Yanjing City.

Su Can's Gulfstream private jet stopped at Yanjing City Airport. As soon as he got off the plane, he took the motorcade that had already arrived and left the airport.

Until now........

The services at the airport are getting better and better.

Even if Su Can doesn't use official resources.


Mr. Gu, Mr. Yue and others all know Su Can's contribution to the charity work he has done over the years and secretly helping to lay out some industries.

In other aspects.

There was nothing they could do to make it up to Su Can.

Be it money or whatever.

There is no way.

Because Su Can is not short of money at all, and as for the inclination of some resources, Su Can does not need it, because he feels that the industry under his control is already strong enough.

Give some more resources.

Do you think other people can still do it?

Su Can refused.

There was no other way. Mr. Gu and Mr. Yue discussed it and concluded that Su Can couldn't be compensated by other means, and Su Can didn't need those compensations. but.......

It can provide some convenience for Su Can's flight, so now Su Can's private jet can be regarded as the most convenient private jet in the mainland.

Driving out of the airport, we headed to the Second Ring Road.

About half an hour later.

The car stopped in an old alley.

Su Can got out of the car and walked inside with only a few people. Without taking too many people, he quickly entered the alley and walked to a courtyard.

There are people guarding the door of this courtyard.

Except for this courtyard.

Several nearby ones also have similar ones.

And these courtyard houses.

The people living here are all people like the old man of the Su family.

Naturally, Su Can was not blocked, but walked directly in, passed through the screen wall, and immediately saw the main hall, but no one was seen inside.

The old man is behind?

Su Can, who was familiar with the old man's character, was not in a hurry and walked directly towards the backyard.

Zhong Mingqiang and others stayed in the front yard.

As soon as Su Can stepped into the backyard, he heard the old man's hearty laughter. The laughter was very loud. It was obvious that the old man had almost recovered during this period. and........

Almost back to the way he was before he fell ill.

Su Can glanced over.

I saw my father, walking and chatting with the old man. They walked beside a row of flower pots in the backyard. It was already more than April.

The weather in Yanjing City has long since recovered.

A few more days.

This is already May.

Although it is the New Year, the temperature is not low, and many flowers in this flower pot have begun to bloom slowly.

These were all raised by the old man after his retirement.

Although he later got old and went to Yazhou in Qiongzhou for retirement, Su Can still sent people to help the old man take care of the courtyard house, taking good care of it inside and out.

Su Can looked at the old man using a cane and walking without the help of his father. He could tell at a glance that the old man had recovered very well during this period.


Su Can shouted and walked forward quickly.

Hearing Su Can's voice, the old man stopped. He and Su's father looked in the direction of Su Can's voice.

They saw that it was Su Can. Chan is here.........

The old man's wrinkled face looked like an old flower blooming, and he smiled happily.

"came back."

The old man said with a smile.


Su Can nodded as he walked, and then came to the old man and his father. He also shouted to his father:"Dad!"

Su's father has retired a long time ago.

In the early years,

Su Zeming was not married and had children. He and Su's mother had been in Yazhou, accompanying and taking care of the old man. But now, Su Zeming is married and has a child.

This child.

In Yanjing City, they naturally stayed here and had fun.

It just happened.

The old man was recovering in Yanjing City, and he came here often.

Su's father also nodded slightly towards Su Can.

The old man smiled and said:"Su Can, Grandpa's call to ask you to come back has indeed delayed your affairs a bit. However, Grandpa will not rest assured if he leaves this matter to anyone. Only by leaving it to you will Grandpa be completely relieved."


Su Can paused slightly.

What's going on?

The old man is actually so solemn.

That's right!

Regarding the matter in Xiangjiang, Su Can just ordered to deal with Olke and Ruan Shixiong, but Su Can was recalled by the old man's phone call.

Su Can had no choice.

The old man issued an order to summon him back. No matter how busy Su Can was, no matter how far apart he was, he had to return to the old man as soon as possible. so!

Su Can asked Zhong Mingqiang to send someone to deal with those matters, and then ran back to Yanjing City with Zhong Mingqiang and other security guards.

The old man’s order.

Must be ranked first

"grandfather! Look what you said."

Su Can walked to the old man's side, stretched out his hand to support the old man, and said while walking slowly with the old man:"I am your grandson, there is no need to delay anything, these things are not as important as your old things."

"Don't say I'm in Xiangjiang, even if I'm on the moon or Mars, if you call me, I'll be back here as soon as possible."

Su Can said, flattering the old man.

In this world........

Someone who can make Su Can flatter him.

That is to say, the old man, Su's father and Su's mother are the only ones left. certainly!

These few people are also very few who can defeat Su Can.

"dad! Although this kid is out of tune, he is right. He is your grandson. Don't tell him to call him back. Even if you beat him with a feather duster, he won't dare to hide."

Dad Su said with a smile.


The old man glared at Su's father, snorted coldly, and said angrily:"You kid, if you had half the ability of your son, you wouldn't be like this.""

"Are you embarrassed to dare to talk about Su Can here?"

The old man loves his grandson Su Can, but when it comes to his son Su's father, this old man is merciless and doesn't give him any face.

Even though Su's father once had such a high position.

However, around the old man, he is still like a mouse. Seeing a cat like that, how could he dare to refute! He could only look at the old man helplessly, flattering himself, not as good as one ten thousandth of the flattering of his own son!

Could it be that.........

Is this an intergenerational relationship?

Father Su felt depressed.

When Su Can saw it, he felt extremely happy. Ever since his sons Su Zeming, Su Duo'er and Su Nian'er were born, his father and mother didn't stay with him very long.

These two old men.

They had already kissed each other a generation ago.

There is nothing to say to my precious granddaughter and grandson.

But to myself!

Su Can thought for a moment. Over the past twenty years, most of them were filled with tears!

Fortunately, there was an old man here who was able to calm his father. Su Can looked at it with secret joy in his heart.

As if he felt Su Can's joy, Su's father looked at Su Can like a cold knife.

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