Jiang Yunxi opened the door of the student union as usual, and the student union was empty. Sitting in the chair of the guild leader, Jiang Yunxi couldn’t help but sigh: “Compared to sitting on the chessboard of the Dragon King War, I still like to sit in this position!” ”

This is not that Jiang Yunxi likes power and sits at the chessboard of the Dragon King War, then it takes a lot of brain power to calculate. Sitting on the chair of the president of the student union, Jiang Yunxi did not have to bother so much, just dealt with the affairs of the student union.

Today’s documents are not much different from the past, and Shinomiya Kaguya has not yet arrived.

“In order to thank the vice president of the fourth palace for his hard work during my week when I was not in school, I will handle the documents of the student council next week!”

Thinking of this, Jiang Yunxi buried his head in the document. Jiang Yunxi was very serious when dealing with documents, and the corresponding speed was also very fast. When Jiang Yunxi finished processing the final documents, the bell for class had not yet sounded.

“This is the last one!!”

Jiang Yunxi put the last document away, put down the pen, and stretched out.

“President, hard work!”

Shinomiya Kaguya was still the same as before, after Jiang Yunxi processed the documents, he served Jiang Yunxi a cup of freshly brewed black tea.

“Thank you.”

Jiang Yunxi took the black tea, and the temperature was just right.

“Vice President of the Four Palaces, you have worked hard these days.”

Jiang Yunxi put down the teacup in his hand and sincerely thanked Shinomiya Kaguya. Not only the affairs of the student council, but also the two of Ku and Miwa.

“President, you’re serious. I am the vice president, and it is natural to help the president deal with these things. There is no such thing as thanks, if the president really wants to thank me…”

Shinomiya Kaguya blushed and touched the movie ticket in his pocket.

But when Shinomiya Kaguya plucked up the courage and planned to use the excuse that it was given to her by Secretary Fujiwara, Jiang Yunxi would accompany Shinomiya Kaguya to go on a date.

Yu Ishigami, who was obviously sleep-deprived, walked into the conference room, which made Kaguya Shinomiya, who was just about to take out the movie ticket, immediately put it back.

“President, are you back?”

“Well, the shogi thing was done over there, so I came back early. By the way, how about the things entrusted to you. ”

Neither Shinomiya Kaguya nor Ishigami Yu asked Jiang Yunxi’s record because they knew that Jiang Yunxi would win. In the eyes of Shinomiya Kaguya and Shigami You, it was natural for Jiang Yunxi to take this “Dragon King”, and the latter said that Jiang Yunxi could not take this “Dragon King”, but they felt strange.

“Fortunately, I will send you an email in a moment. President, don’t forget your commitment either. ”

Shi Shangyou had to remind Jiang Yunxi, who was afraid that Jiang Yunxi, who had a lot of things, forgot what he promised him.

“Don’t worry, I’ll bring it to you tomorrow.” Jiang Yunxi said angrily.

“What deal did you make behind my back?!”

The dumb puzzle between Jiang Yunxi and Shi Shang Yu made Shinomiya Kaguya narrow his eyes, and his skeptical eyes looked at Jiang Yunxi and Shi Shang You.

“Don’t think too much about it, what deal has been reached, in fact, the board of directors has given me a task, and I want to get detailed data before acting. I don’t have time to prepare for the Dragon King War, so let Accountant Ishigami help me prepare, and in exchange, I will give him the game he just came out. ”

What Jiang Yunxi said was half-true, which made Shinomiya Kaguya’s skeptical eyes weaken. Jiang Yunxi couldn’t lie about these things, and Jiang Yunxi had never lied to her.

“President, Kaguya-san, what were you talking about, what deals.”

Before anyone arrived, Mengmeng’s voice first reached the student union, and Jiang Yunxi smiled and said, “I just invited the vice president of the fourth palace and the accountant of Shishang to participate in my “retribution”. ”

“Repay the favor”?” Secretary Fujiwara was a little confused.

“”Retribution”, a technical term in shogi…”

Shinomiya Kaguya simply popularized science for Secretary Fujiwara, but after Secretary Fujiwara listened, he looked at Jiang Yunxi with teary eyes: “President, are you going to abandon me?” ”

“Where did I abandon you!” Jiang Yunxi was confused.

“You invited Kaguya-san and Accountant Ishigami, but you didn’t invite me, and you still said that you didn’t abandon me, did I do something wrong? Don’t abandon me!! ”

Secretary Fujiwara’s eyes were moist, and Jiang Yunxi was speechless about this. But fortunately, it was not the first time to deal with this situation, Jiang Yunxi smiled and said, “Weren’t you there just now?” ”

“So, it seems to be true!!”

Secretary Fujiwara stopped crying: “President, when will this “retribution” begin!” ”

“This weekend, Kansai Shogi Hall.”

“Why is it the weekend, I have something to do on the weekend, I can’t leave!!”

Secretary Fujiwara’s tears returned to his eyes, but this time Jiang Yunxi shrugged his shoulders, indicating that he could not do anything.

“President, you said that you will give me the game tomorrow, I think I may not have time for the weekend.”

“President, if it’s a weekend, I don’t seem to have time!!”

Shinomiya Kaguya’s face was embarrassed, Shi Shangyou said that he wanted to push the game, Jiang Yunxi smiled indifferently: “It’s okay, in fact, it’s better if you don’t come, the people who “repay the favor” at that time are all people from the shogi world, and it’s not good for you to be active if you don’t know them.” So be it! When the time comes, find a special time and let’s have a party alone! ”

“This proposal is good, I will definitely participate when the time comes!!”

Secretary Fujiwara’s tears came to her body again, Jiang Yunxi couldn’t help sighing, can Secretary Fujiwara’s tears be controlled?


“President, there is something I want to discuss with you.”

After the second class, the president of the junior high school student union, Yuto Nitta found Jiang Yunxi, generally speaking, the junior high school students will rarely look for Jiang Yunxi, but every time to find Jiang Yunxi is a very important thing.

Jiang Yunxi asked with a serious face: “Youren, did you send something?” ”

“President, it’s about the Go tournament that will be held next week.”

PS: Chapter 2!! And everyone, can send a little flowers, don’t dare to ask for too many tips, a little reward, your support, is my biggest motivation for codewords!

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