Stuffed the drunken master into a taxi and forcibly sent him home.

“Finally went back.”

“…… That is to say. ”

Jiang Yunxi and Kong Yinzi watched the taxi leave, fortunately, Kong and Meiyu did not come today, otherwise if they saw such a master, the master came to his senses, and it was estimated that he might die of shame.

At this moment, the staff of the Shogi League came to talk, looking very unhappy.

“Teacher Yun Xi and Teacher Kong, it’s hard work. We’ll take care of the rest…”

“Then please.”

Originally, there was a small party after the “return of grace”, but now it seems that the party has to be canceled.

The sky had completely darkened, and Jiang Yunxi finished dealing with the rest of the Shogi Alliance, and walked under the bright starry sky with Kong Yinzi. The night is not yet deep, and there is still a faint heat in the air.

“Yun Xi, are you free tomorrow?”

“Tomorrow after school, I’m going to submit a report to the board, but I won’t delay much.”

“In this case, you will be at your house in the afternoon.”

“No problem, it seems that I haven’t VS you with Senior Sister for a long time.”

Before entering high school, Jiang Yunxi and Kong Yinzi basically played a lot of chess every day. Since entering high school, a variety of things have made Jiang Yunxi and Kong Yinzi play chess a lot less.

Kong Yinzi glanced at Jiang Yunxi, and then said with a fierce face: “Dare to forget tomorrow afternoon’s VS, I will kill you.” ”

After the senior sister reminded her, she walked gracefully to the station with a parasol, looking at the back of the senior sister leaving, Jiang Yun smiled: “… Go home, tomorrow I have to pass the level of vice president of the fourth palace. ”

The acquisition of Otono Kizaka Academy is still unknown to Shinomiya Kaguya. Jiang Yunxi has not explained to her until now, in addition to not having time and opportunity, Jiang Yunxi has not thought of how to say to the fourth palace Kaguya.

Tomorrow, I must find an opportunity to explain to Shinomiya Kaguya, and the board of directors will announce this matter on Tuesday, and by that time Jiang Yunxi will have no opportunity to explain.

“But what to say tomorrow?”

Jiang Yunxi hadn’t thought about what to say until now, because no matter how he spoke, the final facts would not change.

“Forget it, I’m thinking about it tomorrow!”

Jiang Yunxi, who walked to his door, still didn’t think of how to explain.

“I’m back.”

“Uncle, welcome home, my sister made potato stew today.”

“Then I’m going to look forward to it.”


Originally, Jiang Yunxi planned to explain to Shinomiya Kaguya about the acquisition of Onogizaka Academy no matter what happened today. But every time Jiang Yunxi planned to explain to the fourth palace Kaguya, someone always called the fourth palace Kaguya away. Until school ended in the afternoon, Jiang Yunxi had no chance.

“In this way, it seems that the only way to push this matter to the board is to push it all to the board.” Downplay, or even erase one’s own presence in this matter. ”

With this thought, Jiang Yunxi walked to the board of directors of Xiuzhi Academy.


“President Yun Xi, is this your answer?”

“That’s right, this is not affecting the prestige of Hidechi Gakuen, and at the same time meeting the conditions for the acquisition of Otonogizaka Academy.”

Faced with the board’s questioning, Jiang Yunxi replied angrily.

“However, don’t you think that such acquisition conditions are too unfavorable for our Xiuzhi Academy!”

Jiang Yunxi shrugged: “I don’t think so, we just haven’t paid much, Otono Kisaka Academy is not very short of funds, just the reputation of our Xiuzhi Gakuen, we can acquire a school, which is a sure thing.” ”

“President Yunxi, you should know that the reputation of our Xiuzhi Academy is not measured by money.”

Jiang Yunxi had long known that the other party would refute like this, but Jiang Yunxi did not rush to refute, but glanced at the director who had previously advocated the acquisition of Otonokizaka Academy.

“Ahem, Director Yamada, your argument now is exactly the same as the last time we had a meeting. Didn’t we say at that meeting that no matter what kind of absolutes Chairman Yun Xi made, we would support it? How has it changed now. ”

“…… But Director Sakaki…”

“It’s not a matter of arguing like this, I agree with Chairman Yunxi’s acquisition.”

Sugita Key, who had always abstained before: “I am also interested in the acquisition conditions of Chairman Yunxi. ”

Sugita’s vote suddenly changed the balance of the board of directors.

“You guys….”

“Director Yamada, what you are worried about is the acquisition of Otonogizaka Gakuin, which will ruin the reputation of Hidechi Gakuen. You don’t have to worry about this at all, Otono-Kizaka Academy is under the management of the student council, and if something happens, it is completely a problem of the student council, and it will definitely not affect the reputation of Hidechi Academy. ”

Jiang Yunxi’s words made the Yamada director’s face waver. Now the acquisition of Otonogizaka Academy has become a foregone conclusion, and even if he opposes it, he can’t stop it.

“I agree.”

When Director Yamada said that he agreed with this sentence, Jiang Yunxi breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. Despite the opposition of the Yamada Board of Governors, the acquisition of Otono-Kizaka Academy was already a certainty. However, Jiang Yunxi did not want to be hated by Director Yamada, and gave Director Yamada a ladder to go downhill.

In this way, the acquisition of Onnokisaka Academy was passed, and the conditions for the acquisition were exactly the same as those negotiated by Jiang Yunxi and Nan Xiaoniao.

“Finally done, old man, don’t look for me for such things in the future.” I don’t have time to accompany you to cross your eyes. ”

Leaving the board, Jiang Yunxi wiped the sweat that did not exist on his forehead.

“Yun Xi, do you think you can still stay out of the matter?”

After Sugita smiled, he walked into the door that had been opened.

Jiang Yunxi sighed helplessly: “Yes, what should I do next?” ”

The matter of Otonogizaka Academy will definitely not exist like this, as long as Otonogizaka Academy is under the management of the student union for one day, Jiang Yunxi will always be in such a board struggle. But the most serious question now is, how to talk to Shinomiya Kaguya tomorrow?

PS: Chapter 3, “Ask for flowers”, “Ask for tips”, “Ask for collections” or “Ask for monthly passes”

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