The match on the first day of “Dragon King War” caused a huge sensation, making everyone pay attention to the next match.

In everyone’s expectations, the second game of “Dragon King Battle” began, with the experience of the first game, this time the audience began to analyze this move when Jiang Yunxi played the first hand of chess, but after watching dozens of hands, they still did not see through the meaning of Jiang Yunxi’s move. But soon, the focus shifted from one point to another.

The battle between Jiang Yunxi Kudan and “Dragon King” Hanyu Yoshiharu changed the style of chess overnight, Jiang Yunxi was the main defense, and the “Dragon King” Hanyu Yoshiharu was the main attack. The game ended with Jiang Yunxi winning. The next day, Jiang Yunxi Kudan and the “Dragon King” Hanyu Zenji seemed to have discussed well, Jiang Yunxi was the main attack, and the “Dragon King” Hanyu Zenji was the main defense. This round was the end of Hanyu Yoshiharu’s victory.

On the fourth day of the start of the “Dragon King War”, Jiang Yunxi temporarily led 2:1. For the first three days, people in the shogi world are like the New Year, and they can see wonderful games every day that they may not be able to see in their lifetime.

During these three days, Hanyu Yoshiharu and Jiang Yunxi played three absolutely unprecedented chess games for shogi lovers. Except for the first game, they could not understand it, and on the second and third day games, anyone with more than 6 dan shogi can understand it. But they could understand it, but they never saw what Jiang Yunxi and Hanyu Zenji were going to do next.

Because the offensive and defensive battle between the two is too exciting, whoever makes a wrong step will be defeated by the other party immediately. These two wonderful offensive and defensive rounds, each lasting about 8 hours. In these 8-hour matches, whoever relaxes his spirit a little will be put to death by the other party. The high-intensity offensive and defensive battles lasted for 8 hours, and it was still this highly calculated chess game

The people who have been stuck in Kudan finally know why they have not been able to defeat Hanyu Yoshiharu to become the Dragon King. Under such a high-intensity calculation, they maintained 1-2 hours at most, but Jiang Yunxi and Hanyu Zenji were able to last 8 hours. This is the gap between the nine dan and the “Dragon King”, a desperate gap!!

In the fourth match, Jiang Yunxi was the main attack, and the “Dragon King” Hanyu Zenji was the main defense. Jiang Yunxi lost the chess game yesterday, which made Jiang Yunxi, who had never lost a chess, annoyed in the room for a long time, so today Jiang Yunxi is still the main attack and finds the field that was defeated yesterday.

This match, like the previous two games, lasted a total of 8 hours, but the final outcome was still Jiang Yunxi very satisfied. Hanyu Yoshiharu’s defense was a little stronger than yesterday, but his copper wall was still broken by Jiang Yunxi’s attack, and Jiang Yunxi won the game, and the score became 3:1.

Now Jiang Yunxi can defeat the 10-consecutive Dragon King and become the new Dragon King as long as he wins a game.

Everyone is waiting for Jiang Yunxi to make history, defeat the strongest man in the shogi world, and become the new dragon king.

The Shogi Federation also knew that tomorrow’s game would change the history of the shogi world, changing the rules that had been set, and holding this game that would affect the history of shogi at a high-end hotel in Wakura Onsen, Ishikawa Prefecture.

“It’s been almost a week since I’ve been out of school! What about the school? How is Ishigami Yu’s investigation going, and will Minister Zhenyang make any big moves again. How did Sora and Miwa do during the week? ”

Jiang Yunxi leaned against the wall and looked at the bright moon in the sky. There was no light in the room, and silver moonlight spilled into the room, illuminating the chessboard around him.

When the sound of opening the door sounded, Jiang Yunxi did not move, but said quietly: “Senior sister, you don’t have to worry about me.” ”

Before Senior Sister came, Master Kiyotaki Gangsuke and Senior Sister Gui Xiang had already come to greet him. Kong and Meiyu also called, and in an hour, Jiang Yunxi answered at least 30 calls.

Kong Yinzi did not speak, but gently walked to Jiang Yunxi’s side and sat down next to Jiang Yunxi.

“After you win the Dragon King, what is the next title you want to get. ”

Exhaling like a lan, breathing like a lan, Jiang Yunxi was slightly surprised. Other people’s greetings were all asking Jiang Yunxi if he had confidence in tomorrow’s match, but Senior Sister’s empty silver words made Jiang Yunxi not know how to answer.

“Why don’t you ask me if I have the confidence to win tomorrow’s match.”

“You’ve already told me the answer, so why should I ask more?”

Jiang Yunxi was slightly stunned, and then chuckled. Jiang Yunxi can be said to win 100% of tomorrow’s game, after four days of matching, Jiang Yunxi has fully understood Hanyu Zenji’s chess, unless Hanyu Zenji becomes twice as strong in one night, Jiang Yunxi will definitely not lose.

If this world knows who Jiang Yunxi is best, then Empty Silver is definitely the best choice. Even the deceased sister couldn’t catch up with Empty Yinzi’s understanding of Jiang Yunxi.

An indescribable atmosphere surrounded Jiang Yunxi and empty silver, which was very warm and comfortable.

Jiang Yunxi held his head with both hands and made his body more comfortable.

“After obtaining the Dragon King, I intend to set my sights on the Imperial Throne. ”


“I simply think that the imperial throne is more handsome, anyway, I plan to dominate with seven titles.” Senior sister, do you want to give me a suggestion? ”

“Don’t ask me, just do as you like!”

If someone else said that they wanted to dominate the seven titles, Empty Silver would definitely think that the other party was dreaming. But for Jiang Yunxi, even if Jiang Yunxi does not have the idea of seven titles to dominate the world, Kong Yinzi will urge Jiang Yunxi to complete the seven titles of domination. Jiang Yunxi has this strength, dominates the seven titles, and becomes the strength of the god in the shogi world!

Glancing at Jiang Yunxi, who was comfortable and comfortable, Empty Yinzi’s heart couldn’t help but feel at ease.

“That’s right, you have to keep moving forward and complete positions that only you alone can achieve in the shogi world. I will always chase you and urge you until you arrive. ”

PS: “Ask for flowers”, “Ask for tips”, “Ask for collections” or “Ask for a monthly pass”

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