Metropolis: I’m Really Not A Prodigal Son

88. Alternative Rewards Based On Merit

Since Mr. Jia didn't speak, no one else spoke, but their eyes wandered around.

When they saw Lao Huang, there was a hint of displeasure in their eyes.

Because this old Huang is a complete liar.

With just one mouth, he deceived many of their elites.

Ma Teng didn't understand why a big liar could still be favored by Mr. Jia.

Become the person in charge of Dawei Tianlong e-commerce?

But then he thought about it, Mr. Jia's style of doing things was unexpected yet reasonable.

Perhaps Lao Huang is more suitable for e-commerce.

Although they didn't see which one was suitable.

The reason why Jia Shoufu didn't say anything was because he thought these companies had some shortcomings.

How can we spend more money as quickly as possible?

But Jia Shoufu thought for a long time and couldn't figure out what to do.

Forget it, let’s rely on the wisdom of the crowd.

Jia Shoufu turned his attention to Ma Teng.

Ma Teng saw Jia Shoufu suddenly staring at him.

She became nervous all of a sudden, and before he could speak, she said in advance: "Mr. Jia, do you have something to do with me?"

Jia Shoufu said: "Let me ask you, what is Penguin Technology lacking most now?"

Ma Teng was stunned, wondering why Mr. Jia would ask such a question.

Did he want to ask about the latest data?

Ma Teng said: "Now the number of QQ registered people has reached 200 million, and the number of people online at the same time has exceeded the 5 million mark."

"Moneternet's revenue is also rising steadily, and the number of registered users of Penguin Video has also exceeded the "second level"

Before he finished speaking, Jia Shoufu interrupted: "I don't want to hear this. I want to ask what your company lacks most."

Ma Teng said: "Of course there is a lack of talent."

After all, many of Penguin's elites were poached by the big liar Lao Huang.

Thinking of this, he was still full of resentment. If it hadn't been for Mr. Jia's permission, Ma Teng would not have let him go.

Jia Shoufu's eyes lit up, he was short of people.

He looked at the others, "Is your company also short of people?"

Pang Guang, Xu Liang and others nodded.

Jia Shoufu said: "We will recruit whatever talents you are short of, and everything about wages and benefits can be easily discussed."

"By the way, the wages of old employees should also be increased. We can't let their wages be lower than those of new employees."

"There are also bonuses. All employees are given quarterly bonuses. You can decide the specific bonus amount yourself."

"But remember, the bonus cannot be less than two months' salary."

Everyone understood that the reason why Mr. Jia came to them was to reward them.

In this incident, all the companies that had attacked them were seriously injured.

Many netizens have listed all the companies in which hard money capital has been invested.

Also find out all their products so that you can tell others and avoid using the products of these companies.

Some people find it troublesome and say that for future Internet products, only Animal Group can be used.

Simple and hassle-free.

This remarkable comeback has greatly increased the business of Animal Group and its subsidiaries.

Its popularity has reached a higher level and it has become the first choice of many netizens.

Pang Guang raised his hand and said: "Mr. Jia, now that the number of users of Yak Search has increased significantly, we need more servers.

Jia Shoufu's eyes lit up, she is indeed my loyal friend, she is always thinking about helping me spend money.

Jia Shoufu immediately nodded and agreed: "Buy, buy, buy."

"If any of you are short of servers, you can buy them all."

"Even if the servers are enough now, I still need to buy more to prepare. What if there are not enough servers by then?"

Xu Liang raised his hand and said: "Mr. Jia, after the last hacker war incident, I found that there is still not enough talent in this area.

"But their salary is too different from that of ordinary employees. Should we recruit more?"

Jia Shoufu was upset when she saw Xu Liang.

He is the mastermind behind this comeback.

But Jia Shoufu liked the idea of ​​spending money.

Since the creation of this hacking department, legendary support has almost never appeared.

Although he stabbed himself in the back, Jia Shoufu still likes this department.

"Hit, recruit, recruit as many as you can, don't be afraid to spend money."

Xu Liang was overjoyed and said, "Thank you, Mr. Jia."

Jia Shoufu saw that Chang Shengyang remained silent and asked, "Why don't you speak? Are there enough servers? Are there enough talents?"

