Metropolis: I’m Really Not A Prodigal Son

91. The Most Afraid Of Good News

Zhu Jun, the owner of the wine city, was in a very bad mood.

For the agency rights of "Miracle NU" this time, he personally led a team to conduct research.

Came to Wangchan Company in person.

And the confidentiality work is also done very well.

There are almost no domestic competitors.

Because the agency rights for "Miracle NU" are about to be obtained.

Unexpectedly, Cheng Yaojin appeared halfway... No, it was Gao Shanshan, the representative of the Mouse Game.

As Chang Shengyang's confidant, Gao Shanshan has very strong execution ability.

He knew that Mr. Chang had given a death order and must win the agency rights of "Miracle NU".

at all costs!

It needs to be done within three days.

The two looked at each other, and Zhu Jun said: "Gaoshanshan, our wine city is playing like a mouse with you, and the water in the well does not interfere with the water in the river.

"Why do you want to take away people's beauty?"

Gao Shanshan smiled, "Mr. Zhu, do you only have seven seconds of memory? Have you even forgotten what happened a few days ago?"

At that time, the Animal Group was blacklisted by the entire Internet.

In order to obtain investment from hard gold capital, Zhu Jun from Liquor City wrote a 10,000-word long essay.

Used to attack animal groups.

This article has also been reproduced by major websites.

The wine city has gained a lot of fame as a result.

This resulted in the investment of hard gold capital.

It is precisely with this financing that Zhu Jun is so confident.

Of course, Jia Shoufu's grab of "Miracle NU" has nothing to do with Liquor City scolding him in the first place.

After all, there were so many companies scolding him and the Animal Group at that time.

How could Jia Shoufu remember them all.

Mouse Games, as a subsidiary of Animal Group, also encountered difficulties in competing for agents.

How could you not point out what Liquor City did a few days ago?

Zhu Jun from Liquor City did not blush at all.

After going through strong winds and waves, his face had already been tempered to be as thick as the skin of a wall.

Instead, he complained first, "Why are you scolding people?"

Gao Shanshan was too lazy to talk to him and looked directly at the person in charge of Wangchan Company.

"You should know the strength of our Mouse Game in China."

“It only took three months to turn games such as Legend and Crazy Tank into phenomenal games.”

The translator then conveyed Gao Shanshan's words. (Same below, omitted)

Zhu Jun became anxious and said to the person in charge of Netchan: "They just took advantage of the Penguin communication software."

"Rat Games would be nothing without Penguin Messenger."

"Our wine city has done enough homework for "Miracle NU".

"You should all see our sincerity"`

The person in charge of Wangchan Company looked at Gaoshanshan and then at Zhu Jun in Liquor City.

“I don’t know much about the Chinese market, so I don’t know how credible what you say is.

"But whoever bids higher, I will hand over the agency rights of the game to him."

What he meant was obvious.

Don't talk to me about useless things.

You two hurry up and bid.

Zhu Jun asked: "What about my previous price?"

The person in charge of Netchan said: "This Mr. Gao's bid is higher than yours."

Zhu Jun looked at Gao Shanshan fiercely, and reluctantly quoted a higher price.

This price is already about one-third higher than the original price quoted by the wine city.

It is already very difficult to quote this price.

If "Miracle NU" fails, Liquor City will easily be on the verge of bankruptcy.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Gao Shanshan's mouth.

Directly on his price, there is another three-quarters increase.

Because Mr. Chang has given a death order, "Miracle NU" must be brought back.

So he didn't hesitate at all about the offer.

Zhu Jun from Liquor City was stunned. He never expected that Mouse Game could be so wealthy.

If the price is increased, he probably won't even have the money to buy a game server when he goes back.

Zhu Jun walked up to Gao Shanshan and whispered: "Leave a thin line in your life so that we can meet each other easily in the future.

"You are just a part-time worker, why do you have to fight with me to the death?"

Gao Shanshan sneered in his heart.

Although he is a part-time worker, a company like Mouse Games brings him the feeling.

It's really different from other companies.

First of all, the company does not allow overtime work, even if there is a very special Waiqing brother.

Then you will also get sufficient overtime pay.

In addition, the company's various benefits are directly filled up, and the room for promotion is also very large.

For example, other subsidiaries often come to poach people.

