One thing that the Hidechi Gakuen Student Council is discussing at the moment is about whether Onogisaka Gakuin needs to change its uniform.

For this matter, Jiang Yunxi proposed to call all the members of the student union.

“President, I think Onogisaka Academy has become a branch of our Hidechi Gakuen, so it is quite necessary to change the uniform.”

This is the opinion of Kaguya Shinomiya .

“President, I don’t think Onogisaka Gakuin needs to change its uniform, and even if it does, it will have to wait until the next semester. It’s summer vacation soon, so wouldn’t it be too hasty to change your school uniform now? ”

This was Eri Ayase’s opinion, and after a few days, Eri Ayase had fully adapted to her new identity. Now Jiang Yunxi has begun to let Eri Ayase deal with the affairs of Xiuzhi Academy, because he is worried that Eri Ayase is not familiar with the handling of things in Hidechi Academy, Jiang Yunxi specially tutored for a few days.

With the addition of Eri Ayase, Jiang Yunxi and Shinomiya Kaguya’s workload decreased significantly. What used to take two hours of work can now be done in half an hour. I have to say that Eri Ayase is very good at handling the affairs of the student union, which also makes Jiang Yunxi secretly glad that it is a very wise choice to introduce Eri Ayase into the school.

“And the president, if you want to change the Nogisaka Gakuin uniform, then what kind of uniform. I don’t think the board of directors will let the students of Onogisaka Gakuin use the uniform of Hidechi Gakuen! ”

“Regarding this, Vice President Eri Ayase don’t worry, the board of directors will not let Onogisaka Gakuin use the uniform of Hidechi Gakuen, we can design a new school uniform.” Shinomiya Kaguya.

“But that can’t catch up…”

“You don’t need to catch up, the new uniform doesn’t have to be used this semester. Just in time for the start of the next semester, two months is enough time to prepare. ”

“If that’s the case, I have no objection.” Eri Ayase gave up her rebuttal.

“Good, that’s how the matter was decided. I plan to leave the style of the new school uniform to the art department to design, and the board of directors to handle the rest. The uniform matter aside, now the final exam is going to be held in the last two weeks, and I was going to discuss the admissions of Onogisaka Gakuin before the exam, but now that everyone is there, let’s deal with this issue as soon as possible. ”

Eri Ayase suddenly became energetic, the enrollment problem of Otonogisaka Gakuin is the biggest problem that affects the survival of Otonogisaka Academy.

“President, this matter is very simple, just let Otogisaka Gakuin issue a statement that all students who enter Otogisaka Gakuin can enter Otonokisaka Gakuin as long as they pass the entrance exam of Otonokisaka Gakuin.” Shinomiya Kaguya said disapprovingly.

“That’s what I thought, but I think this time the enrollment is still dominated by girls. At the same time, the score of the enrollment is set at B. ”

“President, B will not judge a little too high.” Eri Ayase hurriedly spoke, if the admission score was too high, then Otonogisaka Academy would not be able to accept many students.

“Vice President Eri Ayase, don’t underestimate the influence of Hidechi Gakuen. The B judgment is not very high, on the contrary, I think it is a little low! In my opinion, it is best to set it to A. But President, you’re mainly a girl…”

Shinomiya Kaguya’s skeptical eyes made Jiang Yunxi chuckle out loud: “Vice President of Shinomiya, Otonogisaka Academy is a traditional girls’ school, if it suddenly changes into a co-educational school, do you think it will change all of a sudden?” ”


Shinomiya Kaguya couldn’t refute it, and Jiang Yunxi continued: “In the enrollment of Otonogisaka Academy next semester, only 100 boys will be recruited, and this 100 boys will not only have good grades, but also have no bad habits, and their character must also be good. At the same time, in order to complete the transformation of Otonokisaka Academy, these 100 male students are still staring at the school. ”

Shinomiya Kaguya and Eri Ayase nodded in understanding, Otonogisaka Academy is now a branch of Hidechi Gakuen, and it is under the management of the student council. If something goes wrong, then it will indirectly discredit Hidechi Gakuen, and then the student union will be miserable.

“President, I want to go to the proctor when the entrance exam comes.” Secretary Fujiwara said suddenly.

“No problem.”

Jiang Yunxi didn’t think about it, and directly agreed to Secretary Fujiwara’s proposal.

“By the way, Shishang Accountant, when the time comes, you will be responsible for the investigation of the boys recruited.”

“President, wouldn’t it be nice to let me take on such an important matter.”

Ishigami Yu looked bitter, he didn’t want to be in charge of the inspection work, he had time, he wanted to play two games.

Jiang Yunxi gave the other party a blank look: “What’s not good, I’ll hand over those boy qualifications to you.” ”

Yuke Ishigami has extremely high data processing ability, although he cannot fully see through a person through the data, he can eliminate ninety-fifteen percent of the problematic boys. Leaving this matter to Yu Ishigami can be said to be the most appropriate.

“President, what should the teacher do?” Eri Ayase raised another important question.

“Students can rely on the influence of Hidechi Gakuen to receive a lot of students, but what about the teacher’s side? President, you should know that Otono-Kisaka Academy doesn’t have many teachers anymore, and those who have left…”

“It’s a real problem.”

Jiang Yunxi couldn’t help but ponder, the student’s problem is easy to handle, but the teacher’s side is not easy to handle. Because Onogisaka Gakuin is still a girls’ school, it is better for the teachers to be girls, and these teachers must have a very rich knowledge reserve. The best is the graduates of the University of Tokyo, and the best is the top university.

“Don’t think about this for the time being, I will ask the board for help.”

Hidechi Gakuen has a great influence, and you should be able to find a lot of good teachers! Jiang Yunxi found the board of directors to solve a lot of things, in addition to the teacher’s problem, there is also the “upgrade” of Otonogisaka Academy, Otonogisaka Academy was previously a situation of abandonment, many of the school’s facilities are old, or there are problems, before the start of the next semester, Otonokisaka Academy must be upgraded in all aspects.

Half an hour later, the meeting was over.

PS: Chapter 1, “Ask for flowers”, “Ask for tips”, “Ask for collections” or “Ask for monthly passes”

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