In front of Jiang Yu, Mu Yi still wanted to lie, how could this be done?

"Heh, you took my tip, didn't give me more active service, but lied and shirked your responsibility, you know that let the guests understand that waiters like you are rare now."

As soon as Jiang Yu finished speaking, Mu Yi's tone was displeased: "This gentleman, it's not right for you to say that, although you gave me a little consumption, but this is not an excuse for you to slander me for not saying hello to the back kitchen." I've obviously said hello to you, but it's just because the kitchen is too busy, so I didn't meet your requirements, and you can't say that my service attitude is not serious enough. "

"Heh, you said you helped me say hello to the back kitchen, so let me ask you, what was my request for hairy crabs just now? Tell me about it. "

"The request of the hairy crab is..."

Mu Yi tried hard to remember in his mind, but at that time, he didn't take it to heart, and now he can't remember what Jiang Yu's request was just now?

Jiang Yu saw that Mu Yi couldn't answer, so he sneered: "I can't say it, then let me ask you again, what is my requirement for braised beef?" "

"The request for braised beef is..."

Mu Yi still couldn't say.

"You can't even tell me what I want to do, how can you help me say hello to the kitchen?"

"You find it troublesome when I order, you don't write it down, and when I tip you, you look so happy. Since you took my tip, you should remember my request well, if you are too lazy to remember it the first time, don't you know to ask me again on the spot? "

"Do you think that going back and saying that the kitchen is too busy can be perfunctory? I'm not paying for your perfunctory work and paying for your lack of seriousness. "

Jiang Yu is really a little unhappy, because Jiang Yu has only heard that paying a tip will make the staff's service attitude better, and he has never heard of tipping, and the staff's attitude is the same as your uncle.

Mu Yi knew that it was not easy to quibble, so he retorted with an angry attitude: "I have to be busy delivering food to other guests, and I have to place orders for other guests, where do I remember what you said before?" "

"I'm sure I've already said hello to the back kitchen for you. You have to tell me that I didn't say hello, I don't have anything to say, it's a big deal to give you back this tip. Who really owes you this little money. Don't think that waiters are not people, and that those who work in the service industry are inferior to you. "

Mu Yi took out 200 yuan from his pocket and threw it back to Jiang Yu.

Jiang Yu didn't catch it, and the money fell directly to the ground.

"The people who have done wrong things in this world are still so arrogant."

Jiang Yu picked up the money from the ground and was heartbroken.

"I was supposed to come here for dinner today, and I was in a good mood. Saying that these dishes didn't meet my requirements at all, even the good mood was ruined by people like you! I don't want the food that is not served in the back, help me return the checkout. "

"I'm sorry, I don't accept the return of the dishes that have been ordered, because our kitchen is already making it, so even if you don't eat it, please pay according to the bill."

"You didn't cook for me as I asked, and you still made me pay, is there anything funnier than this? I don't care if your kitchen is already doing it, and I have no reason to pay for it if it doesn't follow my request. "

"I've already said it, I said hello for you, you have to tell me that you haven't said hello, I can't help it, anyway, I've already returned the tip to you, if you don't pay the bill and want to eat the overlord meal, this matter may be very unpleasant." Mu Yi opened his mouth to warn Jiang Yu.

Mu Yi took a bite back and buttoned Jiang Yu the hat of eating the overlord's meal.

"I eat a bully meal?" Jiang Yu felt that this kind of person was really a scoundrel.

The dispute between Jiang Yu and Mu Yi attracted the attention of the guests at several tables outside who were relatively close.

One of the guests at one of the tables immediately said to Jiang Yu: "Hey, brother, they are all out to eat, why bother to be a waiter." You can't just tip him and be so high, everyone is equal, and the waiter is also human. "

"That's right, your dishes have been ordered, according to the rules of this general restaurant, the dishes ordered cannot be refunded, you don't pay the bill now, let people do things. She's just a waitress, and her monthly salary isn't particularly high, so you can't let someone pay for you, right? You can even tip two hundred yuan, which is definitely not bad money, so why bother with others because of this money. "

"It's because I'm willing to tip 200 yuan that I think she should provide a good service attitude. I made notes on my request when I ordered, she didn't communicate it to the chef for me, not even a single dish met my standards, why should I have to pay for her mistakes. "

"You said that it's not easy for her to be a waitress, don't kidnap morally, okay, it's not easy for anyone. Even if my money is blown by a strong wind, I don't have to blow it out like a strong wind. If you like moral kidnapping so much, you might as well send all the dishes I ordered to your table, just for you to eat, and you can help her pay for it. "

The female guest immediately retorted: "What you said is very funny, my food is enough, why should I accept the food you ordered." "

"So, you don't want to pay for her, why do I have to pay for her? After all, aren't you also worried about money? Why can you feel sorry for your own money, but I can't feel sorry for mine? Jiang Yu looked disdainful.

This kind of person who likes moral kidnapping, it is so easy to say that she can't do it when she spends money herself, and she is very shrewd.

The female guest suddenly didn't know what to say.

It's just that this person stopped talking, and a slightly fat guest at another table next to him spoke: "What's the big deal, I'll help him pay for it!" It's only a few dollars, and it's not that I can't afford it, and I like to make things difficult with two stinky money. "

Jiang Yu found that there were so many people in this world who had brain problems.

I am defending my reasonable rights and interests, but I am actually said to have two stinky money and like to make things difficult for others, and I don't have the ability to distinguish between right and wrong?

"Okay, since you are so rich, the twelve dishes I have left should be more than 3,000 yuan, you can pay for it."

"What do you say, you still have 12 dishes on the table?" The chubby guest was immediately stunned.

Because his position happened to be able to see the box that opened the door at this moment, he could see that Xue Yao was the only one inside.

When two people come to eat, how can they order fourteen or fifteen dishes under normal circumstances?

More than 2,000 yuan is not a small amount for someone who barely has 10,000 yuan a month.

Originally, he thought that it would be a few hundred yuan, but when he came out to speak up, he was a little reluctant.

"More than 3,000 yuan, you won't be silent. It seems that you don't have much strength, and the most annoying thing is that people like you who can't figure things out come out to give people a strong head, slap a swollen face and become fat. Jiang Yu was not polite when he spoke.

Come here for a meal, the responsibility is not on your side, but it has become the object of accusation, and Jiang Yu can still be polite, there will be ghosts. _

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