words of Feng Keliang shocked Luo Heng and fell into contemplation at the same time.

Indeed, he had never considered this issue before.

After a while, Luo Heng tentatively said, “Can the Global Supernatural Talent Exchange Tournament help me solve this problem?”

“Haha, it seems you are not stupid yet.”

Feng Keliang smiled, “Juque City, which has been developed for more than 90 years, is like a province and city, with various supporting facilities, including the college!”

“There are a total of five academies in Juque City, and the teachers in each academy are at least Tier 6 or even Tier 7 abilities!

And as long as you get the top 20 in the Global Ability Genius Exchange Tournament, then you will be eligible for admission to the first-ranked Cylon Academy in Juque City!

At that time, will the practice secrets and the practice resources not be coming in? ”

“Moreover, one year later, you are only 19 years old! Even if you can’t get a higher qualification this time, you will have experience when you wait for the competition to be held three years later, and you will definitely get a higher ranking.”

When Feng Keliang’s voice fell, the entire office fell into silence.

The Juque City, level 9 supernatural beings, stronger tutors, and stronger cultivation methods all made Luo Heng’s heart surging.

“President Feng, then I will do my best to prepare for the Global Supernatural Talent Exchange Tournament.”

After a long while, Luo Heng said slowly.

He will definitely go to Juque City.

That being the case, it would be nice to enter a powerful academy through the Global Ability Genius Exchange Tournament.

“That’s right.”

Feng Keliang nodded in satisfaction.

As long as someone can get a certain ranking in the global power genius exchange competition, the power university where that person was previously will be rewarded by the country.

Therefore, this is why he is willing to devote a lot of resources to cultivate Luo Heng.


ps: This is the one that made up yesterday, and there are three more today.

The previous chapter wrote about the selection and assessment once every ten years, which has been changed to once every three years.

The plot development is a bit slow now, and the plot development may be accelerated in the future. After all, Juque City is where the Luo Heng system is most useful.

Of course, with this development going on, the book should be more than 1 million words, but I will never find a substitute to write it, so please rest assured to read it. .

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