Since the founding of the Yanlong Kingdom in 1958, successive military and cabinet committees have summarized the enemies of the Yanlong Kingdom in modern times.

Among the most hated countries in the Yanlong Kingdom, the first one is undoubtedly the Yingzhou Kingdom, the second one is the Hongsu Empire, which is the successor of the current Hongsu Empire, the Pus Empire, and the third one is the Pus Empire in 1820. The Yingdun Kingdom was the first to use cannons to blast open the gates of the Manchu Dynasty and dump dumb films on the Yanlong people; the fourth place was the white-eyed wolf Nanyue Kingdom, and the fifth place was the Eagle Federation.

Nanyue Kingdom is a small country with a land area of 2.32 million square kilometers and a population of 80 million. When major floods and famines broke out in the country in 1962 and 1971, it was Yanlong Kingdom that assisted Nanyue despite difficult conditions. The country had a large amount of food, and even many people in Yanlong’s country starved to death.

But in 1974, the Nanyue Kingdom was instigated by the former Hongsu Empire. They invaded the border of Yanlong Kingdom and killed thousands of Yanlong Kingdom soldiers and ordinary people.

After paying a heavy price to win the counterattack, the Yanlong Kingdom did not embarrass the Nanyue Kingdom too much because of the plea of the Nanyue Kingdom government.

In 1982, upon receiving a request from the Nanyue Kingdom, the Yanlong Kingdom sent troops and made huge sacrifices to help the Nanyue Kingdom defeat the Eagle Federation’s army.

However, in 1984, the Nanyue Kingdom repaid a favor with a grudge and cooperated with the Eagle Federation to once again invade the Yanlong Kingdom’s border without declaring war and commit a tragedy that claimed hundreds of lives.

After the second self-defense counterattack reached the capital of Nanyue Kingdom, under the mediation of the Eagle Federation and the then Hongsu Empire, Yanlong Kingdom once again spared Nanyue Kingdom.

However, the Nanyue Kingdom is a white-eyed wolf, and a dog cannot change its habit of eating shit. After 1984, until 2012, it invaded the Yanlong Kingdom’s border a total of four times, resulting in the deaths and injuries of more than 130 border guards.

In essence, Nanyue Kingdom is a white-eyed wolf just like Yingzhou Kingdom. This time, Nanyue Country was the first country to declare war without declaring it, and brazenly invaded the border of Yanlong Country.

For this renegade, ungrateful, white-eyed wolf who repays kindness with revenge, everyone in the Yanlong Kingdom, from the ordinary people to the cabinet and the military, gnashed their teeth with hatred and wished they could tear these bastards alive.

Before the war broke out, Lu Jianlin, on behalf of the military headquarters, issued an order to the military commanders and soldiers in the southern theater: If the Southern Yue Kingdom really invades the Yanlong Kingdom border again this time, then do not hold back, do not If you are soft-hearted, you must beat them hard and to death.

This time you must not let go of the Nanyue Kingdom. Regardless of men, women, old or young, as long as they are from the Nanyue Kingdom, they will kill everyone on sight. This time you must kill the Nanyue Kingdom. This white-eyed wolf was completely frightened. His legs were broken and his spine was completely crippled.

This time, the Nanyue Kingdom repeated its old trick of launching an undeclared war, hoping to rely on sudden attacks to seize the fortress posts and positions on the Yanlong Kingdom’s border first.

It’s just a pity that the Yunzhou War Zone, which had been prepared early, evacuated the soldiers from the outpost in advance. At the same time, the Qiming satellite navigation system and the reconnaissance aircraft in the sky blocked the undeclared invasion of the Yanlong Kingdom’s border by the Southern Yue Kingdom. Photographed.

This is the evidence. When the time comes, Yanlong Kingdom will have an honest reason to counterattack. As for whether others believe it or not, that is not what Yanlong Kingdom cares about. Anyway, with this evidence, I will have an honest reason to counterattack and enter Nanyue Kingdom.

“Haha, after so many years, the Yanlong Kingdom still has a short memory. This time we have the support of the Eagle Federation and the Pus Empire, and we will definitely be able to occupy the territory of the Yanlong Kingdom.”A special soldier from the Nanyue Kingdom said disdainfully.

At this time, there were seven people with this special soldier. A total of eight people were a special team. They were ordered to sneak into the Yanlong Kingdom to find the Yanlong Kingdom’s military power. , to explore the military deployment of the Yanlong Kingdom and provide intelligence support for the large forces in the rear.

There are a total of twenty special forces from the South Yue Kingdom that have the same mission as this special team, and they have all sneaked into the Yanlong Kingdom through the border.

“Don’t be careless, if the Yanlong Kingdom is really so easy to deal with, it will not be able to stand in the world. The Eagle Federation and the Pus Empire will be unable to do anything to them.

As we walked along, it was too quiet. I felt something was wrong. Everyone was paying attention to their surroundings and spreading out.”The captain of the special team said with a serious look.

At this time, these special soldiers of the Southern Yue Kingdom who were vigilant about the advancement could not see that at an altitude of several hundred meters, a small and exquisite drone was following them above their heads. Watching them, their every move was clearly seen.

Not only this special team, but all the special forces of the Southern Yue Kingdom that had sneaked into the Yanlong Kingdom were monitored by small drones.

These drones are the Hummingbird drones produced in Lu Xingfan’s underground super military factory. These Hummingbird drones are made of lightweight plastic steel. Each one is only 20 centimeters in size and weighs less than two kilograms. It can be carried Equipped with an ultra-high-definition camera and powered by graphene batteries, it can fly at a height of 400 meters with very low sound.

Ten thousand Hummingbird drones are scattered over the border areas of the Yanlong Kingdom, forming information exchanges with the Qiming satellite navigation system. Data sharing has formed a very sophisticated monitoring network. As long as the enemy enters, it is basically impossible to escape the monitoring.

As time goes by, with the intelligence support provided by the special forces of the South Yue Kingdom, four divisions, a total of three The regular army of tens of thousands of people from the Southern Yue Kingdom crossed the border unimpeded and entered the territory of the Yanlong Kingdom.

And just when the four reorganized divisions had just entered the territory of the Yanlong Kingdom and had not yet dispersed, a group of soldiers dozens of kilometers away At the Yunzhou Theater Headquarters outside, the theater commander Zhou Lihan issued the bombing order.

“open fire——”

The forty rocket launchers that were originally hidden took off their camouflage, revealing the cold barrels. After the theater commander’s order was issued, the positions of the four reorganized divisions in the Southern Yue Kingdom were located through data sharing.

Forty rocket launchers suddenly came to life like flaming beasts, and rockets loaded with QN6 high explosives dragged their tail flames towards the Southern Yue army dozens of kilometers away.

Forty rocket launchers, one rocket launcher carries forty rockets, forty vehicles means 1,600 high-energy rockets, thousands of arrows are fired at once, it’s so spectacular

——War plots are difficult to write. The author is not very good at it, so he needs to think carefully about the next step.

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