After another five days, Wang Xiaoman and a few people arranged the company's affairs and set off to the imperial capital.

"Oops, traffic jam. "

Looking at the congested traffic in front of him, Jiang Yu looked at the time on his mobile phone and knew that it must be late, and at this time Wang Xiaoman and they had already reached the time to get off the plane.

Jiang Yu made a special phone call.

"I'll be at the airport soon, but there is a traffic jam, it may take ten or twenty minutes to arrive, you wait for me in the airport hall for a while. "

"Okay, you take your time, it's most important to drive carefully, we're not in a hurry. "

"Hmm. "

After a brief contact, Jiang Yu hung up the phone, and then drove forward with the traffic.

"Let's wait a while, Jiang Yu is stuck in traffic. Wang Xiaoman, Gu Qingru, Han Chi, and Guo Xiangjing spoke.

"It's okay, we'll just wait. "

The three of them knew that Jiang Yu didn't set off in time, and had already set off in advance, so the traffic jam was an irresistible factor.

"The imperial capital is so prosperous, I've wanted to come for a long time. "

"Yes, but the housing prices here are too high, and we have average education, where do we dare to come and mix." But I really admire Jiang Yu, he can actually start from scratch, and he has laid down such a big industry here alone, and his open life is the envy of others. "

"No, if I had one percent of Jiang Yu's assets, I wouldn't work and enjoy life for the rest of my life. Guo Xiangjing sighed.

"So we are a little rich and safe, and the goal is not as big as Jiang Yugong, so no one is so successful. Han Chi also sighed, thinking of his ex-girlfriend, he felt that he had to work harder and harder.

Fortunately, now that everything is developing in a good direction, Han Chi is still very pleased.

While a few people were chatting, suddenly two young men came over.

These two people look like they are twenty-four or five years old, dressed in trendy brands.

These two people are okay, and they look more handsome with fashionable outfits.

When these two people were in front of a few people who came, they asked Gu Qingru and Wang Xiaoman: "You two are Wang Xiaoman and Gu Qingru from the video team that has been very popular recently, right?"

After finishing speaking, Jin Pengyi looked at the two of them with some uncertainty.

At this time, Wang Xiaoman and Gu Qingru were still wearing masks, if they weren't really familiar with people, they might not be able to recognize them.

If two people can recognize each other, they should be regarded as iron fans.

Suddenly recognized, Wang Xiaoman Qingru was still very happy in her heart, after all, this meant that they were famous.

"Thank you for liking our jokes or street interviews"

These words are tantamount to confirming oneself.

"It's really you. Jin Pengyi and both of them were very happy.

"We like you guys because you're funny, and interesting things are always something to like. If you want to come to the imperial capital to shoot a video, we can be a tour guide for you, we know a lot of good places. He Yongxin recommended himself.

"That's not necessary, because we're here for another trip, and other colleagues from our company will be in charge of the jokes in the last few days, and they are also very good, so please stay tuned. "

"We'll keep an eye on it, after all, we really like some of the jokes and street videos you guys made. By the way, our family recently just wanted to find some short video teamwork, I don't know if we can add a friend, let's chat, maybe we can reach a cooperation, so it can be regarded as a wave of support for you. "

Hearing that there was business cooperation, Wang Xiaoman and Gu Qingru became interested.

"Okay, of course it's good to have business cooperation. "

Gu Qingru said to Han Chi next to him, "Han Chi." You can add the contact information of these two handsome guys, if there is any business cooperation that can really cooperate, you can talk about it. "

"Okay. "

Han Chi nodded.

In addition to working as a cameraman, Han Chi now has more positions.

Han Chi took out his mobile phone and prepared to add the contact information between Jin Pengyi and He Yongxin.

However, this makes the two of them a little reluctant, because what's the use of adding a work number?

What the two of them wanted was the personal contact information of Gu Qingru and Wang Xiaoman.

Jin Pengyi immediately said: "Can the two of us add your personal contact information? We are your fans, and we mainly want to support you, so if we can really cooperate with you, we want to talk to you personally." "

"Yes, yes, the main thing is to communicate with the people you support personally. And our family is really in business, not just talking nonsense. "

Looking at the two people's outfits, you know that the family background must be quite superior, so the probability of doing business at home is very high.

Only Wang Xiaoman and Gu Qingru didn't want to give out their own private contact information, because the two of them saw some clues.

Although the other party said that they were fans, normally speaking, fans would never ask for personal contact.

So the two of them feel that the two people in front of them may not really want to provide some cooperation, and they may be here to talk.

Han Chi immediately said: "Two, that's the case, the contact information of our company's artists is not allowed to be leaked casually, so I'm sorry, if you really want business cooperation, please add the work numbers of these two artists." Rest assured, job numbers are sometimes replied to by themselves, so it's the same. "

Han Chi is a man, of course, he can see that the real thoughts of these two people are to talk to him, so he knows how to deal with it, because during this time, after their team became popular, when they were shooting videos on the street, they always encountered such things.

"Isn't it just a company that shoots short videos, two Internet celebrities, and the artists have come out, thinking that they are celebrities? I don't believe that the owner of the gold owner asked you for a contact information, and you still don't give it?"

The two of them were a little unhappy that they were rejected by Han Chi, but they didn't give up or show their displeasure.

"I can understand it, I can understand it, but the two of us mainly want to talk to Xiaoman and Qingru. As a fan, it's always nice to be able to chat with people you like. "

"And we're really sincere. This is the business card of our company, and it is also very famous in the catering industry in the entire imperial capital, and there are also our chain stores in various places, and we can really provide great cooperation. "

When they spoke, the two of them also took out a business card and handed it to Wang Xiaoman and Gu Qingru.

Wang Xiaoman and Gu Qingru looked at the positions on the business cards of the two people, and found that they were the assistant to the president and the assistant to the vice president.

"It looks like they're the heirs of a certain company. Wang Xiaoman and Gu Qingru immediately understood.

Jin Pengyi was afraid that the two of them would be lonely and unheard, so he said again: "If you don't believe it, you can check our company, it's really not a small company." "

When this sentence was spoken, Jin Pengyi carried some pride. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collection

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