The melon-eaters were once again shocked.

They felt that what they encountered today was more shocking and surprising than what they had encountered in so many years of life...........

This scene flipped over and over again.

Let countless people be shocked

"Damn it! Wang Su is actually the eldest lady of Tianwei Flavor Industry!"

"This time, Wang Su’s identity was completely exposed."

"Tianwei Weiye is the leader in condiments! It is even more famous than Tianhai, and it is said that it has assets worth hundreds of billions."

"This identity is so awesome!"

"She is not inferior to the younger sister of Mr. Wang of Sino-Ocean Real Estate, and her status is low!"

"Co-author, Wang Su comes from a proud family!"

"Tianwei Flavor Industry is very famous in Guizhou! It is said that it has helped many local people get out of poverty, and it has affected not just thousands of households, but hundreds of thousands!"

"I heard about it too"

"I am from there. We used to be in a mountain village and were very poor. But since Tianwei Flavor Industry signed a contract with our village, our village began to grow various products specially supplied to Tianwei Flavor Industry. The per capita income of our village The price surged, and now we have escaped poverty and become rich........."

"The CEO of Tianwei Flavor Industry used to be from our village. Now, our village has been completely transformed by the CEO of Tianwei Flavor Industry. Every household lives in a villa."

"We're from the same town, it's said to be like this"

"So awesome"

"Only such an enterprise can be said to be a conscientious enterprise and a national enterprise!"

"Tianwei Weiye is awesome, Wang Su’s identity is so awesome"

"By the way, Wang Su’s family background is so strong that he actually entered the entertainment industry."

"No wonder, a few years ago, Wang Su looked like a desperate mother-in-law. She filmed five or six film and television dramas in a year. She worked hard. The reason for co-writing was because if she didn't act well and became famous, she would have to go home and inherit her fortune. Billion assets!"

"Upstairs, you made me laugh so hard"

"I also don’t want to work hard and go home to inherit hundreds of billions of assets."

Weibo exploded with all kinds of comments.


Basically, there are no negative comments. After everyone knows Wang Su's identity, they only know about her parents. In fact, they don't know that her parents are from the Su family.

And some people know it.

But he didn’t dare to expose it.

More than a month ago, the destruction of the Bai family was still vivid in our minds. No one among the major families in Yanjing City wanted to offend the Su family again at this juncture. and!

For the major families in Yanjing City, this is actually a rigid rule.

Just like many people in the circle, their family background is very high. If they go out to do business, they will basically keep a very low profile.

Don't want others to know your identity. so as not to.

Some people have bad intentions.

Therefore, in the circle, many people will not undermine each other, let alone do this, which blatantly violates some rules in the entire circle.

Like back then, Su Can and Wang Er were exposed while drinking draft beer at a roadside stall, and someone even deliberately revealed Su Can's identity..........

That was all done by that idiot Bai Ye, who thought no one knew and deliberately exposed it.


This kind of behavior is despised in the entire circle, and there are really not many people who would do this.

And this time.

Wang Su's identity was exposed, but it was nothing. mainly!

When Tianwei Flavor Industry was established, Su Can gave the company a plan. As long as he didn't make mistakes, he could go on safely for the rest of his life and become a national brand.

That is!

Integrate with the local area.

Qiansheng has many mountains but little land, and is one of the places with the largest number of poor people in the country. If Tianwei Flavor Industry develops, it can drive local economic development and help countless people escape poverty.

This value is given to Tianwei Weiye and adds a mysterious halo.

With this halo.

Even without the existence of the Su family, Tianwei Weiye will be immune to all poisons. Among some high-level officials, there is a feeling that Jane is in the heart of the emperor..........

This is the royal way. so!

Over the years, Tianwei Flavor Industry would rather make less money, but still give profits to those people, helping a lot of people get rid of poverty and become rich.

The local people were allowed to plant pepper, Sichuan peppercorns and some tea and other things suitable for local industries, which caused the local people to skyrocket. actually!

These are very simple things.

These are all sales issues, and Tianwei Flavor Industry can capture all of these things, and then manufacture them into products and appear on the market.

This can increase the income of local people.

It has helped hundreds of thousands of households escape poverty.

This is equivalent to the population of a county, and it has to be at the level of a large county. This approach is simply a big halo.......... so!

Now Wang Qiang still has a very strong official status in Qiansheng. In the local area, he is just like the Liu family's status in Sichuan in his previous life. then.

A group of netizens appeared on Tianwei Flavor Industry's Weibo one after another, asking for familiarity, and some even submitted their resumes to Tianwei Flavor Industry.

It's on Weibo. have to say!

In this wave, Tianwei Flavor Industry has gained a lot of exposure.

This also caused.

In the second year, the sales volume of Tianwei Flavor Industry increased by more than 50% than expected. That is to say, the original sales volume in the second year was one billion, and it suddenly increased by 500 million.

Such growth.

Scary enough.

After all, this is not the financial industry, nor is it some big explosive growth, but the growth of daily necessities, growth of this scale.

It's scary enough.

Even Wang Qiang was frightened. on Weibo.

Extremely lively......... at the same time.

In Yanjing City, between the second and first rings, that is, next to the Forbidden City, there is a courtyard, which is heavily guarded and very strict.

Generally, cars driving into the courtyard must have a special pass. if there is not!

Can't get in at all. and!

In addition to these people on the surface, there are many people wearing casual clothes outside and taking security measures. This can be said to be one of the most strictly guarded places in the huge Yanjing City.

Because here!

It is the office location of Mr. Long's department, who is also an acquaintance of Su Can and Mr. Long of the same generation.

Mr. Long works in a small office. There is a globe on the table, which is also piled with many documents.

Mr. Long looked at the documents in front of him

"Bang bang bang!"

Suddenly, there was a knock on the office door...........

"Come in!"

Mr. Long did not raise his head, but made a voice full of majesty. Just from this voice, you knew that it must be from someone who has been in power for a long time.

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