Su Yu thought that he could start playing chess, clicked the online game, and a window popped up.

This window is for Su Yu to choose the dan position, that is, his chess power level, there are a total of seventeen choices, from the unpopular, amateur one to the professional nine dan can be chosen at will.

Equivalent to fixed segments.

Although netizens can choose one randomly, after the game, if the strength does not match, the level will be adjusted by the administrator.

After thinking about it, Su Yu chose a career.

Although he has Grandmaster-level chess skills, I believe that this is at least in the professional ninth dan, but he has to practice with other chess players first.

What’s more, after arriving at the professional ninth dan, the matching ones are all of similar strength, and the players of the ninth dan will hardly use AI to cheat.

This is contrary to Su Yu’s original intention.

After choosing the dan position, Su Yu immediately began to play online, and then matched the first opponent.

This chess player ID is called “That Season Blossom”, a career section.

In this game, Su Yu holds the black son, the first hand, the opposite side holds the white son, and the second hand.

After the game began, Su Yu directly landed on the star position in the center of the chessboard, that is, the Tianyuan position, and the heaven and earth were the same.

Now the chessboard is almost all vertical and horizontal, and there are nine star positions on the chessboard, evenly distributed, and the position in the center is Tianyuan.

On the other side, a chess player named ‘That Season Blossom’ saw Su Yu’s first hand drop on Zi Tianyuan, with a look of shame on his face, and this person didn’t put him in his eyes too much.

Go is a game of enclosure, known as the golden horn and silver-edged grass belly.

Just like in ancient wars, strong fortresses will be built around the perimeter, and then march towards the center; If it is built in the center at the beginning, it will miss the opportunity and will only be eaten away by the enemy step by step.

Generally speaking, only those who can’t play chess will fall first hand, but for the opponent, this is tantamount to a great humiliation.

To put it simply, the first-hand drop of Zi Tianyuan is not to put the opponent in the eyes.

“Whether you are a newbie or not, I will teach you a lesson today.”

That season flowers bloomed so viciously thought, and then fell sixteen rows and three columns, falling star position.

Su Yu immediately saw his thoughts, he wanted to fiddle with the layout of Xia Guoliu, and then he left a son.

The opposite side immediately followed, and the next corner of the small eye.

Su Yu didn’t care, the next son was flying, the opposite side could keep up at the beginning, and it didn’t take long to be very difficult, and finally directly threw in the middle and admitted defeat.

At this time, it was only fifty-nine hands.

That Ji Hua Blossom was shocked at this time, and the other side was too strong, and Luozi Tian Yuan was not insulting him, but had a sense of wanting to let him.

He had also dealt with many masters of the fifth or even sixth dan of the profession, and those people could not lose him so easily.

That Ji Hua Kai took a deep breath, clicked into Su Yu’s homepage, and then found that this was a new number that had only been played once.

That game was with him.

Could it be that this is a trumpet opened by some big chess player?

With this thought, that season flower entered the second game that Su Yu was doing and began to watch the battle.

Then he found that this “big guy trumpet” seemed to be extremely powerful, and every time he had less than seventy hands, he would force the opposite side to admit defeat.

And every time this “big guy trumpet” will fall into the middle yuan.

That season, the flowers looked excitedly, clapped their hands excitedly from time to time, and felt that they had learned a lot.

When the fifth game began, Su Yu had been promoted to the third stage of the profession, and the opponent was a professional fourth dan with the id of ‘youth’.

Su Yu fell Zhongyuan according to the custom, and the opposite side also followed the drop.

After walking a few steps, the corners of Su Yu’s mouth turned up slightly, and finally let him run into a chess player who cheated with AI.

The level on the opposite side is only three stages of the profession, but the chess power is several times higher than the previous ones, which is obviously not his true ability.

Su Yu didn’t realize it, and the son fell like a fly, and the two of them unknowingly descended to the seventy-first hand.

Su Yu smiled, dropped ten rows and seven columns, performed the dragon slaying technique, and directly slaughtered the big dragon on the opposite side.

Even the few people watching the battle felt that the overall situation had been decided, and although the opposite side was also very strong, his opponent, the Imperial Spirit Heavenly Master, was stronger.

After dropping the ninety-ninth hand on the opposite side, the corners of Su Yu’s mouth turned up slightly, and he fell eight rows and twelve columns.

The opposite side did not fall for a long time, and finally admitted defeat in the middle set.

The four people watching the battle opened their mouths one by one, and they recognized Su Yu’s chess game.

It turned out to be one of the top ten chess games of the Xia Kingdom!

After winning the fifth hand, Su Yu quit the Yicheng app, and he had already learned this so-called AI cheating.

But so!

I don’t know what the strength of that world-shaking alpha dog is?

What Su Yu didn’t know was that that ‘youth’ was very angry at this time and felt unwilling.

He used AI to cheat, and even lost, and it is natural to think that the other side also wants AI cheating.

After all, only AI can beat AI, can’t it?

So he entered the Yicheng forum and made a post, directly exposing this matter.

“Hello everyone, I am a teenager, currently professional fourth dan, recently came up with the idea of using AI to improve the rank of the dan, so I was ready to give it a try, but just now I met a professional three-dan chess player with an ID of the Imperial Spirit Heavenly Master, and in the end I lost the game, and only a hundred hands, it is clear that the person used the AI with higher chess power, if the chess friends encountered, please be careful not to be deceived by him.”

This move simply kills the enemy by a thousand and self-destructs eight hundred.

In order to be persuasive, he directly said that he used AI to cheat, but he still lost.

After this post was published, it immediately attracted many comments from chess players, after all, the use of AI to cheat is very shameful.

The season when watching the battle happened to brush this post, and he also commented: “I am a professional chess player, and I am also the first person to play against the Imperial Spirit Heavenly Master, and he forced me to admit defeat with only fifty-nine hands.

At first, I also thought that he was cheating through AI, but after watching a few sentences, I found that this was not the case, this may be a trumpet of a nine-dan national hand, and when the game was sticking to the master, the seventy-two hands slaughtered the dragon, posing the famous hundred eyes to kill, directly forcing the sticker to admit defeat. ”

“After the game, I used AI software to analyze the chess game and found that the overlap with AI was as high as 89%, which is not to shock me that he used AI to cheat, but that AI could not keep up with his thinking layout, and his level has exceeded the limit of AI software.”

“So the coincidence is only 89%, otherwise it is 100% coincident.”


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