meeting room.

This is a small conference room that can accommodate more than a dozen people. It can be said that it is not the largest conference room in Tiaodou Company. but!

This conference room has the best equipment. at this time!

Su Can and the others came to this conference room.

After sitting down, Zhang Yiming asked for coffee and tea.

"Mr. Su........"

After seeing the tea on the table, Zhang Yiming looked at Su Can and turned on the projector. Suddenly, various data about the joke appeared on the white screen.

"Let me report to you some recent data of this sub-app!"

Zhang Yiming said nervously.

In his opinion,

Su Can came here this time to know what the data of the Duanzi he founded is like.

After all!

As a person who has invested in several Millions and tens of millions came in.

It is impossible to just send the financial officer to supervise the capital movement and not pay attention to the company's development and layout.


In the past few months,

Su Can has not been here once, but it made Zhang Yiming extremely uneasy. Do you think there is something you didn’t do well?

Or maybe.........

There are some things that Mr. Su doesn't like.


Su Can is here.

Zhang Yiming's hanging heart finally calmed down, and some of the sense of crisis in his heart gradually disappeared a lot, and he no longer worried about gains and losses. after all.

Zhang Yiming in this life is not like his previous life.

In this life, he met Su Can in advance. With Su Can's support, he started his own business for the first time. In his previous life, Zhang Yiming had already gone through several entrepreneurial ventures before founding Duanzi.

This is my first time, and I don’t feel confident!


Now, in addition to the investment given by Su Can, many of the technicians and top talents in the company were not recruited by him at all.

Although his skills are great, he is still young, only in his twenties. It took him several years to reach such an age even in his thirties..........

How many top technical experts can you recruit?

Most of these technical staff were helped by Murray.

Without Murray.

He couldn't stand all this.

And he knew very clearly that although Murray was his former boss and favored him, after all, he left Weibo.

Why did the other party support him so unreservedly?

This time it’s all because of Mr. Su!

If Mr. Su was dissatisfied with him, he felt that the jokes he created might cause the building to collapse in an instant.

Mr. Su has been indifferent for a while. For him, it is a big pressure.


Zhang Yiming just wants to tell all the data he has obtained and report it to Su Can. After seeing these data, I am afraid even Mr. Su will be very satisfied.

"Report to third brother?"

When Zhong Mingqiang heard this, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, and he couldn't laugh or cry in his heart.

"Still too young........."

Zhong Mingqiang sighed in his heart.

I have followed my third brother for so many years.

He had never seen it. The third brother was in the company, listening to the people under his command reporting on the company's situation. Zhang Yiming was still too young to know the third brother's character.

To know!

Not to mention the current scale of the beating company.

Even if it increases another hundred times.

There was no way to get Third Brother to stop and listen.

Look at Wanxiang Group, Yong'an Bank, Qianfen Investment Company, Huatong Patent Company, etc., these companies have reached more than 100 billion US dollars. even!

Huatong Patent Company has achieved revenue of hundreds of billions of dollars.


This company has been in this company for more than 20 years, and the third brother, let alone sitting there and listening to Yang Daqian's personal report, has only been there a handful of times.

Counting, let alone two hands, even if it is one hand, it is something that can be counted.

Listen to Zhang Yiming's report?

How can it be.

Zhong Mingqiang has the answer in his heart

"There is no need to report to me, you can just take control of these things yourself. At the end of the year, when the annual report data is compiled, people will naturally look at it."

Su Can shook his head, too lazy to listen to these things.

These things!

To Su Can, they are really nothing.

He has been used to being a hands-off shopkeeper over the years

, and he didn't even listen to Yang Daqian's report on revenue of hundreds of billions of dollars. , not to mention Duanzi, which Zhang Yiming has just founded?

Sure enough, it is so........

Zhong Mingqiang was not surprised and thought to himself.

If the third brother really listened.

That's what shocked the world.

Don’t say anything else.

I am afraid that the troika under the third brother, the heads of the three giant groups, and those who are at the top of the financial circle will be shocked and dumbfounded.

You will also be envious, even jealous.

As for Lu Guoqiang and the others, they would all be dumbfounded. this matter!

It's absolutely shocking


Zhang Yiming was completely stunned when he heard this.

He was a little panicked at the same time, his face was a little unnatural, and he was twitching slightly. He looked at Su Can with an incredible look in his eyes..........

"Could it be that I did something wrong?"

"Or, in this company, Mr. Su has actually been an informant for a long time, and he has seen everything, right?"


All of a sudden, many thoughts came to his mind.

Zhang Yiming was suddenly startled.

At the same time!

In his mind, he was quickly thinking about whether anything major had happened while he was in charge of Duanzi during this period. Questions.

These questions!

Could it be a fatal problem?

After thinking about it for a long time, Zhang Yiming's head showed a thin circle of sweat, his throat was crawling, and he was swallowing saliva nervously.

He was very panicked........

But after thinking a lot, I didn’t realize what big mistake I had made during this period! this?

This only made him panic even more.

Su Can watched, dumbfounded. He vaguely guessed what was going on with Zhang Yiming's behavior.

This guy!

You’re so imaginative!


Su Can coughed a few times and looked at Zhong Mingqiang.

Zhong Mingqiang had followed Su Can for so many years, founded a listed company, and managed so many people under his command. He didn't know what Su Can was thinking.

Su Can looked at Zhong Mingqiang. He immediately understood.

He was also a little bit dumbfounded in his heart, but his face still showed a serious look and said:"Don't think too much. The reason why the third brother doesn't look at the various data of Duanzi under the Jump Company........"

"I won’t listen to your report either. That’s because, in the eyes of others, today’s Duanzi can be said to be a cutting-edge Internet company that is expected to become a unicorn company."

"However, such a company is too weak for Third Brother, or in other words, it is not worthy of letting Third Brother hear these data." ps please subscribe please subscribe

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