Chapter 19 Encountered a sneak attack [3/5! 】

At the door, Qin Fan was ready to leave.

Suddenly a bag hung on the door hook attracted Qin Fan’s attention.

lv’s trademark recognition is still quite high.

Even Qin Fan, who has no research on luxury goods, recognized this bag.

It is really that the luxury brand of lv is too famous in Xia Guo.

“Qiangzi, this lv bag is not cheap, right?” Qin Fan asked He Qiang who looked at him.

“Eight thousand and eighty, you said cheap is not cheap, I have done nothing this month.” He Qiang vomited.

“Chen Lili asked you to buy it for her?”

He Qiang heard the sound, shook his head and said: “No, one day, I accompanied her to go shopping, and happened to pass an lv shop. Lili’s eyes stayed on this bag for a few more seconds.”

“Although she didn’t speak, I know she likes this bag very much.”

“In the end, I gritted my teeth, bought this bag and gave it to her.”

“Speaking of which, I have to praise my Lili again.”

“At that time, when Lili heard that I was going to buy this bag for her, she was determined not to.”

“In the end, I had to say something badly. After half an hour, she reluctantly agreed to accept this bag.”

Seeing He Qiang’s face looks like Lili, virtuous and sensible, Qin Fan didn’t know what to say.

His good buddy is really simple.

Being tricked by a green tea lady, I can’t distinguish the north, south, east, and west at all.

But having said that, this Chen Lili is different from the average green tea lady, her rank is at least several levels higher.

Now, Qin Fan has determined one thing.

That is why Chen Lili promised He Qiang’s girlfriend because she completely regarded He Qiang as a sheep in her captivity.

You know, He Qiang, as a small foreman, has a monthly salary of 20,000 yuan.

On He Qiang’s little fat sheep, he can still cover a lot of wool.

Thinking of this, Qin Fan looked at He Qiang again, and became a little angry.

I said, buddy, you spend money to raise her, and you sleep with her in a separate bed. How old are you.

If you get good rewards for good people, it’s still worth it.

But what you are good at is a green hat.

This is…

At this time, a team of policemen in police uniforms chased a young man and rushed into the happy home community.

After entering Happy Homeland, their goal disappeared without chasing them for a while.

It’s really too old and shabby. There are no street lights in it, and it’s so dark that it’s almost out of sight.

Moreover, the various vehicles inside are also randomly parked, making the otherwise narrow roads more narrow and tortuous.

Such a place will undoubtedly facilitate the escape of the burglar and increase the difficulty of their police pursuit.

Leading the team is a female police officer.

The policewoman made a decisive decision and looked at her colleagues around her. She spoke quickly: “Zhang Wu, Wang Tian, ​​you guard the entrance and exit of the community. The remaining people, as a group of three, search the community.”

“Yes, Team Ning.”

After receiving the order of their beautiful captain, a group of police immediately took action.

After Qin Fan left He Qiang’s house, he made a call to Yang Xue and asked Yang Xue to come over and drive his car and send him back.

He drank a lot of alcohol tonight, he must not be able to drive anymore.

Therefore, Yang Xue can only be troubled.

Qin Fan feels a little bit sad when he thinks of troublesome girl at so late.

This is not convenient.

It seems that we have to find a full-time driver later.

After hanging up, Qin Fan thought.

Then, Qin Fan suddenly felt that his shoulder was grabbed by a hand, and then his body lifted off the ground uncontrollably.


Qin Fan’s body fell to the ground.

The painful Qin Fan grinned for a while.

Dammit, he was attacked.

This fall almost threw him away.

“Don’t move!”

A very nice, but cold female voice sounded in Qin Fan’s ear.

This shot was the policewoman Ning Shihan.

She regarded Qin Fan as the burglar, so she decisively gave Qin Fan a skillful shoulder fall.

Qin Fan was lying on the ground, his hands were pinned by Ning Shihan behind his back, making Qin Fan unable to move.

“Now it’s a society under the rule of law, don’t mess around.”

Qin Fan said depressed.

Are robbers so arrogant these years?

In the community, do you dare to do it?

Moreover, this robber is still a woman…

Shame on him, he, a big man, was restrained by a female robber…

I just hope that this female robber will only rob her of money, not…Less.

“Since you know that it is a society under the rule of law, you still dare to burglary one after another.”

Ning Shihan sneered, took the handcuffs handed to her by a colleague, and was about to slap Qin Fan.

When Qin Fan heard this, he understood it instantly.


Was he mistakenly regarded as a burglar?

The identity of the other party is clearly also clear.

Qin Fan said with a black face: “Police officer, you caught the wrong person!”

“Caught the wrong person?”

With a heartbeat, Ning Shihan turned over Qin Fan, who was facing the ground, and a male policeman next to him had already turned on the flashlight of his mobile phone and took a picture of Qin Fan’s face.

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