
While Su Can and Zhong Mingqiang were chatting, suddenly there was a sound of brakes.

Several cars appeared in front of Su Can and Zhong Mingqiang.

"Third brother, be careful!"

Seeing this scene, Zhong Mingqiang was shocked and felt a chill on his back. He felt that he was a little careless in such a safe place in Yanjing City..........

Is this an enemy attack?

He regretted it deeply.

If I had known it earlier!

He didn't listen to the third brother and asked everyone else to stand farther away.


Next to the third brother, there were only him and another security guard.

If faced with an ordinary killer coming up, there would be absolutely no problem. He has such confidence, but now, several cars from the other side are coming.

Even if there are ordinary people in every car, if they are all armed and so many people rush out, can he protect the third brother?


Zhong Mingqiang pressed forward in panic, feeling bad in his heart.

He immediately stood up and jumped, rushing in front of Su Can, blocking the possibility of people getting out of the car, or rolling down the windows and taking out weapons to fight.

If the other party has a gun.

Before killing the third brother, he could take the bullet for the third brother. maybe.........

You can let the third brother escape!

Thinking of this, Zhong Mingqiang felt a little regretful.

About to die?

While his thoughts were spinning in his mind, he looked at the cars on the opposite side, his eyes slightly startled, because these cars seemed a bit familiar! this?

I seem to have seen this somewhere!

This sudden scene made Zhong Mingqiang's mind filled with the possibility of an enemy attack. He couldn't think of anything else!

He saw that the car looked familiar, but for a moment, he didn't think of it.

And saw Zhong Mingqiang's actions.

The security guards around him also reacted instantly. Some of them who were originally standing around, some more than ten meters away, all rushed over like frightened birds.

A person's expression changed drastically, causing a great shock.

Su Can looked at it and couldn't laugh or cry..........

He already recognized these cars


Su Can looked at Zhong Mingqiang who was standing in front of him, as if he was taking a bullet for him at any time. He felt a little moved and helpless at the same time. He said in a dumbfounded voice:"We are all our own people."

"One of our own?

Zhong Mingqiang was stunned.

Su Can smiled and said,"Look at these cars, aren't they familiar?" Don’t you know whose cars these cars belong to?"


Hearing Su Can's words, Zhong Mingqiang put away his vigilance and looked at the cars parked in front of him.

He did feel very familiar.

Where had he seen it before?

The scene just now made his thoughts extremely confused. For a moment, I can't even remember where these cars look so familiar. Where have I seen them before?.........

"Look at the license plate number!"

Su Can complained.

License plate number!

Zhong Mingqiang looked at it.

At the same time, among the cars, the windows of the Maybach in the middle, which was worth more than 7 million, slowly opened.


A picture of a beautiful middle-aged woman emerged from inside.

This is a woman who looks extremely elegant and luxurious, and she also wears precious accessories. It seems that such a woman is worth a lot of money........


Zhong Mingqiang was stunned when he saw it.

He suddenly remembered.

Isn't this Xiaoping's car?


The corners of Zhong Mingqiang's mouth twitched slightly, a little bit dumbfounded. What's wrong with him? He looks a bit frightened.! This made Xiaoping's convoy the convoy of the attack.


He was speechless.


It's true that Xiaoping didn't even say hello when the motorcade came over. He barged in so unexpectedly. Could he not misunderstand her? not to mention!

Although the things that happened in Chengdu a few days ago were suppressed, he was the one who experienced them!


Whenever Zhong Mingqiang thinks of what happened in Chengdu, he seems to remember it vividly. Whenever he thinks of it, he will feel extremely regretful.

So now, in Zhong Mingqiang's heart, not only the grass and trees are all in danger, it can also be said that there is a tremor in the wind.

Still a little wary

"Third brother!"

Seeing Su Can, Xiao Ping's elegant lady face showed a look of joy:"It is indeed you! I saw it from a distance, and thought I had seen it wrong!"

She said as she opened the car door.


Xiaoping, wearing a long snow-white coat, walked down.

Although she is not young, almost fifty years old, she has taken good care of herself. This is all due to her having been in a high position for many years. because!

Although Xiaoping was Su Can's nanny back then, she cleaned, cooked and bought groceries in Su Can's courtyard. but!

This girl is very smart and reliable.

Although her father and older brothers were both bad guys, Su Can was kind to her, after Xiaoping encountered a business opportunity in the 1980s.

Su Can invested a sum of money in Xiaoping and asked her to start her own business.

She quickly established a travel company called Qunar, and then in the late 1990s, established an Internet company that sold online tickets. now!

Her travel company has been listed on the A-share market, with a market value of more than 30 billion, and the Internet company has been listed on the US stock market..........

It has a market value of almost seven to eight billion US dollars.

In addition, over the years, some other industries invested by this company have begun to be listed on the capital market one after another.

These assets, together with the two listed companies, Xiaoping, a girl who used to work as a nanny at Su Can, is already a strong woman with assets worth hundreds of billions.

Leave it to this year.

The combined assets of the major companies she manages exceed 100 billion. She is definitely a strong woman. Today's Miss Dong may not have her current status.

She can be said to be the number one sister in the domestic business circle!

"Xiaoping, why are you here?"

Zhong Mingqiang did not wait for Su Can to speak, but directly complained:"You suddenly asked someone under you to drive over, who did I think it was!"

"I was so shocked that the entire security team almost took action against you."

This sentence.........

Zhong Mingqiang really didn't lie.

If Xiaoping doesn't come out.

If the others in her car came out first, Zhong Mingqiang felt that those under his command would rush up immediately and restrain them.

This is a bit depressing!

I thought it belonged to some enemy!

Zhong Mingqiang's nerves were so tense just now that he almost collapsed! ps please subscribe please subscribe

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