Chapter 37 The green tea girl overturned [1/5! 】


Seeing Qin Fan looking at him, He Qiang knew that his buddies were asking for his opinion.

“Zhang Yang, from the moment I received the three final payments, we have cleared both of them.”

“I have broken up with Chen Lili, Zhang Tao, whether you break up with her or not has nothing to do with me.”

“Mr. Qin, look?”

Zhang Yang looked at Qin Fan nervously again.

“The two are cleared.” Qin Fan replied lightly.

“Thank you, Mr. Qin.”

Zhang Yang was overjoyed: “Then we won’t waste your precious time, Mr. Qin.”


“Strong son, let’s go out and chat.”


Looking at the back of Zhang Yang and his son leaving, Ye Feng sneered and shook his head.

What a naive father and son.

My boss doesn’t care about you anymore.

But this does not mean that those bosses will continue to cooperate with you.

Once an egg has a crack, can it be repaired if you want to repair it?

Naive boy!

Ha ha……


As soon as Zhang Tao took the elevator to the lobby on the first floor of Jinhui Building, he saw Chen Lili, who was holding her face in one hand, jumped out of nowhere, and rushed into his arms, rubbing and coquettishly.

Seeing that the face of the old man next to him was blackened to the bottom of the pot, Zhang Tao quickly pushed Chen Lili away from his arms, and said coldly: “Chen Lili, we…”

Zhang Tao, who was about to talk to Chen Lili about our breakup, was forcibly interrupted by Chen Lili, who didn’t know the situation before he finished speaking.

“Darling, you have to do it for me.”

“I got slapped in the face.”

The delicate and squeamish Chen Lili put down her hand, revealing the flushed and swollen left face, sobbing, she said infinitely sad: “Darling, look at my face, it’s a shame.”

“Who beat you?”

Zhang Tao asked completely subconsciously.

At this time, Qin Fan and He Qiang walked out of the elevator next to them.

Chen Lili’s eyes suddenly brightened.

“It’s him, it’s him who beat me!”

“People’s faces still hurt even now.”

Chen Lili pointed at He Qiang and said with excitement.

Looking up, the faces of Zhang Yang and his son turned green.

(Inner monologue: Lift the table (╯‵□)╯︵┻━┻, do you want to be so bad……)

Chen Lili, who couldn’t figure out the situation at all, looked at Zhang Tao and added fuel and jealousy: “Darling, people broke up with him, but he still pesters them, and stalks them. If he fails to reconcile, he becomes angry and beats them. NS.”

“Darling, your woman is being bullied, you must be the master for me.”

After speaking, Chen Lili, who had not had time to be proud, was stunned in the next second.

Because Zhang Tao raised his hand and slapped her swollen left cheek vigorously.

“You bitch on a horse, if you didn’t seduce me, do you think Laozi would like you?”

“You don’t want to seduce me by guarding the strong like Brother Qiang? You are either stupid or blind!”

Looking at the face that yelled at her and turned distorted by anger, Chen Lili’s face was bold and bold!

The few melon-eating people who guarded Chen Lili did not leave, also looked bewildered.

what’s the situation?

I thought it was a boyfriend who dumped green tea and found a handsome man. The ex-boyfriend was unwilling to be humiliated and slapped the green tea slap in anger. The current boyfriend of the rich and handsome man appeared utterly, a large-scale ethical drama to find a place for green tea.

Looking at it now, is there a reversal?

Is the ex-boyfriend who was dumped by green tea a more powerful character than the current Gao Fu Shuai?

This melon is huge!

Eat melon, eat melon!

“Zhang Tao, are you crazy! Are you calling He Qiang, a strong brother, a hillbilly? Are you… your head was pinched by the door!”

Chen Lili screamed, covering her face.

She felt that if Zhang Tao was not crazy, then the world was crazy!

He Qiang, a hillbilly from outside.

Zhang Tao, there is a decoration company in his family, and his net worth is ten million!

Now, Zhang Tao manages He Qiang as a strong brother?

Isn’t this crazy?


Zhang Tao’s backhand was another big-eared fan fanning out, and said angrily: “You stupid thing on horses! Strong brother’s awesome, you stupid woman, you don’t know anything at all!”

“Chen Lili, I tell you, you don’t want to look for Laozi anymore!”

“Brother Qiang, Mr. Qin, let’s go first.”

Zhang Yang’s father and son accused Qin Fan and He Qiang of the crime, and then left in a panic, for fear that it would upset Qin Fan and the others, and then trouble them.

“This melon is ok, big and sweet!”

“Wonderful and wonderful, the ex-boyfriend who was disliked by Green Tea finally transformed into the existence that Green Tea’s current rich and handsome boyfriend would have to kneel and lick. It’s amazing.”

“The large-scale rollover scene of the Green Tea Girl.”

At this time, Chen Lili’s eyes towards He Qiang were wonderful.

I picked sesame seeds and lost watermelon. She was talking about.

Besides, she is worse than this.

Because now, Sesame is also lost…

Chen Lili was depressed and wanted to vomit blood.

Seeing He Qiang was about to leave, Chen Lili bit her red lip and rushed forward with tears on her face, looking at He Qiang with a sad and affectionate expression.

“Brother Qiang, I know I was wrong. I blame Zhang Tao, the scumbag. He seduced me. I’m still young, so I will inevitably make mistakes.”

“Brother Qiang, you will forgive me, right? I know you still have me in your heart.”

“Brother Qiang, let’s get back together. Tomorrow we will go to the Civil Affairs Bureau for a ruling, okay?”

“You make me feel sick like this.”

After leaving a sentence, regardless of Chen Lili’s heartbreaking heart, He Qiang stepped out of the Jinhui Building side by side with Qin Fan.

(Look for flowers, evaluation tickets, monthly tickets!!! A flower, a ticket are all support for the author!)

(Thank you book friend [Xulai] for the support of 3 monthly tickets, thank you.)

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