Jiang Yu has a film and television company, in fact, even Wang Xiaoman and several people were very surprised: "If Jiang Yu has a film and television company, why didn't he say it earlier, then we wouldn't use it today." "

Wang Xiaoman and a few people couldn't understand Jiang Yu's operation.

Although Jiang Yu was a little speechless for this kind of operation, several people felt that Jiang Yu's purchase of this Qingyi Group was not a coincidence, and it should have another purpose.

"Could it be that Jiang Yu has already thought about the development of the company?" Wang Xiaoman and the others couldn't help but think.

If Jiang Yu didn't think about the development of the company, there was no need to buy a company that had nothing to do with his own work.

It seems that Jiang Yu is still far-sighted. "

A heartfelt admiration arose in the hearts of several people.

If Jiang Yu knew that they had misunderstood, he would definitely be very helpless, because it was really just a coincidence.

"Mr. Wen, we have no fate to cooperate, so we will leave. "

Jiang Yu felt that it was not interesting to continue to stay here.

Leaving these words, Jiang Yu turned around and left.

Wang Xiaoman and the others no longer have any hesitation at this time, and it doesn't matter whether they cooperate with Wen Yun or not.

Wen Yun opened his mouth, and wanted Jiang Yu to stay and continue to talk.

But he knew that Jiang Yu had even bought the company, so what else was there to talk about?

After Jiang Yu and the others left, Wen Yun sighed with emotion: "After decades, I thought that I could see people very accurately, and I could borrow their psychology of wanting to rise to the film and television industry, but they didn't expect to look away." "

Su Qian patted Wen Yun on the shoulder: "Forget it, even if there is no such thing, this President Jiang may not be willing to cooperate with us." "

Su Qian opened his mouth to comfort Wen Yun, because at this time, Su Qian could actually understand Wen Yun's mood.

If this cooperation is negotiated, if they cooperate sincerely, maybe they can use Jiang Yu's resources to make the company better.

Now that I have missed such a good opportunity, even if it does not have much impact, my future career can still be developed smoothly, but people will feel that they have the opportunity to get it but they have not gotten it, and they will be unwilling.

"I can only comfort myself like this. Wen Yun smiled bitterly, and then let himself try not to think about it.

At the same time, after Wang Xiaoman followed Jiang Yu out of the company, several people couldn't hold back the curiosity in their hearts.

"Jiang Yu, if you really bought a company, why didn't you say it earlier, we won't be here to eat behind closed doors today, and watching the other party perform such a play wasted our feelings in vain. "

"I didn't think about it because it was a coincidence to buy the company, and I thought it was lonely and worthless. Just now I just saw that the other party had no willingness to cooperate, so I checked the company's situation and found out that he had 60% of the shares of Qingyi Group. "

"What the hell, the company you bought yourself, what is the specific situation of him, how did you spend your money?"

"Yes, Jiang Yu, even if you have money, you are so willful, you don't even know the company's situation, you spent sixty or seventy billion, and it's not sixty or seventy yuan, don't you feel distressed? "

Gu Qingru and the others couldn't help but look at Jiang Yu with wide eyes, they couldn't understand the mentality of rich people.

"It's said that it's an unexpected coincidence, so I haven't paid attention to this company. Now that you know that I have this company, don't think too much about it, and do your current job well. In the future, when your acting skills rise, I will naturally provide you with some opportunities to enter the film and television industry, and now your acting skills are not mature, don't expect too much. "

Jiang Yu advised a few people.

Because a few people were too anxious to have such thoughts before, they would be used by Wen Yun and them.

"Your boss has spoken like this, of course we are relieved. "

"Do it, you'll have that chance. "

Jiang Yu encouraged a few people.

"There's nothing else to do this afternoon, if you want to go anywhere, I'll take you there. "

"Forget it, it's not too early, we might as well go back and help you do the planning of the shooting, if it is appropriate, I will directly help you complete the work today evening, so that you can play with peace of mind for a few days." "

"That's fine. "

Jiang Yu agreed with their thoughts.

There was nothing to do, so Jiang Yu accompanied them to discuss the shooting work on the same night.


In the next few days, Jiang Yu took Wang Xiaoman and a few people around the more interesting places in the imperial capital.

After three days of playing, a few people went back.

When a few people went back, Jiang Yu sent a few people on the plane.

"The next thing is to solve Lin Huanya's matter, even if it is a complete matter. "

Because Jiang Yu promised to introduce Zhuo Qizhou to Lin Huanya, and let him learn some dessert making skills from Zhuo Qizhou.

So after Jiang Yu set off from the airport, he went to Lin Huanya's dessert shop.

Although Lin Huanya's dessert shop and Jiang Yu's hotel have reached a cooperation, there are still not many people in the morning, but it is not like before, Lin Huanya is alone in the morning.

There are many dessert chefs in the back kitchen who help make desserts and deliver them to various hotels.

Lin Huanya herself is not busy, she usually conducts dessert research in a separate kitchen by herself, but she made an appointment with Jiang Yu today, so she sat by the window, looked outside, and waited for Jiang Yu to come over.

When she found that Jiang Yu's car had stopped, Lin Huanya immediately walked out!

As soon as Jiang Yu got out of the car, Lin Huanya arrived in front of Jiang Yu.

"Jiang Yu, if you don't plan to eat, let's go directly. "

Jiang Yu knew that Lin Huanya wanted to go early, so she couldn't help but smile: "Looking at your appearance, it doesn't look like you want to invite me to eat something in the store, okay, get in the car." "

When driving to Cangqi Group, Lin Huanya couldn't hold back the excitement in her heart: "Jiang Yu, do you say that Master Zhuo Qizhou will teach me?"

"Relax, I've already said hello to him for you, he'll teach you a little bit like he usually instructs an apprentice in the company, and it's definitely impossible to teach you the real skills. "

Even if Jiang Yu is the boss of this company, after all, it is a real handicraft of others, and people must be respected, so Jiang Yu can only help Lin Huanya to this point!

"It's okay, that's already good. "

For Lin Huanya, in fact, learning from her idol is just a wish, and if it is achieved, it is nothing.

Cangqi Group is far away from Lin Huanya's dessert shop, and Jiang Yu drove for an hour and a half. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collection

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