"Call and continue making other calls."

Tanaka Hantora said anxiously:"We must get through these phone numbers."

He had some bad premonitions in his heart. If the other party didn't answer the phone for such a long time, something must have happened......

At this critical moment, Tanaka Hanhu was a little anxious


Tanaka Hantora's assistant said respectfully.

He took the mobile phone and made a few more calls.

The first one was not connected.

The second one was not connected!

"Mr. Tanaka, the phone still can’t be reached!"After making two consecutive phone calls, the man raised his head and looked at the irritable Tanaka Hantora and said

"Can't get through!"

Tanaka Hantora's eyes were a little panicked.........

"Could something have happened?

He took a deep breath and said,"Does the other party know about the safe house we are in now?""

"Lord Tanaka."

One of the middle-aged men stood up and said respectfully:"This place is our own safe house. We haven't told anyone in the Yang family, and there are few people around. We should be safe."


After Tanaka Hantora heard this, he calmed down a little and said:"This place belongs to us and no one knows about it, so that's not bad."

"But these are not ordinary times, we need to be careful"


He said in a deep voice:"Everyone, please rest where you are for ten minutes. After ten minutes, if the other party does not reply to our message, we will move immediately.""

"When necessary!

He paused and said:"Everything is completely destroyed in Yanjing City, even leaving China.""


As soon as Tanaka Hantora said these words, the spies present were shocked and dumbfounded.

Some of them have been assigned to China since they were twenty years old. Now, for more than twenty years, they have hidden so much For many years.

They have long used various means to disguise their identities as Chinese.

In that era when the Internet was underdeveloped, it was not difficult for them to operate like this. After several rounds of operations, most people did not know them. Their identities.

If they all evacuate now, their identities may be exposed.

By then, it will be almost impossible for them to return to China.........

"Lord Tanaka! Someone swallowed and said quickly:"Our disguised identity is hard-won. Now many of them have acquired the identity of Chinese people. If they all evacuate, the losses will be too heavy.""

"That's right, Mr. Tanaka, we evacuated, the losses were too great."

"With this identity, I traveled through several provinces in China and acquired several identities before I obtained my current identity. I have lived there for more than ten years. Once I give up this identity, I can never get it back."

"China has developed so rapidly in recent years, especially the Internet industry. Now they are promoting the networking system. In the future, our people will not be able to use our previous operations and sneak into China. We evacuated and the whole family will never have such a secret. It’s chess"

"Master Tanaka, do you really want to evacuate?"

"This place is very safe, no one should know about it"

"Will the family agree to this?"

Those spies, after hearing Tanaka Hantora's words, made some noises one after another.

Some were unwilling to give up their current identities.

They are lurking in China. In addition to the rewards given by the Sumitomo Zaibatsu, some of them are secretly supported by the Sumitomo Zaibatsu. Below, their net worth is not low.

In the local area, they are all considered small wealthy people and live a wealthy life.

But once they give up their current status, their assets will be gone. When they return to the island country, they will no longer have the use value they have now. Sumitomo The chaebol may not necessarily give them generous rewards.

They are accustomed to living a wealthy life, and they are unwilling to return to the island country and live the lives of ordinary people.

In addition. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

They Most of them come from ordinary families. They were taken over by the Sumitomo Zaibatsu and trained from a young age, so they know better how difficult it is to live a wealthy life.

Of course, these people are not willing to give up their current status.........

Tanaka Hantora heard that so many people opposed it, but only one or two agreed. His face suddenly became gloomy.

"The family sent me here, and the person in charge of the family's intelligence system in China gave me huge power. I don't need to ask the family for instructions on matters I decide.

Tanaka Hantora said coldly:"This time, our enemy is not an ordinary person. He caused the family owner to lose tens of billions of dollars in Nasdaq.""

"Moreover, this is still his territory. We are fighting others on other people's territory. We should not underestimate the strength of others."

Asking for flowers

"Therefore, it is necessary to remove it"

"Once someone among us is caught and they dig deep, everyone here will not be able to escape and will be caught."

"If you are caught, can you still keep everything you have now?"

Tanaka Hantora threatened.

He didn't know what these people were thinking.

In fact, he also had such thoughts, but what happened today made him feel a sense of crisis, otherwise, he would not want to go back.

In China, He is the person in charge of the Sumitomo Zaibatsu here. Just like a prince, he can mobilize the power of the Sumitomo Zaibatsu in China, both openly and secretly.

Why go back?

But this time, the enemy is too powerful.

"Wait a moment!"

Suddenly, Tanaka Hanhu paused, and his face became a little frightened.........

"Master Tanaka, what happened?"

Seeing the change in Tanaka Hantora's face, someone asked anxiously

"Have you ever felt that from just now to now, there seems to be a lot less chirping of birds around you?"Tanaka Hantora pricked up his ears and said with fear on his face.

"What, the birds chirping less?"

"Wait a moment! seems like it!"

"When we came here just now, there were a lot of birds chirping, but now, the sound seems to be much less than before!"

"I think so too"

"There are enemies!"

Some people couldn't help but exclaimed.

The enemy is coming!

They looked at Tanaka Hantora one after another, and they were shocked. Just now Tanaka Hantora had not taken precautions and told them that they might be exposed.

They didn't expect that this would come so fast.

Because , the birds around suddenly stopped chirping, which means that the birds nearby have flown away.

But why did they fly away?.........

Even if a ferocious beast comes, those birds will not be afraid, but all of a sudden, there are too many things like ferocious beasts coming.

They frightened the birds, and they flew away one after another

"Unexpectedly, they came so quickly!

Tanaka Hantora said coldly:"Everyone prepare weapons B.""

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