Although the stock market investment in the seven brewing stocks will not end until September 29, the gold investment that has long begun is coming to an end.

According to the system’s instructions, gold investment will end on September 24, and today it is September 23rd.

That is to say, tomorrow gold investment can be smoothly closed.

In addition, Su Yu also accumulated an investment opportunity, which was a new reminder of the god-level investment system last Sunday, and it has not yet reached the investment period, so Su Yu saved first.

“God-level investment system releases new week investment opportunity [Return of Glory]!”

Investment theme: Return of glory

Investment target: Honor mobile phone

Return on investment: cannot be estimated

Investment period: after October 7, before October 15

Investment tips: In order to get out of the predicament and break the foreign monopoly, Kirin Mobile will sell its Honor series of mobile phones, the estimated price is 100 billion Xia Guoyuan, Kirin Group is currently looking for a buyer to take over, if the host intends to invest in Honor Mobile before October 15, the system will give help, so that the host has the opportunity to take over.

Note: The scale of this investment is huge, and the host can adopt a variety of modes of investment, including wholly-owned acquisition or joint venture acquisition.

At that time, Su Yu saw this investment reminder and had a complicated mood, and the Kirin Group was banned from selling high-end chips to it by order of the Bald Eagle Country, making it impossible to release its new products.

Today, Kirin Group has finally made up its mind to spin off the business of the Honor series and sell it to other domestic companies, so as to bypass the ban of Bald Eagle Country and allow domestic high-end mobile phones to continue to develop.

And the Kirin Group, which has hundreds of billions of funds, can also invest more money to develop higher-level chips.

However, there is no wind in the market at all, and it is estimated that there has only been discussion at the highest level of the Kirin Group.

But Su Yu now knows this matter, and I have to say that the god-level investment system is really powerful.

But Su Yu didn’t do anything.

First, the investment time will be after October 7, and there are almost ten days, and there is no way to invest.

What’s more, Brother Yu has no money!

Before Yu Ge was still thinking about whether the gold investment could be extended for a while, he was slapped in the face by reality.

The assets of the glory series, Su Yu, of course, want it, and also want to be wholly-owned.

Although the market positioning of the Honor series mobile phones is mainly low-end mobile phones, the Honor mobile phone is indeed very profitable.

According to public data, in 2019, Honor became the only brand to grow except Qilin, and it was equally divided online and offline, ranking among the top 4 omni-channel in Xia Guo. In 2020, Honor announced that it would launch an attack on the TOP2.

At the beginning of the birth of Honor in 2013, Kirin Group discovered the broad prospects of Internet sales and hereby established the Honor brand to specialize in online sales; In 2017, with its excellent technical level and product quality, Honor won the good results of online sales champion and maintained it so far

; In 2018, Honor carried out a comprehensive brand upgrade, with a new brand vision, various cross-border emergences, becoming more and more trendy, and also exploring the possibility of offline sales;

In 2019, Honor successfully transformed into an omni-channel brand with online and offline synergy, and in the same year, Honor’s offline shipments of mobile phones have exceeded online, and the number of Honor’s offline stores has exceeded 2,000, and the number of special counters has exceeded 24,000.

Glory is more inclined to the fashion trend of young people, Honor is a technology brand for young people, and the three major DNA of the brand are young, technology, and cool.

If there is an honor series, then when Su Yu researches the smart chip, honor can immediately enter the high-end mobile phone industry and burst all mobile phone brands.

But that would require $100 billion.

But Su Yu now only has 122 million in his private account, and there is not much money in the account of Tianyu Investment, only some activities to maintain the company’s operation.

Therefore, Brother Yu must continue to work hard to make money.

To earn 100 billion yuan in 20 days before October 15, and then negotiate with Kirin Group in the rest of the time, saying that he wants to take over the glory series assets.

Su Yuhao wanted to say, “Workers, working souls, and part-time workers are all people.” ”

He is also a migrant worker, constantly making money, and then spending money, although he earns more, but spends more.

Although it only costs 100 billion Xia Guoyuan to buy Glory, a series of production, research and development, publicity, operation and so on after that require a lot of funds.

Especially research and development, research and development of a new generation of mobile phones, mobile phone chips, mobile phone shapes, mobile phone screens, mobile phone cameras, etc. require a lot of investment, at least tens of billions of funds.

Although a little depressed, Su Yu still enjoyed it.

In the evening, Su Yu and Zhao Yuejing went to Li’s cuisine for dinner, and he also booked a candlelight dinner in advance, just to make a romantic atmosphere.

Zhao Yuejing was really moved, and Su Yu was still willing to do a lot of things to make her feel safe.

After eating dinner in Lijia Cai, Su Yu and Zhao Yuejing drove to the Bund for a ride, and went to the Oriental Pearl to see the night view of the magic capital, which can see the prosperity of the entire magic capital.

Standing here will make you think that you are in the center of the world, in the most prosperous place in the world.

After the two returned to the top mansion in Binjiang Yipinwan, Zhao Yuejing’s aunt had already left.

This night is destined to be a night of unrest.


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