No friends of Jiang Yu understand?

If it weren't for the fact that as a hotel manager, it was inconvenient to laugh at the guests at this time, Hu Gaofei wanted Jiang Yu to figure it out, could it be that a guest knew more about the restaurant's market than him, the manager?

"Sir, it may be that your friend himself made a mistake. Or he usually comes to our hotel, and our hotel tries to think about him as much as possible, and meets his standards, so it creates an illusion for him. "

"If your friend has caused you a misunderstanding, the responsibility for the matter is greater on you. "

"Are you really sure?" Jiang Yu asked again.

"I'm sure not. Hu Gaofei was determined.

"Young man, if your friend is wrong with you, you will admit it. Someone immediately persuaded Jiang Yu.

They felt that Jiang Yu's request was not excessive, after all, Jiang Yu was willing to pay for a high standard of service, and the only mistake was that Jiang Yu caused a misunderstanding.

Jiang Yu didn't care about this person's words, but said, "If you say that, this friend of mine may be very unhappy. "

"Even if your friends are unhappy, I'll have to do things the way we do, so..."

Before Hu Gaofei finished speaking, a voice with a little anger sounded: "What happened, why did you quarrel with the guests?"

The owner of this voice is the owner of this restaurant, Du Guangbao.

Hu Gaofei immediately said: "Boss, that's the case, this guest ordered our food here, but he wanted to return it temporarily, and he was not willing to bear the cost of ordering." "

"What, there is such a thing?" Du Guangbao was obviously unhappy.

When I first came, I heard the waiter say that the waiter upstairs and the guest were arguing, and I thought it was my fault, so I hurriedly came up to persuade him to leave.

Mu Yi bit back, Hu Gaofei sued the villain first, Jiang Yu felt that it was not unreasonable for the two of them to come together.

"This guest, we came out to do business and you out to eat, in fact, we all hope to make money in harmony..."

Du Guangbao was halfway through his words when Jiang Yu interrupted him.

"Boss Du, I remember on the phone, you told me that your restaurant can make requests for cooking according to the guests' own tastes, and you only need to pay 1% to 20% of the extra labor fee, right?"

Du Guangbao immediately recognized Jiang Yu's voice, and Jiang Yu could call his name, there was no doubt that it was Mr. Jiang Yu who had communicated in the past two days.

"You are Mr. Jiang Yu, I am fortunate to meet you. "

Du Guangbao immediately changed his attitude and shook hands with Jiang Yu with a smile.

Du Guangbao knew that Jiang Yu came to buy his shop, of course, he wanted to satisfy Jiang Yu, so in order to ensure that Jiang Yu could enjoy good service at any time, Du Guangbao would personally come to the restaurant to supervise during the meal, but he didn't expect Jiang Yu to come faster than him.

"What? He knew his cousin (the boss). Fei and Mu Yi glanced at each other, and suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

"Mr. Jiang, are you not meeting the standards of your food here, and our chef here is not up to the standard of your order?"

"Boss Du, you haven't answered my words yet, can you make a request for cooking according to your own taste. "

"Mr. Jiang, I am the owner of this shop, since I told you, it must be okay. Du Guangbao gave an affirmative answer.

"There really is such a service. The people around him immediately felt puzzled.

The boss said yes, the waiter said no, so who has the final say in this restaurant?

Jiang Yu glanced at Hu Gaofei: "Boss Du, then the problem is, I ordered food from you, and I ordered with the waiter according to my own taste." But the food delivered did not follow my request, and you in turn said that your restaurant did not provide such a service, accusing me of wanting to eat overlord meals. Should I trust you, the boss, or should I trust them?"

"What?" After Jiang Yu's words made Du Guangbao hear it, the whole person was almost angry.

Du Guangbao told Jiang Yu that there is such a service, which naturally exists, and this is originally a more profitable service for some higher-standard guests, it is impossible for Hu Gaofei and Mu Yi not to know.

So there is no doubt that the responsibility is definitely not on Jiang Yu's side.

Not to mention that Jiang Yu wanted to buy his restaurant, Jiang Yu said on the phone that he wanted to see if the chef here could meet his taste requirements.

Mu Yi and Hu Gaofei knew that there was such a service, but they said no, and when they quarreled with Jiang Yu, the problem was very clear.

Du Guangbao didn't bother to figure out what the reason was, and said directly to Mu Yi and Hu Gaofei: "I don't know why you two would say such things to Mr. Jiang, I don't want to investigate the reason, you went to the finance to get your salary and left, you were fired." "

"Uncle Cousin, you can't do that. Hu Gaofei immediately spoke, and the whole person was a little messy.

Du Guangbao is his cousin, and he will be dismissed because of this incident, which really surprised him!

Mu Yi didn't say anything at this time, so he could only see how Hu Gaofei persuaded Du Guangbao.

"Uncle Cousin, I have worked with you for so many years, and I have no credit and hard work, you can't dismiss me because of this matter. "

"It turned out that there was a relative, no wonder it was possible to be so unkind to the guests. "

The people around them suddenly realized, and at this moment, they realized that they were really deceived by the so-called waiter's not easy mentality, and instinctively felt that they were being troubled.

Thinking about it now, they suddenly realized that Jiang Yu was a vulnerable group.

If Jiang Yu hadn't known Du Guangbao today, he might really have to suffer this loss for no reason!

"Debunk the waiter and hypocritical manager who pretend to be weak, and reward 20 million in cash. "

Even if Hu Gaofei begged him, Du Guangbao had nothing to sympathize with, and said coldly: "Hu Gaofei, even if I don't dismiss you, do you think Mr. Jiang will not dismiss you? I have said hello to you several times, and this store, including these four connected stores, is ready to be sold." Mr. Jiang Yu is the new owner here, and he came here today to check if the level of the chefs here can meet the standards he is satisfied with. You didn't do what Mr. Jiang wanted, and you offended Mr. Jiang, do you think you can stay?"

"What? He's the new boss?"

Hu Gaofei was stunned.

"No, it won't. Even Mu Yi was stunned.

The two of them didn't expect that they had actually offended the new boss, and at this moment, the mouths of the two people were a little bitter.

Especially Hu Gaofei, if he hadn't worked here for Du Guangbao, how could he, a person with a high school education, be able to take the position of manager.

If you go through the process normally, it would be good to be a small foreman.

Originally, if Jiang Yu hadn't been provoked, there was a high probability that the new boss would not have fired the employee casually, so he could continue to do it as usual, but now that it's okay, it's unlikely that he wants to do it.

"It turned out to be a god trench, these two people really kicked the iron plate!"

"It's strange to play domineering with the new boss, if you don't die. Such a person likes to bully the weak at first glance, and if he encounters it as an ordinary person, he will definitely suffer a dumb loss and should be expelled. "

At this moment, no one sympathized with the two people, and even the people who had just spoken out to help the two people felt that they had helped the wrong person and felt that they had been used for their kindness. _

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