Chapter 403: Heaven does not give birth to my Sun Wukong

Once again transformed into a human form, the pig just grabbed a nine-toothed nail rake, the cold light flashed, and the edge was incomparable.

Pointing at Sun Wukong, he shouted:

“I had no grudges with you in the past, and even more so recently. I was beaten by you five hundred years ago. Why did you come to disturb me again?! Damn Bee Ma Wen!”

At this moment, Zhu Ganghya was extremely angry, he thought it was Miss Gao, and he said all his admiration and all kinds of nasty words along the way.

But I never expected…Miss Gao turned out to be a monkey.

Thinking of myself and Sun Wukong being numb all the way, saying all kinds of love words.

As soon as the pig was hyped, he was so embarrassed that he felt ashamed, and wished he could dig a hole with a nine-toothed nail rake and bury himself.

Truly a social death!

Air cold!

Ah ah ah ah ah!

Zhu Ganghya held the nine-foot nail rake in one hand and covered the pig’s face with the other.

“My old grandson has returned to the right path now. You, Marshal Tianpeng, used to be an immortal, but now you have turned into a demon, but it is just for me to subdue demons and eliminate demons!”

Saying that, he swung out a stick.

The wishful golden hoop stick became bigger, and Sun Wukong used his own stick method.

“Between heaven and earth, only I will live forever!”

Born “I, Sun Wukong, the great way is like a long night!”

“I have a stick and can move mountains!”

I saw a majestic mountain shadow appearing on the golden hoop rod, and the suppression came.

Being hit by the Ruyi golden hoop, Zhu Gangjia instantly felt that he had once again carried a hundred thousand mountains on his back, one world!

And no matter how he resisted, he couldn’t get rid of it.

With another swing, Sun Wukong shouted:

“Break the river!

With a knife, the water will flow even more, but Sun Wukong’s swing of the stick can break the river.

In an instant, the pig’s mane was cut in half and divided into two halves.

“Fall into the sea!”

Wang Yang, the sea, turned into a vortex!

The two halves of the pig’s body were torn apart and quickly turned into rose powder.

It’s just that the golden immortal is immortal, and it is not so easy to be killed. Even if Sun Wukong used to be the golden immortal of Taiyi, he has fallen to the realm now!

“Destroy the demon!

With the fourth-style stick method, Zhu Gangye lost his energy and spirit, and was sluggish.

Support hard, keep begging for mercy.

“Suppressing Demons~!”

The fifth-style stick method was used, and the pig was completely suppressed.

The whole body was sealed with immortal power, blood was dripping all over, and the whole body was broken.

The many immortals, gods, bodhisattvas and giant Buddhas who were watching in the heaven were startled.

“Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, hurry up and persuade, this monkey has gone crazy!

“If you don’t let him stop, then the pig will die!”

“This… it’s too late!”

Seeing this scene, the big guys are not calm.

Especially the Jade Emperor.

Zhu Gangjia was the reincarnation of Tianpeng, and he arranged for him to travel to the west to gain merit.

If he was killed by Sun Wukong, wouldn’t his plan fail.

And this has been stipulated for a long time. Although there are backup plans, it is possible to avoid accidents. It is best to avoid accidents.

And Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva also has a sad face, there is no way, the time is too short, it is only a moment, even if she can cross the time and space.

But he couldn’t arrive in an instant and stopped Wukong.

Fortunately, Sun Wukong didn’t kill him.

He had promised his master before that, with a living mouth, he would capture the monster and give it to Mr. Gao and his wife, so that the monster would apologize.

“Grandpa, please, spare my life.”

The pig’s face was full of blood, and it was swollen into a pig’s head.

However, he was originally a pig’s head, and he didn’t change much, except that he changed from five to a giant ugly.

The golden hoop stopped abruptly, and Sun Wukong stabbed the pig and said with a smile: “Of course my old grandson will not kill you, and I will take you to apologize to the old man and his wife and Miss Gao in a while.”

“That’s fine, that’s fine…

Zhu Ganghya had always been worried, but now he finally felt relieved.

Then Sun Wukong took out the trapped fairy rope and trapped Zhu Bajie tightly.

I saw a monkey riding a pig, rushing towards Gao Lao Zhuang.

On the way, the two demons communicated.

“I said, Great Sage, how did you escape from the foothills of the Five Elements Mountain and come here?”

“Hey, it’s okay to tell you, I obeyed the instructions of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva to protect a monk who came from the Great Tang Dynasty in the East and went to the West to get scriptures, and was able to escape from the foothills of the Five Elements Mountain. The person I worship now is my teacher.”

“What? The sutras who came from the Great Tang Dynasty in the East, God, I didn’t expect such a fate. To tell you the truth, Guanshiyin Bodhisattva also ordered me to do this!”

“Cut, lie again and again, begging for a beating!”

I heard that the pig was just chaotic.

Sun Wukong frowned.

Holding the golden hoop directly, he waved it out again and hit him.

Then, there was another wailing, the sound was miserable, shaking the world.

“Great Sage, Great Sage, I really didn’t lie to you!”

“Oh… it hurts, Dasheng, don’t stab me in the back with a stick.”

“Great Sage, Monkey, damn Bute Ma Wen, I really didn’t lie to you!

“Liar to you, I’m a pig!”

Constantly howling and begging for mercy, the pig just cried bitterly.

It’s just that Sun Wukong doesn’t believe it, and the monsters have many tricks, so he won’t be fooled;

“Hey, you’re a pig!

It was not until he returned to Gao Lao Zhuang that Sun Wukong stopped stick education.

The old man and his wife Gao, who had been waiting, sighed as the sky brightened.

Looks like it failed again this time!

“Master, that apprentice of yours was probably eaten by that pig demon.”

With a sad face, Old Man Gao said.

However, Tang Seng smiled and looked confident. He believed in Sun Wukong’s strength: “Don’t worry, I have confidence in my disciple’s skills.”

Sure enough, a call came out.


It was the voice of Sun Wukong.

The old man Gao and his wife were also shocked and unbelievable.

Did the monkey really subdue the pig?

With disbelief, followed by a look of joy.

If he hadn’t subdued the pig, the Grand Master Sun Wukong would not have survived.

Sure enough, when they walked out of the room, they saw Sun Wukong holding a rope and binding a black pig that was half human and half beast.

It is the evil monster, (Wang Nuozhao) Pig Gang Mane!

At this time, the pig demon was dripping with blood, his bones were broken and his tendons were broken, and his face looked extremely painful.

“It’s great, it’s great!”

This pig “the demon has finally been subdued.”

Daughter “I’m saved.”

The two elderly people hugged each other and cried, and what had tormented them for more than half a year was finally resolved.

When she got the good news, Miss Gao also came, and when she saw the pig just mane, she couldn’t bear the misery at first.

However, his eyes were firmed again, because he could finally get rid of the entanglement of monsters.

Zhu Ganghya was originally in pain, but seeing Miss Gao’s unbearable touch reduced the pain.

At least…Miss Gao is also worried about him. You can’t bear it anymore, it shows that you still have feelings for him.

That’s right, Zhu Ganghye is a licking dog, or it’s more accurate to say that it is a forest pig.

Second update, here we go!

Let’s start today, please book all! Welcome,

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