“Of course.”

Chen Hao, CEO of Tiansheng Education, said with a smile.

“Originally, I wanted to transfer all the shares of Tiansheng Education to Tianyu Investment for 0 yuan, and help Tianyu Investment work for free for ten years, as long as Tianyu Investment is willing to lend a hand.”

“But Mr. Su, who is invested by Tianyu, is kind and benevolent, of course, he will not take advantage of me, and he will fall into the trap of Tiansheng Education, but just signed a gambling agreement with me.”

“May I ask Mr. Chen, is it convenient to disclose the content of the gambling agreement?” A reporter from Phoenix Finance raised his hand and asked.

“Only if my team and I develop Tiansheng Education into an industry leader within five years, President Su will pay us a normal salary for these five years, and acquire Tiansheng Education at a valuation of 19 years, and I am very confident to do this.” Chen Hao said impassionedly.

“May I ask Mr. Chen, how much will Tianyu Investment inject into Tiansheng Education to help Tiansheng Education revitalize, is there 100 million?” A reporter from Didu TV asked.

“I think this question needs to be answered by Xu Anguo, executive vice president of Tianyu Investment.” Chen Hao said with a smile.

After Chen Hao’s voice fell, Xu Anguo, who was dressed in a suit and leather shoes, walked up, held the microphone and said calmly, “Tiansheng Education is a very good education group, we Tianyu Investment is optimistic about his future development, and decided to inject 1 billion Xia Guoyuan to help Tiansheng Education go to a higher level.” ”

When the words fell, all the reporters were shocked.

That’s big news!

Tianyu Investment not only publicly expressed its optimism about Tiansheng Education, but also invested 1 billion Xia Guoyuan to help its rapid development.

With 1 billion funds, Tiansheng Education’s current problems can be solved in one fell swoop, and it can also enter the fast lane of development.

After that, some reporters kept asking questions, asking about the development strategy and development direction of Tiansheng Education in the future.

When the press conference was over, the reporters hurried away and hurried back to edit the press release, sending the manuscript out as soon as possible.


Tianyu Investment, President’s Office.

Su Yu looked away, placed it on Luo Yun and Xue Xia in front of him, and asked, “Lao Luo, Lao Xue, has the investment in the Seven Brews of the Wine King been completed?” ”

“Report President Su, ten minutes ago, it has been successfully concluded.” Luo Yun replied with a smile.

Su Yu nodded, “How is the benefit?” ”

“President Su, the income this time is more than we expected.” Xue Xia answered.

“Tell me more about it.” Su Yudao.

“This stock market investment is divided into two parts, the first part we Tianyu invested 20 billion yuan, the average holding stock price of Seven Brewing is 156.5 yuan, a total of 127.795527 shares.”

“The second part is foreign funds, a total of 200 million, and the average holding price of Seven Brewing is 183 yuan per share, holding a total of 1,092,896 shares.”

“When the investment ended, the share price of Seven Brewing was 303.8 yuan per share, and the average price of the two investments withdrew was 303.6 yuan per share.”

“In the first part of the funds, the total income we obtained was 38,798,720,1997.2 yuan, and after deducting fees and principal, the total profit was 18,780 million.”

“The second part of the fund, the total income obtained is 331.8 million 3225.6 yuan, after deducting the principal of 200 million yuan and handling fees, the total profit is 126 million, of which our contribution is 31.5 million.”

“In summary, we earned a total profit of 18,811.5 million, and after deducting 25% corporate income tax, the net profit was 14,1862.5 million.”

Su Yu nodded when he heard this, feeling a little painful, this wave paid more than 4.7 billion in taxes, almost catching up with his net worth when he was on the rich list.

However, there is no way to do this, and Su Yu in China is not very like tax evasion, and it can also be legally evaded in foreign stock markets.

Of course, if it is an individual stock speculation, there is no need to pay separate tax, and stamp duty is included in the handling fee.

Company or individual stock trading, which tax is cost-effective?

For many people, it may feel that it is more cost-effective for companies to speculate in stocks, because retail investors basically speculate in leeks and rarely make money.

If you understand the tax law, you know that in the case of losing money, it is more cost-effective to use the company to open an account and speculate in stocks and pay taxes; In the case of making money, it is more cost-effective for individuals to open an account and pay taxes.

If the company speculates in stocks, if it loses, it can use this part of the loss to offset other business profits, which is called the offset effect, so that the company’s book profits fall and it can pay less tax.

If you speculate in stocks, the difference in stock speculation, regardless of whether you earn or lose, do not have to pay personal income tax.

For Su Yu, it is actually more cost-effective to speculate on individual stocks, after all, his investment is basically to make a big profit.

“This time, the bonus is still according to the first plan, directly into the Tianyu Talent Purchase Fund.” Su Yu said.

Su Yu began to calculate how this wave of income should be distributed, and how much could be left in the end.

First of all, 50 million yuan should be allocated to the Financial Elite Award Fund, 50 million yuan to the Tianyu Outstanding Talent Legal Fund, then the bank loan of 1.272 billion yuan should be repaid, and the first R&D fund of 5 billion yuan should be given to Yitu Technology, 1 billion yuan should be injected into Tiansheng Education, and finally 500 million yuan should be transferred to the personal account.

Originally, Su Yu’s private account still had 120 million, and Tianyu Investment’s company account still had 10 million, which increased to 34.118625 billion at the end of the stock market investment

After such a wave of operation, Su Yu’s personal account funds increased to 620 million, and the company account invested by Tianyu decreased to 26.246625 billion.


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