Chapter 193

“Ding, kill the fourth-order middle-ranked royal alien animal, power points +.”

At the moment when the Controlling King Puppet turned to ashes, the system prompt sounded.

“Are 40,000 power points? Not bad.”

Luo Heng, who had recovered the real fire of the sun, said inwardly, and at the same time opened his own system panel:

Name: Luo Heng

Level: Third-tier high-ranking ability person

Ability: Real Fire of the Sun (S-level)

Power point:

Skills: The fourth layer of anode fireworks (Dacheng+), the eighth layer of Jidao Yandao (Dacheng+), Yangyu (Dacheng+), Xingan (master), ordinary boxing (master), ordinary swordsmanship (master)

Law: The Artistic Conception of Fire (High)

“It cost 160,000 power points from the lower position to the middle position of Tier 3, and about 270,000 power points were spent from the middle position to the upper position of Tier 3. If you want to enter Tier 4, the cost of power points will probably reach a terrifying level. .”

Looking at the balance in the power point column, Luo Heng thought to himself.

The consumption of power points is not that the higher the level, the more it costs, but it is calculated according to the level of one’s practice and the level of leaping.

The power points consumed by crossing a large level are much higher than crossing a small level.

For example, when he moved from the second-tier high to the third-tier low, he spent 300,000 power points!

This is more power points than 300 third-tier middle to third-tier high-ranking!

Therefore, he has a hunch that if he wants to cross a large level from the third-tier upper position to the fourth-tier lower position, the required power points will definitely be doubled!


At this moment, a soft voice sounded.

After regaining his senses, Luo Heng looked towards the source of the sound. It was astonishing that the blade of the alloy sword melted into liquid and dripped onto the ground.

“It looks like a new war knife has to be made.”

Luo Heng shook his head.

He has been upgraded to two levels in a row. Although he has not tested it specifically, his true solar fire should have reached a high temperature of nearly 7000 degrees.

After using the flame sword, the temperature will increase again, and it is normal that this alloy sword cannot resist the high temperature and melt.

“That’s how we won?”

Looking at the corpse of the Heart Control King on the ground that had been turned to ashes, Jiang Churan’s pretty face was full of weirdness as he walked over.

The fourth-order supernatural being possessed by the 9th-order imperial clan alien beast was just killed? It’s incredible!

“Yes, we win…”

Luo Heng looked at her, and he was stunned when he wanted to continue.

Jiang Churan’s figure was already very enchanting under the outline of the tight-fitting jersey. Under the influence of the real heat and high temperature of the sun just now, he sweated again.

Under this circumstance, the tight-fitting jersey fits her body more closely, and even the majestic touch of her chest reveals a little outline.

Coupled with Jiang Churan’s face like a fairy, it looks very attractive.

“What are you looking at?”

Feeling Luo Heng’s hot gaze, Jiang Churan couldn’t help but looked down in doubt, and saw the slight outline of his chest.


Realizing that he was a little exhausted, Jiang Churan couldn’t help but sneered, with a touch of blush on his face, and immediately used his own powers to evaporate the sweat of his whole body.

And the outline of her chest disappeared.

“Tsk, it’s a pity.”

The spring light disappeared, Luo Heng couldn’t help but stroked his chin with regret.

It was because the relationship between himself and Jiang Churan had a qualitative leap that he dared to stare so unscrupulously, if the relationship were not so close, he would certainly not be so unscrupulous.

At most, just take a look at it secretly.

“Little color embryo.”

Jiang Churan whitened Luo Heng’s eyes, but her shy face with her white eyes made her look charming.

“Since you have said so, would I be sorry for this sentence if I don’t do something?”

Luo Heng pulled Jiang Churan into his arms with a smirk, and then…

After a long while, the two people separated.

“Luo Heng, are we going out now?”

Jiang Churan, who was nestling in Luo Heng’s arms, asked.

Her mission was to explore the purpose of the King of Heart Controlling who came to the Blue Star World, and the King of Heart Controlling was so anxious and depraved after the death of the experimental subject.

Obviously, the purpose of the King of Heart Controlling Blue Star is related to these experimental subjects!

This discovery can be regarded as completing her task, so she doesn’t need to explore more things.

“Well, but before we go out, we still have to do some finishing work.”

A cold light flashed in Luo Heng’s eyes.

Although the biggest boss in this base has been killed by him, there are still many dregs of blood wheel organization.

For these people, he doesn’t mind killing them all together.

Moreover, there may be a lot of biochemical monsters in the base, and killing them together can get a lot of power points.


Jiang Churan answered obediently.

Perceiving Luo Heng’s murderous aura, she immediately understood what he wanted to do.

Like the scum of these terrorist organizations, it is not a pity to die. She absolutely supports Luo Heng’s behavior.

Just when she wanted to walk with her, suddenly, her feet were soft and she was about to fall to the ground, but she was supported by Luo Heng on the side.

“You are too tired, let’s rest for a while before leaving.”

Seeing the exhaustion on Jiang Churan’s face, Luo Heng patted his head.

After fighting for so long, Jiang Churan’s physical strength must have been overdrawn long ago, and he still took her along with him. Isn’t it stupid?

“I am okay.”

Jiang Churan smiled reluctantly and was about to go forward again, but she felt like she was being pulled back by a pair of big hands.

“Since you don’t want to rest where you are, then let me come and hug you.”

After finishing speaking, Luo Heng hugged her directly before Jiang Churan responded.

“Well, that damn touch.”

Feeling the amazing flexibility from the start, Luo Heng couldn’t help letting out a surprise.


Jiang Churan, who was hugged by the princess, was so embarrassed that she had to put her hands around Luo Heng’s neck.

“Uh, if it weren’t for me, I’d better carry you.”

Luo Heng, who originally wanted to be romantic, suddenly realized that it would be very inconvenient for him to act if he was hugged by the princess.


Jiang Churan, who blushed to the bottom of his ears, let out a soft cry.

Upon seeing this, Luo Heng directly adjusted her posture and carried her behind her back.

Jiang Churan is about 1.7 meters tall, has a slender figure, and weighs only about a catty.

For Luo Heng, who has thousands of jins of power, apart from the need to hold her legs with both hands, there will be no impact at all.

And this will not affect what he will do next.

After all, you don’t need your hands at all to deal with the little ones and the biochemical beasts left in the base, the real fire of the sun is enough to crush everything!

Feeling Luo Heng’s generous back and that big and powerful palm, Jiang Churan felt a little ashamed, but felt extremely relaxed.

Her abilities have long been overdrawn, and her emotions have been constantly ebb and flow during this period of time, and she has already been somewhat unable to support it.

So, after a while, she fell asleep on Luo Heng’s back.

“This little Nizi seems to be really tired.”

Feeling the gentle breath behind him, Luo Heng smiled slightly, carrying Jiang Churan on his back, and walked towards other areas of the base.

And around him, the golden red sun’s real fire spread quietly, as long as anyone appeared, they would be swallowed by this flame! .

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