Metropolis: I’m Really Not A Prodigal Son

32.The Lion Opens His Mouth Wide

The interviewer's name is Pang Guang, who once worked for a foreign search engine company as a core engineer.

However, this company was acquired, and Pang Guang joined the new company.

But search engines have no profit model.

After years of huge losses, the search engine project was finally abandoned.

Pang Guang also lost his job.

He wanted to try his luck in another company, but suddenly an acquaintance from China contacted him.

It is said that there is a company in China that wants to do search engine business, and the treatment offered is very high.

Even better than foreign companies.

After the company reimbursed various expenses such as air tickets, Pang Guang came to the interview.

After Zhang Ye finished introducing Pang Guang's general experience.

Jia Shoufu suddenly wanted to come, as Li Hongyan once said, he was also the core engineer of that company.

People who can come out of this company should have good skills.

"Mr. Jia, this Pang Guang's technical level is very high, but he is a bit crazy."

"Crazy? What kind of crazy method?"

Zhang Ye thought of Pang Guang's arrogant look when he was interviewing him.

It was as if he was the interviewer and the other person was the interviewer.

"A bit looking down on our domestic Internet."

"That's it, okay, I get it."

It doesn't matter if he's crazy or not, Jia Shoufu doesn't care either.

It mainly depends on whether the person can spend money and dares to spend money. This is the big deal.

After Zhang Ye left, Jia Shoufu immediately asked Secretary Zhou to call Pang Guang.

After a while, a somewhat bald middle-aged man appeared in Jia Shoufu's office.

Jia Shoufu looked him over. Apart from his bald head and a slightly chubby figure, his face was not arrogant.

At this time, Pang Guang was also looking at Jia Shoufu.

He was slightly surprised to find that the other party was so young.

At the same time, my expectations for this job have also dropped a lot.

The reason is simple, because Pang Guang knows how expensive a search engine is.

The young man in front of me looks like a rich second generation who takes money from his parents.

I don’t know which friend mentioned search engines.

I became interested in the search engine project on a whim.

Pang Guang has seen many such rich second generations abroad.

It is extremely easy to end up abandoning the project after developing it halfway, spending too much money.

In this way, not only is it a waste of time, but it can also easily delay your career.

Engineers like them live off their youth.

After the age of 40, if you have not achieved anything, you will easily be eliminated.

In this case, Pang Guang was not going to waste time.

Just open your mouth like a lion and scare away the young man in front of you.

Thinking of this, Pang Guang said: "Mr. Jia, the salary you offer is not up to my standards. It must be doubled. I also want technology to account for 10% of the shares."

Jia Shoufu knew that the price offered to him by HR was a salary of 500,000 yuan a year.

Now Ma Teng and other Penguin founders’ annual salary does not reach this figure.

It is no exaggeration to say that this salary can rank among the top three among all domestic Internet practitioners.

He now demands double his salary and shares.

It is estimated that any boss who hears this will tell him to get out.

But when his words reached Jia Shoufu's ears, they seemed like the sound of nature.

He was overjoyed that someone dared to ask for a high price.

If the salary requirements are so high, then the other requirements must be higher.

Jia Shoufu is worried about how to spend money.

Pang Guang's appearance was equivalent to Jia Shoufu just taking a breather and the other party brought him a pillow.

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