Listening to the report of Zhu Long, CEO of Yitu Technology, Su Yu felt very surprised.

The acquisition of Yitu Technology can be described as a big profit, and Yitu Technology’s artificial intelligence-related background is very deep.

In particular, Su Yu focused on the artificial intelligence chip, that is, the AI chip, did not expect Yitu Technology to have such a deep research.

He was also thinking about deducing smart chips by studying artificial intelligence, but he didn’t expect that Yitu Technology already had related products.

Although the degree of ‘smart chip’ referred to by the two is not the same, the R & D personnel of Yitu Technology have such a foundation, and the opportunity to develop a more powerful smart chip through artificial intelligence is much greater.

He envisions a smart chip with powerful natural language understanding capabilities, which can simply communicate with people, sense people’s emotions, and make appropriate reminders.

This smart chip can be called a ‘super weakened’ version of artificial intelligence.

It is not comparable to the smart chip of Yitu Technology.

“Increase the funding for the research and development of artificial intelligence chips, focus the funds mainly on this, I want you to develop a smart chip with strong natural language understanding ability, it can communicate with people simply, sense people’s emotions, and make appropriate reminders, which I have great use.” Su Yu said directly.

“President Su, forgive us for being incompetent, the smart chip you requested is too advanced, and it is not at all that current technology can develop.” Zhu Long shook his head in denial.

“What’s more, once you start to develop this smart chip, it is a bottomless pit, even if you invest 15 billion in it, you can’t develop it.”

Zhu Long said bitterly.

He didn’t want to develop such an epoch-making chip, but Yitu Technology really can’t do it, it doesn’t have that ability, and other top artificial intelligence companies in the world can’t do it.

Su Yuyan’s brows furrowed when he heard this, if he couldn’t develop the smart chip he requested, he couldn’t use it on the glory mobile phone, and he couldn’t break the chip blockade abroad.

Regarding artificial intelligence, Su Yu has done his homework.

There are three main levels of artificial intelligence: computational intelligence, perceptual intelligence, and cognitive intelligence.

The core of computing intelligence is the chip, representing the company Intel, AMD, Qualcomm, Kirin and Horizon.

The most popular areas of perceptual intelligence are machine vision, voice assistants, and sports, etc., representing companies such as Megvii Technology, Hikvision, SenseTime, and Touch Infinity.

Cognitive intelligence is the most difficult and cutting-edge field of artificial intelligence, and it is the ultimate goal of artificial intelligence, representing companies such as IBM, Microsoft, Google, iFLYTEK, rice, Qiandu, etc.

The ‘weak artificial intelligence’ that the system keeps for him belongs to cognitive intelligence, and the intelligent chip he wants to develop is computational intelligence + perceptual intelligence.

Su Yu also knew that research and development was very difficult, but he still had to develop it.

Once the Honor phone is equipped with what he calls a smart chip, it is a real ‘smartphone’, not the crude castrated version of the present.

When it comes to artificial intelligence on mobile phones, the first thing that comes to mind may be voice assistants, because almost all technology giants have developed their own voice assistants, such as Apple’s Siri, Google’s Google Assistant, Samsung’s Bixby and so on.

Intelligent voice is one of the concrete embodiments of artificial intelligence on mobile phones.

The best carrier of smart chips is mobile phones, with which it can occupy the vast smartphone market.

In recent years, driven by the three major elements of big data, algorithms and computer capabilities, artificial intelligence has entered a stage of rapid development. According to the Xia Guo Electronics Society, the global artificial intelligence market will reach 200 billion yuan in 2022.

Artificial intelligence empowers the real economy and will bring revolutionary changes to production and life.

As the core force of a new round of industrial transformation, artificial intelligence will reshape all aspects of economic activities such as production, distribution, exchange and consumption, and give birth to new businesses, new models and new products.

From food, clothing, housing and transportation to medical education, artificial intelligence technology is deeply integrated and applied in various fields of social economy. At the same time, artificial intelligence has strong economic radiation benefits and provides a strong engine for economic development. According to Accenture, artificial intelligence will have a market of $7.1 trillion by 2035.

If Su Yu takes out weak artificial intelligence, then this stage will be accelerated, and it can directly detonate the artificial intelligence market, which is a super market of more than ten trillion yuan.

When Su Yu takes artificial intelligence as the core to construct major industrial chains, and can even touch all parts of the world, it is not necessary to become the king of the world.

“What if I call you more AI talents, the world’s top AI experts?” Su Yu groaned.

“Then the process will be accelerated.” Zhu Long said calmly.

“Then if there is artificial intelligence as a basis, it is the kind in the power supply, can it reverse the smart chip I said?” Su Yu continued to ask.

“How is that possible? There can be no real AI right now. Zhu Long directly denied it, not believing it at all.

“I mean if, what if?” Su Yu emphasized.

Zhu Long hesitated, but still said: “If there is real artificial intelligence to rely on, plus a large number of artificial intelligence experts involved, it is possible to develop it.” ”

Su Yu thought thoughtfully, did not continue to say that he had real artificial intelligence, and the timing was not right.


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