Chang Shengyang said: "Mr. Jia, our servers are definitely sufficient and our team reserves are sufficient."

Don't want to spend money?

How could Jia Shoufu allow it.

He asked with a dark face: "Tell me about the latest data of Mouse Game."

Chang Shengyang said: "The number of registered users on the Mouse Game Platform has exceeded 10 million."

"Legend and Bumper i Generation have not started charging yet, so there is no income for the time being."

"But Crazy Tank has sold nearly one million units this month, especially recently."

"Fashion contests and online competitions also make users very active..."

Jia Shoufu interrupted him with a wave of his hand. He really couldn't listen to these back-stabbing words.

"You now send people to foreign countries to bring in the most advanced and popular games!"

"Get it done for me within a week."

Jia Shoufu did this out of frustration.

Because only by introducing games can a large amount of money be spent at once.

The reason why he wants to buy hot games is because Jia Shoufu discovered that no matter it is a garbage game.

It is still a popular game, and as long as it is on the Mouse game platform, it will probably be the same.

Thinking of this, Cao Shoufukang could not give himself ten slaps.

Why did I have to be lazy in the first place and create a platform?

Now it's better, even if it's a game that's not popular, it's still good on the platform.

Simply introduce the most popular games from abroad, so that you can spend more on agency fees.

It's better to spend a little more money while someone is bidding against the rat game.


In addition to agency fees, introducing games will definitely require recruiting a group of operators and buying a bunch of servers.

Another big investment.

Well, this decision is correct.

Chang Shengyang was dumbfounded, "Mr. Jia, it's okay to cause a big hit abroad, but the time is a bit too tight."

Introducing a game a week is not even enough for negotiation.

Jia Shoufu said with a sullen face, "That's your problem. Find a solution for me."

Chang Shengyang stabbed himself in the back frequently, so it was time to cause him some trouble.

Chang Shengyang gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, Mr. Jia, I will try my best."

"Try your best?" Jia Shoufu said dissatisfied: "You have to finish."

Chang Shengyang made up his mind and said, "Okay, I promise to complete the task."

Seeing him gritting his teeth, Jia Shoufu felt unprecedentedly relieved.

My heart tells you to stab me in the back, let’s see if you dare next time!

After Chang Shengyang was dealt with, he turned to look at Lao Huang.

"Dawei Tianlong e-commerce is running smoothly? Are there any difficulties?"

Lao Huang vowed: "Don't worry, Mr. Jia, the website is almost ready."

"Really? So fast?"

Lao Huang patted his chest, "Of course, I'll do the work, don't worry.

Seeing his unreliable look, Jia Shoufu finally felt relieved.

It is estimated that this online shopping website must be full of loopholes and frequent bugs.

But this is the best!

"The servers are doubling, just in case there are too many people."

Lao Huang did not refuse the visitor and said: "No problem, Mr. Jia, then we will double it!"

Ma Teng and others were dumbfounded.

You said it would double if it was doubled. How come it's like a joke?

But he found that Mr. Jia's eyes were full of appreciation when he looked at him.

Ma Teng originally wanted to blurt out the words, but immediately suppressed them.

Jia Shoufu really wanted to tell Ma Teng and these people at this time.

Take a look at Lao Huang, take a good look, this is the talent I need!

But I can only keep these words in my heart.

After all, Lao Huang is a newcomer and has done nothing.

Although Ma Teng, Chang Shengyang and others always stab themselves in the back.

But they really made QQ and the Mouse gaming platform work.

A hero of the enterprise.

At this time, Lao Huang said: "Mr. Jia, we haven't decided on a name for our e-commerce website yet.

Jia Shoufu wondered: "Isn't it over? It's called Dawei Tianlong."

Lao Huang was stunned. Isn't this name a bit too casual?

If you are engaged in e-commerce, it should be called an online shopping network or something like that.

But when he saw Jia Shoufu's firm attitude, he immediately changed his mind and said, "This is a good name. It's really domineering. I like it."

Everyone saw that Old Huang was so adaptable to the situation.

Everyone kept shaking their heads.

They are full of worries about the future of this online shopping platform. .

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