Metropolis: I’m Really Not A Prodigal Son

206. The Huge Influence Of Mini Games!

Tianlong Orchard and free mini-games became a hit on the first day they were launched.

The word "free" has a natural appeal to almost everyone.

Especially parents born in the 80s or 90s are particularly keen on such small games.

One week after the game was launched, the number of new users of Dawei Tianlong increased by more than 50 times~.

The number of active users has increased thousands of times, and the payment rate has also increased by more than 1-0 times.

Even the popularity of these two mini-games has driven the computer craze.

Many parents use the excuse that their children need computers to study.

Go to Computer City or the Dawei Tianlong website to buy a computer.

Even the installation of network cables has been greatly popularized.

In the past, some parents deliberately did not install network cables for fear of delaying their children's learning.

But as soon as this event came out, they took the initiative to contact us to install broadband.

Many people born in the 1980s posted messages thanking Dawei Tianlong website on Yak’s Post-80s Post Bar.

It was precisely because of the small games they produced that my computer was finally connected to the Internet.

Lao Huang never expected that because of these two little games.

Dawei Tianlong abruptly doubled the user base.

He would never have imagined that two small games could have such great power.

Mr. Jia is still awesome.

If it hadn't been for Mr. Jia, how could he have thought of looking for Zhang Ye.

Without Zhang Ye, how could he have such a good idea?

The most important thing is that after these two games were launched, I was praised by Mr. Jia.

This is one of the few compliments given by Mr. Jia.

Lao Huang was secretly happy.

Look at the combination of these two mini-games and see how Taobao's horse boss responds.

Lao Huang did not continue to pay attention to Taobao's situation.

Because the Double 11 event jointly held by him and Mouse Games is about to enter the preparatory stage.

I have to get busy with Double 11.


The day after Boss Ma’s mini-game of Dawei Tianlong came out.

I realized something was wrong.

He found that he had been led by the mighty Tianlong.

First, I was burdened by quick payment.

Wait until I get the quick payment.

Dawei Tianlong cooperates directly with Python Express, which greatly improves the user experience.

He pushed himself down again.

After gritting his teeth, he established Eagle Express and united the five major express companies in the country.

I finally moved back in one fell swoop.

Dawei Tianlong has released two more online mini-games.

The power of these two small games is no less than blockbuster bombs.

Boss Ma deeply analyzed the internal logic of these two mini-games.

The first is Tianlong Orchard.

This game can be said to be a typical development game.

Very similar to the previous penguin farm.

But Tianlong Orchard’s ultimate goal for this game is not to entertain, but to give away real things.

This not only integrates the fun of the game, but also increases the user's stickiness and interest.

Promote through activities such as task bars in the orchard and surprise treasure chests.

As well as simple and crude methods for functions such as event reminders.

Keep users to see the products and then choose to buy them.

As a newbie, after receiving all the newbie gift packages and rewards.

It seems that there is nothing to do at first, the water has been poured, is the user experience coming to an end?

Not yet, when many people see fruit trees, they still need two or three waterings.

It’s time to enter the next stage.

Many people will choose to do tasks.

This is also one of the Tianlong Orchard retention methods, the task system.

After completing all these tasks.

Many people will be attracted by the dazzling array of products and attractive activities.

Or even purchase, thus completing the conversion?

At this time, the mighty Tianlong's goal was achieved.

And each activity and each coupon will prompt the end time of the activity.

And the countdown will be accurate to one-tenth of a second.

The constant passage of time gives people a sense of urgency to complete the task, and it also constantly stimulates users.

In the end the user really wants to leave.

Okay, I'll let you go, but I'll still remind you.

If you log in tomorrow, you will get these prizes.

This is the performance of playing to the extreme.

Of course, the most crucial part of all this is that they will actually give away physical fruits!

This is the key to achieving user retention!

Free mini-games, the basic logic is indeed the same.

The main thing is that the passage of time will give people a sense of urgency.

If the task is not completed on time, all previous efforts will be in vain.

After working hard to get the items.

The joy and sense of accomplishment it brings to people even exceed the value of the item itself.

Thinking of this, Boss Ma sighed deeply.


There is an expert among these mighty heavenly dragons.

Step by step, it's a perfect plan.

These two small games directly stole away most of’s users.

After all, no matter how low the price is, how can there be free fragrance?

Boss Ma clearly knows that has failed again and again.

It has completely lost the capital to negotiate with hard gold capital.

In other words, the last $50 million was already Boss Ma's last bet.

If you can't resist this wave, it will be all over.

Boss Ma gritted his teeth, and now there is no better way to deal with it.

He can only be led by the mighty Tianlong.

He immediately ordered his personnel, relying on the logic he analyzed.

Imitating Tianlong Orchard and giving away free gifts, similar mini-games were designed.

As the saying goes, the first person to eat crabs will get a lot of attention.

Those who follow the trend are nothing more than a little soup.

Just like when Penguin Farm came out, other companies followed suit and started to develop pastures, cattle farms, sheep farms and so on.

But in the end, it didn't cause any waves.

Of course Boss Ma also knows this.

Then he also has to play small games.

If you don't do it, you will be completely thrown away by Dawei Tianlong.

As long as the rewards are better and the cycle is shorter, it will definitely attract a group of people.

The money lost will be more than that of Dawei Tianlong.

But this is also the last resort.

After Boss Ma gave the order, Taobao's technical staff began to get busy.

In one week, Boss Ma made five mini-games in one go.

Each mini-game is easier to obtain than the powerful Tianlong.

His style of play really snatched back a lot of users from Dawei Tianlong.

Many users even praised Taobao for his conscience.

Unlike the Dawei Tianlong platform, it requires the help of so many people to get the corresponding things.

Boss Ma looked at the money in the company's account and saw it flowing out.

I felt so distressed, but I didn't dare to stop.

Fortunately, many users have bought a lot of things in Taobao because of the mini games, and they can still get blood back.

At this moment, a staff member found Boss Ma.

"Mr. Ma, it's not good, Dawei Tianlong has come up with a new trick."


Boss Ma instantly felt that his heart began to beat rapidly. .

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