“Damn it, damn it, okay, I haven’t read much and can only say, damn, Lu Xingfan is so majestic and domineering, from now on I will be Lu Xingfan’s crazy fan.”

“Count me in, ‘I would rather you disappear from the crowd and rot in your stomach what you have learned throughout your life than be able to work for foreigners. Anyone who dares to violate the regulations will be punished with treason. He will not be punished until death. Listen, listen. Is this really what he said? It makes people feel comfortable.”

“Cao! I don’t have a good impression of Lu Xingfan at first, but based on what he said today, I will regard Lu Xingfan as my idol from now on. Whoever dares to slander Lu Xingfan, I will kill him”

“I@#¥%*, I couldn’t control myself again. I rarely read words and words, so I could only express my inner excitement by swearing.”

“‘In Galaxy University, the city of Galaxy, we do not accept people with dual nationality or foreign nationality, we do not accept international students, we do not accept foreign teachers.’ Well said, this is the backbone and pride that our Yanlong University should have, this is what we Universities are needed, only such universities are qualified to train these geniuses”

“You are right. Why should I contribute to foreigners with the education and knowledge I received in our country’s universities? Lu Xingfan’s words really spoke to my heart.”

“I support Lu Xingfan and Galaxy University, which makes me feel happy and comfortable. You don’t know, but when I heard that Humanities University and Lehua University were going to change their mathematics textbooks to the Eagle Language version, I almost got mad to death.

These two useless things enjoy the best resources and support in the country. They have a lot of academicians and professors. They even use the Eagle Language version of the math textbook. They are really useless trash, idiots, and bastards.

What’s the use of them, what are they for? To train talents for foreigners? There are so many professors, academicians, and so many mathematicians in the country, but they can’t even compile a mathematics textbook? What a disgrace!”

“Damn, I feel the same way. When I found out about this guy at the time, he made me so angry. The two universities, Humanities and Lihua, kept getting better and better. It was really embarrassing.

I told my son that he can go to any school when he takes the college entrance examination in the future, but he can’t go to humanities or Lihua.”


Not only is there a lot of discussion on the Internet, but also among the scientific community, education community, business community, government departments and military departments who are paying attention to this matter, they are also discussing it.

Although some people are unconvinced or even disgusted by Lu Xingfan’s words, it is undeniable that most people in institutions, schools, governments, and military departments are excited and appreciative of Lu Xingfan’s words.

Half an hour passed quickly. Lu Xingfan returned to the stage from the backstage. He looked at the talented students below and said,”Half an hour is up. Each of you has an exclusive agreement in front of you.

Sign it. Entering Galaxy University, or turning around and leaving without signing, is all voluntary. I will not force you, and the bonuses I gave you before will not be returned, so you can rest assured.” There were hundreds of reporters in the reception hall. Under the watchful eyes of countless people from all walks of life in the Yanlong Kingdom behind the camera, the 4,200 geniuses who finally stood out after various assessments did not disappoint people.

Everyone has signed the exclusive agreement in front of them, the writing is done, and there is no chance of going back on it.

‘Wow——’Warm applause rang out from all the reporters and Galaxy City staff in the hall, and behind their invisible cameras, there were also countless people cheering with joy, joy, and relief.

Lu Xingfan said with a smile:”Congratulations, this is definitely the most correct decision in your life. From today on, you will be a member of Galaxy University, and your parents will be proud of you.

Your family can move in directly from now on. City of Galaxy, become a member of City of Galaxy, and your parents can also enter any group, subsidiary, or branch of City of Galaxy to choose a suitable job position.

You will be given a week to deal with trivial matters, and you will be released in ten days. On July 7th, Galaxy University will hold its opening ceremony, so don’t be late.”

After speaking, Lu Xingfan waved and left the reception hall.

Ten days passed quickly. July 7th came and the opening ceremony of Galaxy University also began.

This time, people from the government, the military, and some domestic universities and companies were invited to the opening ceremony of Galaxy University. A total of one thousand people came to participate.

After the opening ceremony was successfully held, on July 8, Lu Xingfan gave his first lecture in his life to the students of Galaxy University.

Those who attended the opening ceremony yesterday also participated in this speech. During the speech, cameras were broadcast live simultaneously.

The entire lecture auditorium is very large, with two floors, enough to accommodate 10,000 people present at the same time, and the most advanced audio equipment in Galaxy City is deployed in the auditorium.

There is also a large ultra-clear LCD screen in the center of the auditorium that is 20 meters long and 10 meters high. There is no need to worry that people in the auditorium will not be able to see or hear clearly when Lu Xingfan is speaking, and they will be watching the bustling crowd in the audience. Blockbusters, Lu Xingfan collected his thoughts, and then said:”Everyone here is not an ordinary person, so I won’t talk nonsense.

In recent years, there has been an argument in our country, that is, to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Yanlong nation..

Note that it is renaissance rather than rise.

It is said to be renaissance because in the past tens of thousands of years, our Yanlong nation and Yanlong civilization have always been the navigators of the world, representing the most glorious and splendid places of world civilization.

It’s just that in In the past two hundred years or so in modern times, we have sunk and fallen behind, so we have been beaten and invaded.

All developed countries in the world have invaded us more than once and occupied our land. They wanted to turn our country into their colony.

However, our Yanlong nation finally survived. After experiencing countless sufferings and sacrifices, we established a new country and re-entered the world’s powerful countries.

However, What everyone knows is that we are still only a world power, not a superpower. The only superpower in the world today is the Eagle Federation.

If we want a complete revival, then we must replace the Eagle Federation and become the new most powerful superpower.

Have you ever thought about how we can surpass the Eagle Federation? How can we surpass the Eagle Federation and become a superpower?

Are there any standards that allow us to clearly know what we should do to achieve it ? What about surpassing the Eagle Federation?

Did they just create chips, satellites, destroyers, and airplanes?”

Lu Xingfan’s series of questions left everyone speechless. Thinking about it carefully, it is true that Everyone has been shouting the slogan of revival, but no one has ever been able to tell what exactly means revival.

Lu Xingfan smiled, paused for three minutes and then continued:”As we all know, the highest peak in the world is Tianzhu Peak, with a height of 10,452 meters. No one in the world has ever been able to reach the top of Tianzhu Peak.

In my opinion, If we want to realize the true rejuvenation of our Yanlong nation and surpass the Eagle Federation to become a new superpower, we must climb the seven Tianzhu Peaks.

These seven Tianzhu Peaks are agriculture, industry, education, science and technology, and military. Finance, culture.

The hegemony standards of superpowers are agricultural hegemony, industrial hegemony, educational hegemony, technological hegemony, military hegemony, financial hegemony and cultural hegemony.

Among these seven hegemonies, the Eagle Federation has all reached the pinnacle of the world.”

——The content of this chapter is the author’s own understanding of superpowers. I really thought about it for a long time and spent a lot of brain cells to come up with this plot. I don’t know how you feel about it, hehe.

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