Chapter 28 Xiuer [2/5! 】


Wang Hao coughed lightly, then looked at Qin Fan and said, “Mr., you have taken my seat, please move.”

Hearing the sound, Qin Fan felt that Wang Hao was a bit weird and unreliable.

But, after all, this is Lu Danqing’s blind date, and it is the matter of Teacher Lu.

It is not suitable for him to intervene arbitrarily.

But when Qin Fan was about to get up and give up his seat, Lu Danqing said: “He is my student, don’t you mind if he sits on the same table with us?”

Lu Danqing had some resistance to the blind date arranged by the elders.

After seeing Wang Hao’s routine, Lu Danqing wanted to pat his butt and leave.

But the good education she received prevented her from doing so.

Because it is rude to leave directly.

She asked Qin Fan to stay, but in fact it was a disguised attitude to show that she did not want to continue the blind date with Wang Hao.

do not mind?

Of course I really mind!

Such a handsome man sitting next to him, didn’t he poke my eyes?

Wang Hao’s mmp in his heart, but his mouth is grinning: “It turned out to be your student, don’t mind, of course I don’t mind.”

After speaking, Wang Hao pulled a chair from the side and sat down.

Then he reached out and snapped his fingers into the air: “waiter!”

A waiter came with a professional smile: “Sir, what do you need?”

“A latte.”

“Miss Lu, what are you drinking?”

“A cup of cappuccino, no sugar, Qin Fan, how about you?”

Qin Fan smiled and said, “Cappuccino, add sugar.”


Drink the same as his blind date, do what he likes?

This Qin Fan is a scheming boy!

This is not to be underestimated!

Wang Hao rolled his eyes: “Qin Fan, take the liberty to ask, where are you tall?”

“Qin Fan just graduated, how can I find a job so quickly.”

Lu Danqing rushed to speak, in fact, to resolve the embarrassment that Qin Fan has not found a job.

Qin Fan: “…”


Spicy chicken!

A poor dick who doesn’t have a job still wants to grab a woman from me?

Haha your face.

“Yes, now that social competition is so strong and there are so many college students, it is really not easy to find a better job.”

Wang Hao first pretended to feel that the society was not easy, and then naturally led out his work, pretending to be compelling very roundly.

“It took me, Wang Hao, three full years to climb from an ordinary employee to the current position of marketing director.”

“A lot of sadness in the meantime, others don’t know it!”

All in one go!


At this time, a couple sitting next to each other quarreled.

The woman pointed her throat: “Look at how good someone is. It took only three years to become a marketing director. Look at you again. It’s been five years since you graduated from university and you are still a small employee. Why are you so useless? .”

When his girlfriend poked his nose and scolded in public, the man suddenly lost his face, and said in a deep voice, “Then you have to see what company’s marketing director is, the marketing director of a small company, the salary may not be as high as mine. ”

Hearing this, Wang Hao’s eyes lit up, and it was time to pretend to be forceful!

“This buddy is right. Although I am a marketing director, my annual salary is only 1 million.”

“Have you heard that the annual salary of 1 million yuan is five times yours! You useless fellow!”

“Dammit, Laozi is useless, then go find something useful.”

“What’s the matter, Laozi won’t serve you anymore!”

“Hey hey hey, where are you going, you will come back to me.”

The couple quarreled and left the cafe.

At this time, Wang Hao was very satisfied.

If the job with an annual salary of one million is thrown out, what will Qin Fan fight with me?

By the face?

Ha ha!

Now is the time when everything looks at money.

Next, is Wang Hao’s big show.

After the show, show your vision!

After showing your vision, show your personal ability!

After showing your personal abilities, show your family!

After showing your family, show your connections!

After showing your connections, show…

In short, various shows.

Show in the light, show in the dark!

The strong flavor fills the entire cafe.

Qin Fan is dumbfounded, this Wang Hao is a real show.

Yes, yes, very strong.

The indifference value on Lu Danqing’s face is +999, and he is still in that impressive show…

Is it anxious to show his emotional intelligence?

After half an hour of the show, Wang Hao’s mouth was dry, he picked up the latte at the table, took a sip, moistened his throat, and prepared to continue the show.

But at this moment, a waiter stood in the middle of the cafe and said loudly: “Whose Mercedes-Benz with the license plate number Ganay777y is outside? Your Mercedes is blocking someone else’s car. Could you please move the car.”

The waiter’s voice fell, Wang Hao tidied his tie, got up, and said vigorously: “Sorry, that’s my car, I’ll go out and move the car right away!”

Under the gaze of everyone, Wang Haoxiong walked out of the cafe proudly.

“I really can’t stand him anymore.”

“Qin Fan, I’m going back.”

Seeing that Lu Danqing was leaving, Qin Fan would naturally not stay here anymore.

Outside the cafe.

A black million Mercedes-Benz gle is very domineering in front of the two cars.

“I said, brother, your car parked too well.”

The owner of a car that was blocked and couldn’t get out looked at Wang Hao and couldn’t help but complain.

“I’m sorry, buddy, I’ll move right away.”

Wang Hao smiled.

(Inner monologue: What’s the matter, if labor and management don’t stop like this, how can they passively pretend to be a force in front of the goddess?)

Passive pretence is more deadly!

(Inner monologue: Qin Fan, I’m sorry, this time I passively pretended to be forced and hurt you by mistake.)

(There are no flowers, no evaluation votes, nothing, nothing. It’s so miserable, and the author has suffered tons of damage in his heart, crying.)

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