Chapter 83 Don’t have a charm! [6 more, please complete and customize! 】

“Qin Fan, I have a question for you.”

Wu Qianqian asked with a solemn tone as if she had suddenly remembered something.

Qin Fan, who was riding a bike, smiled: “What, it’s so serious.”

Wu Qianqian: “Does my feet smell?”

F*ck! Qin Fan almost couldn’t stabilize his direction and overturned.

He was a little speechless, and he couldn’t think of Wu Qianqian’s solemn tone, but the final question would be such a question.

Fortunately, my waist is hard enough.

Otherwise, they will all be interrupted.

Steady the head of the wheel, Qin Fan thought for a while and replied seriously: “It doesn’t smell.”

Hearing the sound, a happy smile appeared on Wu Qianqian’s face: “Hehe, that’s good.”

The two encounters with Qin Fan were so beautiful! She didn’t want the taste of her feet to make this beauty inadequate.

Although she has always felt that her feet are not smelly.

But she still wants to hear the answer in Qin Fan’s mouth.

When you reach an intersection, the red light is on.

Qin Fan parked and waited.

Suddenly two 85-point beauties walked out of the crowd on the sidewalk.

“Cici, it’s really you, I thought I was dazzled.”

“Hmph, Cici, don’t tell us when you have a boyfriend,”

When the two 85-point long-legged beauties saw Wu Xiqian holding Qin Fan’s waist, they wrinkled Qiong’s nose and mumbled dissatisfiedly, while looking at Qin Fan.

F*ck! So handsome! Two beautiful long-legged beauties stared with beautiful eyes.

They are flight attendants, they have seen any handsome guys before, but the handsome guys they have seen are all younger brothers in front of Cici’s boyfriend! Including the male stars.

The handsome guy in front of him is too handsome.

No wonder, Cici is hiding from them.

Humph, this is for Jinwu Cangjiao.

Qin Fan: ﹏, two beauties, please pay attention to the words.

“Qin Fan, they are all my colleagues, this is Ye Tong, her name is Zhong Yan.”

After Wu Qianqian introduced her, she gave her a blank look and said angrily: “Don’t talk nonsense, Qin Fan and I are not the kind of relationship you think.”

Ye Tong didn’t believe it, he glanced at Wu Qianqian’s hand, and hummed, “It’s not that kind of relationship, you still take it so naturally.”

Wu Qianqian made a big red face in an instant, and after taking a look at Ye Tong, she pouted and reluctantly took the hand that was holding Qin Fan back.

Ye Tong had a terrified expression on his face and molested Wu Qianqian and said, “Qianqian, why are you staring at me? Did I just say the wrong thing?”

Wu Qianqian: 囧.

Qin Fan: “”

These two colleagues of Wu Qianqian are a bit naughty.

Zhong Yan noticed that Wu Qianqian had a medicated patch on her left ankle, and quickly cared: “Qianqian, what happened to your foot?”

Wu Qianqian: “In the afternoon I went for a run and got my foot accidentally. Qin Fan happened to pass by, so he sent me to

The hospital came to see it, and then I met you.”

Zhong Yan: “It’s okay?”

Wu Qianqian: “It’s okay, it’s just that the muscles are strained. I take a rest and I will be able to go to work tomorrow.”

“It’s okay.”

Zhong Yan nodded, looked at Wu Qianqian, then looked at Qin Fan, her face slyly said: “Qin Fan, you have a bad foot, Qin Fan just passed by, this is fate, I am optimistic about you.”

Wu Qianqian is shy: “Little Yanzi, don’t talk nonsense, okay.”

Inner monologue: Little Yanzi speaks really nicely. After speaking, Wu Qianqian glanced at Qin Fan next to him secretly. Seeing that Qin Fan was not angry, Wu Qianqian suddenly felt sweet in her heart.

Ye Tong: “Cici, Qin Fan, Zhong Yan and I are going to have dinner, or maybe we are together”

Wu Qianqian looked at Qin Fan with beautiful eyes, and said softly: “Qin Fan, is it convenient for you?”

Zhong Yan pouted: “Cici, when did you become: so empathetic?”

Ye Tong nodded in agreement: “That’s right, Cici, I don’t even dare to recognize you anymore.”

“You guys beg!”

After being molested by her two good colleagues and being molested twice, Wu Qianqian finally couldn’t bear it anymore.

Qin Fan smiled and watched.

Three long-legged stewardess, “fight”

Come on, don’t have a charm

After a while, the three girls stopped.

Qin Fan looked at Wu Qianqian with a smile and said, “It just so happens that I haven’t eaten it tonight, so let’s have a meal together, I’ll treat.”

Wu Qianqian nodded happily: “Okay, okay.”

Ye Tong and Zhong Yan looked at each other.

It seems that Wu Qianqian really likes this Qin Fan.

Yes, this Qin Fan is so handsome, and he is humble and easy to get along with, but there is a ripple in their hearts.

It’s just that the two women took a look at Qin Fan’s car.

The Qin Fan of the battery car is very nice, but it seems that the family is not very good.

If Qin Fan is a rich man, it is really perfect.

The two women changed their minds, and felt that riding a battery bike might not necessarily be poor.

Now that the traffic is under pressure, many wealthy people would rather ride an electric donkey than drive by themselves.

Therefore, the two women secretly looked at Qin Fan’s clothes.

At this glance, the two women were secretly disappointed.

Qin Fan wears a set of clothes, although it is very slim and clean, but the price is the same as the passerby.

Explain: Qin Fan went out to be a volunteer and wore ordinary clothes

Brothers who have flowers, evaluation tickets and monthly tickets, vote for a wave, if you have conditions, give a reward, vote for reminders, the author is grateful, if this book is written up to now, reminders It’s still 0, so embarrassing.

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