Chapter 221 It feels good! Have you ever seen a speeding car? (guild for subscription)

“Come to see you today, didn’t you always want to visit my company? I will take you to see it today!”

Feng Wu smiled and stopped teasing her.

“Really?” Mo Yuyan was suspicious.

She really wants to visit Wutian Group. She is also a young president, and she realizes that she is so big.

She has asked for it several times, but every time she swishes, Feng Wu shirks something. Today is the sun coming out from the west?

“What is your look?” Feng Wu raised his brows.

How could he deal with this president of Iceberg, like the protagonist, accommodating everything like a lotus?

He doesn’t want face, how could he agree.

In the past, Mo Yuyan was detached, but today, he wants to test a person’s loyalty.

Of course he thought of Mo Yuyan, the best tool man in an instant.

“Nothing, nothing?” Mo Yuyan rolled his face.

“Six, Five, Three” words

Listening to Feng Wu speaking, Mo Yuyan looked at her eyebrows, as if she wanted to hear what he said.

“By the way, are you sitting enough?”

Feng Wu grinned,-slapped it down.


Mo Yuyan was stunned on the spot, his eyes were dull and motionless.

Feeling the slight pain from the ass, a red glow flew on his face, almost spreading to the roots of the ears.


She came back to her senses, screamed, and got out of Feng Wu’s embrace.

“He spanked himself!”


Mo Yuyan’s face was flushed, and she had no self-confidence. If there was a crack in the ground, she had already got in.


She looked up at Feng Wu, her pretty face blushing, as if resentful.

At this moment, Mo Yuyan is different from the usual CEO of Bingberg, she looks very charming and charming.

Seeing her, Feng Wu just smiled slightly and uttered four words:

“It feels good!

Hear the words!

Mo Yuyan’s eyes widened, she gritted her teeth and looked at Feng Wu’s beautiful cheeks. She couldn’t wait to step forward and slap her.

“What stare?”

“Stare again, I don’t mind to come again!”

Feng Wu raised his eyebrows, stretched out his palm, threatening.

Mo Yuyan’s hand was wrapped back subconsciously, and then he reacted, again with a burst of shame.

Feng Wu is really her nemesis, every time she can’t please him in front of him, she is often bullied.

The two walked out of the president’s office!

Mo Yuyan saw the ghost and asked with concern:

“Are you OK?”

The ghost was taken aback, seeing Feng Wu winking at her, she was also a wise person, and replied:



Mo Yuyan breathed a sigh of relief, and then said:

“Today I will go out with Feng Shao, you go with me!”

She was afraid of Fengwu. With his undaunted character, she might have eaten herself.

She feels safe when she finds someone to accompany her.

Feng Wu on the side heard this, his eyebrows twitched, winking at the ghost.

The ghost understood, and said:

“Excuse me, President, something happened to my house. I have to go back today. I may not be able to accompany you out!”

How could she not understand that Lord Tiandi was going to start with this president, so what was she going to do with her.

It’s just that she is a little lonely in her heart, she is also a big beauty, why is Lord Tiandi not interested in her?

“Well, when you go home to deal with it first, tell me if you can’t deal with it.

Mo Yuyan didn’t doubt he had him, and couldn’t help but said with concern.

“Good president!” Ghost responded.

“Let’s go!

Feng Wu nodded slightly in satisfaction, and said in a deep voice.

Going downstairs, Mo Yuyan was going to drive and was stopped by Feng Wu.

“Take my car!”

Feng Wu’s words are domineering and cannot be rejected.

“But what should I do when I come back?”

Mo Yuyan resisted and shied away from being alone with Wu Feng.

However, Feng Wu directly choked off her next words:

“I send you!

Mo Yuyan was helpless, and finally got into Feng Wu’s car, but she remained vigilant at all times, as if Feng Wu was a scourge.

“Ha ha

Feng Wu couldn’t help but want to laugh. It’s a rare thing for a beautiful president to be so afraid of him.

It would be interesting to let those suitors know that the goddess in their hearts is so afraid of herself.

“why are you laughing?”

Mo Yuyan frowned, still taking her ass for Feng Wu just now.

“Dignified Mo Yuyan, President Mo, even has some fear.

Feng Wu drove on the main road and said at will.

“You nonsense, who is afraid? What am I afraid of?”

As if being poked to a sensitive nerve, Mo Yuyan instantly exploded her hair, a little incoherent.

“Really?” Feng Hao grinned.

“You what are you going to do?”

Seeing Feng Wu’s expression, Mo Yuyan’s heart jumped and asked in a panic.

He had this expression just now, and hit her on the ass the next moment, absolutely unkind.

“Have you ever seen a speeding car?” Feng Wu looked inexplicable.

“What do you mean?” Mo Yuyan was puzzled.

The next moment she knew what was going on, and saw Feng Hao stepped on the gas pedal to death, and the car rushed out like an arrow from the string.


Mo Yuyan fell heavily on the seat with strong recoil.

“Feng Wu, look ahead!”

When she came back to her senses, she found a car ahead and was about to hit it.

Under extreme tension, even Shao Feng couldn’t call it anymore.

Mo Yuyan was frightened and screamed, her eyes closed tightly, with nowhere to put her hands, she firmly grasped Feng Wu’s arm.

Feng Wu smiled at the corner of his mouth, turned the steering wheel, and passed the car in front at a weird angle.

Feng Wu has been in a drag racing, Mo Yuyan opened his eyes on the way.

But seeing the scene of fast retreat outside the window, she closed her eyes tightly again.

His hands were never removed from Feng Wu’s arm.


At the gate of Wutian Group, Feng Wu drifted to a perfect 0.3 and stopped steadily.


“Don’t pretend to be dead, it’s already here.”

Feng Wu coughed and touched Mo Yuyan’s head with his arm.

“Arrived? What’s here?”

Mo Yuyan opened her big beautiful eyes and asked in a daze.

Feng Wu was racing too fast, she was almost frightened.


Feng Wu raised his eyebrows. It turned out that the car had stopped. This was the gate of Wutian Group.

She also recovered, quickly let go of Feng Wu’s hand, and said slightly angrily:

“Do you want to drive so fast? It scares me to death!”

“But you said you are not afraid, don’t blame me!

Feng Wu didn’t pay attention to Mo Yuyan’s bitter eyes.

Mo Yuyan was anxious, and she was unlucky to encounter such a master as Feng Wu who did not pity Xiangxiyu. ,

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