The sudden reminder of the system made Jiang Yu a little weird.

"System, what kind of support? Why are you still so serious? "

Jiang Yu had already gotten the keywords from the system, so Jiang Yu felt that he didn't actually need to support it.

"Master, forcibly dismantling the stage is not so elegant, let's let the other party be speechless, please wait a little while, and your teammates will arrive on the battlefield immediately. "

The battlefield has also come out, Jiang Yu is really convinced.

Jiang Yu knew that since the help of the system came, then there would be no problem.

Jiang Yu was going to make a few more small talk: "Jin Pengyi, He Yongxin, just now you said that you have always been clean and self-conscious, but it's not right, I remember that when you attended the summit that day, didn't you still bring your girlfriends with you? Those two girls have very thick makeup. "

He Yongxin immediately denied: "Mr. Jiang, there is absolutely no such thing." The two of us went alone that day, and that was brought by the other people who attended that day. We have always been clean and self-conscious, and we have a strict family education, and we will not touch the girls with heavy makeup. "

"Mr. Jiang, if you don't believe it, let's introduce a few friends to you another day, you can ask them, the two of us are absolutely kind and upright. "

"Really? It seems that I was mistaken. "

"Definitely wrong. "

When the two of them were talking, they also took out their mobile phones, preparing to add each other's contact information with Wang Xiaoman and Gu Qingru.

When he hadn't officially added friends, a man suddenly happened to pass by with a suitcase, and when he saw Jin Pengyi and He Yongxin, he stopped to say hello.

"Jin Pengyi, He Yongxin, it's the two of you. "

Jin Pengyi and He Yongxin were immediately attracted by this voice.

The two of them looked over and found that it was Liao Yuanran.

Liao Yuanran immediately stopped and took the initiative to come over.

Although Wang Xiaoman and Gu Qingru did not take off their masks at this time, it can be seen from the exposed eyes of the two of them that the two of them are relatively beautiful girls.

"Jin Pengyi, He Yongxin, you two are talking to beauties here again. "

This untimely and sudden sentence made Jin Pengyi and He Yongxin's expressions change slightly.

If Liao Yuanran only said that they picked up beautiful women, it would be okay, and they would talk to beautiful women, the word 'again' would be used very well.

"Liao Yuanran, don't talk nonsense, these two people are Wang Xiaoman and Gu Qingru, the female artists of our favorite street photography team, I just happened to meet them, and I just want to ask for an autograph. "

Jin Pengyi and He Yongxin did not use the words Internet celebrity, but used the word artist, showing respect for the two people.

"I see!"

Liao Yuanran showed a smile of understanding on his face, as if you understand.

This smile made Jin Pengyi and He Yongdian helpless: "What's the matter, the smile is easy to misunderstand." "

Jiang Yu knew that this was the reinforcement that the system gave him, so he asked with a smile: "Brother, just now you said that they were talking to beautiful women here again, why, did the two of them talk to beautiful women?"

"Are you?" asked Liao Yuanran curiously.

"This is Mr. Jiang Yujiang, the president of Guanglan Group. Jin Pengyi helped to introduce it.

Liao Yuanran immediately smiled enthusiastically and came over to shake hands with Jiang Yu.

"It turned out to be Mr. Jiang, I was fortunate to meet you, I didn't expect to see you here. Your name has been thundering lately. "

"It's serious, it's not that exaggerated. "

"Mr. Jiang is too modest, recently in the catering industry, who doesn't know your name. "

Liao Yuanran complimented him a few words, and then returned to the question Jiang Yu had just asked.

"Mr. Jiang, do you know, the two of them often talk to beautiful women, and there is no ex-girlfriend who is not beautiful, as for the number, they can't count it on both hands. "

"Liao Yuanran, don't talk nonsense. "

Jin Pengyi and He Yongxin were served, and this sentence made the two of them a little messy.

Just now, the two of them also said that they were clean and self-conscious, and they didn't have any fancy intestines, and now they are embarrassment for breaking the news of such an exaggerated number of ten ex-girlfriends?

Jiang Yu pretended to be surprised and asked, "I can't count them on two hands, is it so exaggerated?" Don't make fun of them like this, the two of them will be embarrassed." "

"Embarrassing?" Liao Yuanran looked at the two of them and smiled weirdly, "They won't be embarrassed for a long time." This is still the girlfriend I talked about after graduation, and if you add the love you talked about in college, you probably can't count the toes of the two feet together. "

"Did he happen to pass by us, or did he make trouble for us!"

The two of them suddenly felt a little tired, and Jin Pengyi and He Yongxin wanted to tear Liao Yuanran's mouth angrily.

"Enough, Liao Yuanran, don't talk nonsense. The two of us haven't been in such a relationship. "

Liao Yuanran is the kind of character who is more familiar, and Liao Yuanran thinks that since they all know each other, what is there to chat?

Liao Yuanran felt that he might have exposed the past troubles of the two people, making them feel a little embarrassed, so he patted Jin Pengyi on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Jin Pengyi, He Yongxin, why are you still embarrassed." What's so embarrassing about this, when I was in so much love before, why didn't I feel ashamed, but I was still proud?"

Liao Yuanran ignored the embarrassed expressions of the two and continued to tell what he knew.

"And Mr. Jiang, this is only what I know, if I don't know, I don't know how many predecessors there are?"

Jin Peng Yihe Yongxin panicked and asked Liao Yuanran to continue, that's okay.

"Okay, okay, Liao Yuanran, you hurry up, you hurry up. "

He Yongxin pushed Liao Yuanran's back, wanting to push Liao Yuanran away quickly.

But for Liao Yuanran, it was not easy to meet Jiang Yu here, of course he also wanted to have a good chat and get to know each other.

His family runs a restaurant, and he was on vacation abroad during this time, but because there was such a big thing at home, he ended his vacation in a hurry and came back quickly.

Now everyone in the catering industry wants to cooperate with Jiang Yu, so he finally had the opportunity to Yu Jian, why should he leave in a hurry?

Being driven away by He Yongxin in such a hurry, Liao Yuanran was actually a little unhappy.

The more He Yongxin wanted to drive Liao Yuanran away, the more Liao Yuanran didn't want to go.

"Okay, He Yongxin, don't push me, I just stayed, and I haven't said a few words to Mr. Jiang yet. Isn't it just complaining that you had a lot of girlfriends in the past, what's there? "

"yes, you two don't rush to get rid of people. "

Jiang Yu smiled and spoke, and then continued to ask Liao Yuanran: "What Jin Pengyi told us just now is that they have always been clean and self-conscious, and they don't have any fancy intestines. You didn't make a joke on them on purpose to make it up..."

Before Jiang Yu finished speaking, Liao Yuanran laughed: "Hahahaha... They're clean -- that's the biggest joke I've heard this year. If they are clean, then I can describe it as muddy and not stained, and clear ripples without demons. "

In the last sentence, Liao Yuanran is really not modest at all. _

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