Once poached, the benefits will be doubled immediately.

In addition, the people who are poached will have higher positions.

The most anticipated thing is the best employee selection held from time to time.

Once you are selected as the first place, it will be a step to the sky.

Mr. Jia will directly appoint the best employee as the new CEO of the subsidiary.

Mr. Chang from Mouse Games and Mr. Xu from Tiger 360 both came up in this way.

Even for second or third place, there will be 10 months' salary as bonus.

Gao Shanshan can't find another such a good company in China.

Might he disappoint Mr. Chang?

Gao Shanshan turned to look at the person in charge of Wangchan Company, "The other party won't increase the price. Does this agency right belong to me?"

The person in charge of Netchan Company looked at Zhu Jun, "Are you really not going to join?"

Zhu Jun looked at Gao Shanshan with resentful eyes.

He is adding, but is afraid that the other party will give up by then.

Then he would be finished immediately.

Thinking of this, Zhu Jun snorted coldly, turned around and left.

The person in charge of Net Chan Company smiled and said to Gao Shanshan: "Congratulations, you have obtained the agency rights for "Miracle NU"."

"I hope we can cooperate more quickly in the future."

Gao Shanshan held his hand and said, "I'm quite anxious. Can we sign the contract as soon as possible?"

The person in charge of Netchan said: "Of course there is no problem."

Although I paid a lot of money, I secured the agency rights for "Miracle NU".

Gao Shanshan finally let go.

But he did not forget Zhu Jun from Liquor City, with a malicious look in his eyes before leaving.

I'm afraid he might cause trouble behind my back, so it's better to be careful.

Zhu Jun from Liquor City really intends to cause trouble, but his target is not Gao Shanshan.

After all, what he really holds a grudge against is the rat game.

Zhu Jun felt angry and kicked the trash can next to him.

Unexpectedly, the quality of this trash can was so good that it made his feet hurt.

Zhu Jun was so angry that he almost cursed.

He turned around and said to an employee next to him:||How can I make the mouse game bleed?"

"Otherwise I won't be able to swallow this breath!"

The employee said: "Mr. Zhu, their legendary game is very popular. If we can do some damage..."

To cause destruction?

Zhu Jun rolled his eyes, he had also experienced this legendary game.

If there is one thing, it is the most destructive to the game.

Plug-ins absolutely do their part.

For example, "Stone Age" is now in decline.

Although his decline is related to the rise of mouse defense games.

But it is undeniable that the emergence of plug-ins has caused great damage to the game.

Even in the later stages of the game, it is impossible to play without plug-ins.

This resulted in no new blood being added.

Once there are no new players, the game will become lonely.

Now Legend is on the rise, and the anti-cheat game has been cracked down on cheaters several times.

Players who made cheats were even sent in.

There are already many people who no longer dare to do cheats.

But I hope you are not afraid.

Because those who make plug-ins are just ordinary people.

He Zhu Junke is the CEO of a company.

Whether it's funds, means, or strategies, they are much better than them (Li's is better).

Zhu Jun calculated in his mind that hard gold capital has also suffered hidden losses in the hands of Animal Group recently.

All he had to do was make the most popular legend, the mouse game owned by the Animal Group, obsolete.

It can be considered a great achievement. Perhaps Mr. Zhu from Hard Money Capital is happy and has increased his investment in the wine city?

I wish you thought of this, because your heart already has a certain quality.

When Jia Shoufu received a notification from Chang Shengyang, she learned that the agency for "Miracle NU" had been successful.

I immediately checked the funds in the system and saw that a large amount was missing, which made me feel better.

There are still two days left before settlement, and the system funds are only over 20 million.

This period of spending money on raids is indeed effective.

Thinking that after 2 days, I will get nearly 300,000 yuan, I am so happy that I almost go to heaven.

But at this critical moment, the secretary informed that Xu Liang from Tiger 360 was coming to see him.

Jia Shoufu's heart tightened, this guy didn't come to stab me in the back.

Jia Shoufu waved his hand and asked Xu Liang to come in.

When he found Xu Liang walking in, his face was full of smiles.

"Mr. Jia, I have some good news for you!"


Jia Shoufu's heart twitched momentarily. It was indeed the good news he was most afraid of. .

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