Jiang Yu's buoy was the first to move, and Jiang Yu knew that a fish had taken the bait.

Jiang Yu immediately cheered up and prepared to reel in the line.

When Jiang Yu had just come back from a few loops of line, the fishing rod had no strength to pull.

"That's it. "

Jiang Yu took the rod back and found that the bait on the hook was gone.

"Eat and run. "

Jiang Yu re-hung the bait.

"Jiang Yu, in fact, you can let the fish eat for a while, so that the fish will be caught first, so that it will be easier to catch the fish. I did my fishing homework last night. Gao Xinwan specially reminded Jiang Yu.

"I see. "

As soon as he finished speaking, Gao Xinwan's fishing rod moved.

"Here, here, see if the homework I did was useful. "

Gao Xinwan's interest was high.

"Oh, this fish still has a lot of strength, and it must be not small. "

Gao Xinwan was a little happy, and asked Zheng Xilian next to her to come over to help her hold the fishing rod, and she was good at rolling the line.

At this time, Gao Yangtong on the side also had a fish on the bait, compared to Gao Xinwan, Gao Yangtong was much more skilled, and he didn't need help from others.

Gao Xinwan's fishing line continued to pull, and a large number of splashes were stirred up on the water surface, and finally with a "whoosh", the lake surface returned to calm.

"Can this run?" Gao Xinwan was a little frustrated.

"Xinwan, it seems that I was the first person to catch a fish today. "

Gao Yangtong grinned and put the fish he had caught in the bucket next to him.

This fish doesn't look particularly big, it is estimated to be three or four doubles.

"If my fish catches it, it will be bigger than yours. "

"But the problem didn't come up, did it?"

Gao Yangtong put the fish in the bucket, and the chef next to him came to collect the fish and began to process it.

"If any of you is hungry, let him eat first. "

"Let's give them two girls first, the two of us have nothing to do with each other. "

"It's okay, actually..."

Gao Yang didn't finish the call, but just received a phone call.

"The company's phone number. "

Gao Yangtong was immediately connected.

The assistant's voice came from the phone: "Mr. Gao, there is an urgent document that you need to deal with, and I have sent it to your mailbox." "

"Can you do it later in the evening?"

"Mr. Gao, you better deal with it quickly.

"Okay, wait a minute, I'll turn on the computer. "

Suddenly, something happened, and Gao Yangtong could only stop fishing first.

"You keep fishing, I'll go to the car and take care of things. "

Gao Yangtong was worried that there would be any unexpected situation, so he habitually put the computer in the car for backup.

After Gao Yangtong left, after a while, Zheng Xilian's buoy moved, and in the end he did not succeed in catching it.

"Fishing is really not easy. Xinwan, it seems that the strategy of the two of us is useless, so we still have to let Gao Yangtong teach us. "

"My brother has gone to deal with things, and he can only rely on himself, and I'm working on a strategy. "

After the fish ran away just now, Gao Xinwan took her mobile phone to study.

However, it turns out that the Buddha will not necessarily pay attention to you if you are cramming for a while.

Gao Xinwan was hooked twice, but it didn't work.

Jiang Yu and Zheng Xilian are not much better.

"No, can't Gao Yangtong come back, can't the three of us eat?"

"Don't be discouraged, it's normal for beginners to have a little trouble. Jiang Yu's mentality is still very relaxed.

At this time, more than 30 meters away from the side, one of the four people kept looking at Gao Xinwan.

The girl next to this person noticed this situation and said with a smile: "Guan Haoxuan, seeing that a beautiful girl needs help, do you want to help others?"

Regarding Lu Caijing's joke, Guan Haoxuan immediately denied it with a smile: "Caijing, don't talk nonsense." "

"Don't deny it, I've been watching you over there for a long time. But I see the four of them coming, two men and two women, it should be two couples, if you want to contact you, I'm afraid you'll run into a gray nose, so don't think about it, concentrate on fishing!" Ma Yuhua next to him poured cold water on Guan Haoxuan.

"Not necessarily. Aren't we four of us? Not a couple? The corners of Guan Haoxuan's mouth curled up in a smug arc

"I just observed that the man who walked away has not come back for more than 20 minutes, if it is really a boyfriend and girlfriend who come to fish together, it is with the nature of dating, how can he suddenly leave for so long and not come back. "

"The man sitting now doesn't feel like a boyfriend and girlfriend with him and these two girls, because when the two of them were fishing just now, these two girls helped each other, and the man next to him was obviously just a friend, so it was inconvenient to go up and help. "

"Hey, Guan Haoxuan, you're a little meticulous in your observation!"

"Just observe. "

"Even if they're not boyfriend and girlfriend, I think it's best for you not to talk to them, because you won't be able to get their contact information. In other words, I am these two girls, and there is a handsome guy next to me, but I can't look down on others. Fang Meixiu continued to pour cold water on Guan Haoxuan.

"Meixiu, some girls look at their faces superficially, but some girls have interiors, and they pay more attention to whether men are talented or not, and they don't necessarily like their appearance. "

"Come on, good-looking skins are the first basis for me to understand you, and if a stranger like you comes to talk to you, it is impossible to even give you the contact information. "

Fang Meixiu's words made Guan Haoxuan and Ma Yuhua a little unconvinced, as if except for handsome guys, other men in the world are not suitable for talking about.

"Meixiu, if I want to contact one of the two beauties in the presence of that man, how about you have dinner tonight. "

"Okay, if you can't do it, you'll have a treat tonight. "


Before Guan Haoxuan could agree, Ma Yuhua came out to dissuade him.

"Guan Haoxuan, calm down, girls are all good-looking parties, you must have a treat, there is no need. "

"Just kidding, I'm sure I'm not going to have a treat. When the two girls were fishing just now, the man next to him didn't give any substantive advice, which means that this man doesn't know how to fish. I just need to wait a while while when these two girls are fishing, go over and give some pointers, make a friend, and it's easy to add it to WeChat!

"In the face of talent, it is useless to be good-looking. "

Guan Haoxuan's face was full of confidence.

If he wasn't sure, he wouldn't have joked about a casual invitation.

As soon as Guan Haoxuan finished speaking, he saw that the buoy of Gao Xinwan's fishing rod moved again, which meant that the fish was about to be hooked.

"Guan Haoxuan, the opportunity has come. Don't hold back on it. "

Lu Caijing smiled, always feeling that Guan Haoxuan was bragging, and he didn't dare to go, so as not to be embarrassed.

"Don't make a fuss, I just want to prove to you today that strength is more important than appearance. "

Guan Haoxuan put down the fishing rod in his hand and began to walk over, but when he walked over, he seemed careless and created a little surprise.

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