Chapter 407: Zhu Bajie’s mouth cannon output

“Ha ha ha ha!”

Hiding in the cave, the red-haired blue-faced monster laughed wildly and was extremely proud.

Seeing that Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie did not break the defensive formation, the fear in his heart dissipated.

“This formation is a flowing formation, which can defuse attacks and defend everything.”

“It can be transformed into self-defense by the power of heaven and earth. The entire Liusha River is the source of this formation, and its power is infinite.”

“You are just Jinxian cultivation base, although you are much stronger than me, but this formation can compete with Taiyi Jinxian, and only Taiyi Jinxian can break the formation!

Laughing loudly, the red-haired and blue-faced monster told the origin of the formation.

Hearing this, Sun Wukong’s face turned green.

Taiyi Jinxian!

He used to be Taiyi Jinxian!

It’s just that he was trapped at the foot of the Five Elements Mountain, and was suppressed by the Buddha’s power for many years, and his cultivation base was imprisoned, so that he has now fallen to the Jinxian cultivation base.

If it weren’t for this, he would have smashed the formation with a stick.


Zhu Bajie lay on the grass and cursed loudly.

“You red-haired and blue-faced monster, you really are a freak, are you a mixed-race bastard, why do you look so strange?

“I see that your eyes are like copper bells, and your mouth is as big as a washbasin. You are so ugly and ugly. With such a respectable face, I am afraid that if you go to the world, you will be scared to make a child cry at night!”


Cursing and cursing, Zhu Bajie put one hand on his chest and retched.

This mouth cannon output.

The face of the red-haired and blue-faced monster turned from frightened pale to angry red.

Gas, trembling, cold!

He trembled all over, clenched his fists tightly, his palms were pierced by fingernails, and blood flowed out.

So hateful, so hateful!

This pig actually called him a bastard and called him ugly!

The appearance is natural, what can he do?

See this scene at this time.

Listening to Zhu Bajie’s stinky mouth and continuous output, Sun Wukong was shocked.

This idiot is so powerful!

Look at this monster, almost foaming at the mouth.

“you you

The red-haired blue-faced monster was cold.

Pointing at Zhu Bajie, he was speechless.


Zhu Bajie looked down with disdain: “I can’t believe that you are not only ugly, but also a stutterer.”

“If you are like this, what’s the point of living, it’s better to kill you with one head.”



Puff puff puff!

Crimson blood continued to spurt from his mouth.

The red-haired and blue-faced monster’s chest heaved up and down, and mouthfuls of blood kept gushing out.

The monster was actually scolded by Zhu Bajie and vomited blood.

Strong mouth king, strong mouth king!

Sun Wukong couldn’t help but clapped his hands and said: “Junior brother, your mouth is really amazing!”

Said and gave a thumbs up, Sun Wukong was sincerely admiring it, and was convinced by Zhu Bajie.

Hehe smiled, Zhu Bajie rubbed his head honestly and said, “Senior brother is too polite, this is nothing, it is nothing.

In front of the big brother, Zhu Bajie did not dare to publicize, and was extremely honest.

On the other hand, the red-haired blue-faced monster who vomited blood fled, directly entered the cave, and closed it, completely blocking all sounds from the outside world.

Not listening to anything outside the window, Isshin just stayed at home.

He was considered bad breath by Zhu Bajie, and his mouth cannon output was severely injured.

Decided to dodge Isshin to avoid confrontation with this monkey pig.

Can’t beat it, can’t beat it!

Not only can’t fight, but also can’t scold.

Knocked on the medicinal pill, calmed down his anger, and the red-haired and blue-faced monster fell asleep.

Outside the cave, Zhu Bajie and Sun Wukong waved their magic weapons, the Ruyi golden cudgel broke the sea of ​​quicksand, and the nine-toothed Uzumaki kept roaring.

The formations were bombarded by powerful forces, but the monsters just didn’t come out.

The formation can’t be broken either.

Zhu Bajie scolded again, trying to make the monster rush out of the formation in anger, but the other party just wasn’t fooled.

There was no choice but to return to the river bank in the end.

“Master, that monster was chased by us, and he couldn’t fight us at all, but he didn’t come out to fight with us because he was protected by a formation.”

Feeling that the other party was as timid as a mouse, Sun Wukong was helpless. Zhu Bajie on the side couldn’t help sighing and said, “Master, we can’t cross this river, why don’t we take a detour?”

But the quicksand river is winding and long!

It is a full eight hundred miles, and it is estimated that it will take a detour for a month to travel.

Tang Seng hesitated for a while: “Let the teacher think about it first, and then talk about it tomorrow.”


There is no problem with Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie, but it is the master who really decides.

Summoning flames, no firewood is needed to start a fire, there is no smoke at all, and it is environmentally friendly and pollution-free.

Cook the rice porridge and steam the dry food.

The brothers and two demons don’t need to eat, a joke, the dignified Jinxian still needs to eat, cannibalism?

It’s just that Tang Seng’s body is mortal, but it is indispensable.

When Tang Seng ate it, even though the monkey pig didn’t need to eat, it was also greedy, so he ate some of it.

Had dinner the next morning.

Tang Monk helplessly watched the surging Liusha River, turned around and rode away on a white horse, Sun Wukong led the horse in front of him, and Zhu Bajie followed with his luggage.

They are going to take a detour.

There is no way, because the Buddha does not allow the use of supernatural powers to travel.

However, at this moment, I saw that the sky was blooming again, and Daoyin chanted.

“Ah, isn’t this Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva?”

Although the face of Guanyin Bodhisattva has not yet been seen, Sun Wukong has seen this way of appearance many times.

Immediately got up and greeted: “I am waiting to see Guanyin Bodhisattva!”

The faint voice sounded, and the face of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva appeared.

Originally, she didn’t want to come forward, but Tang Seng and his disciples had to leave, but only 697 could show up.

Bodhisattva, “I don’t know what order I have come here for this time?”

Tang Seng respectfully saluted and asked.

On the side, Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie were also full of curiosity.

“Tang Seng, come here at this time, but to help you accept another apprentice.”

With a slight smile, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva said to Liusha River, “Enlightenment!”


Want one more?!

Tang Seng was a little curious, and he had collected a monkey, a dragon, and a pig. He was about to be the director of the zoo, and he didn’t know what creatures would come next.

Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie are thoughtful.

When they heard the apprentices, they thought of themselves. After all, they were instructed by Guanyin Bodhisattva, and they worshipped Tang monks as their teachers and escorted them to the west to study scriptures.

And this quicksand river is deserted.

Except for a monster in the water who started with them, there are only those fish and water snakes, and those creatures, even if some of them have opened their intelligence and turned into human figures, they are not that strong and can be crushed easily.

Only the monster with red hair and blue face is the overlord in this water, extremely powerful, although it is not as good as them, but it is also an immortal golden immortal.

Following the call of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, Uzumaki was formed in the river, and a burly body emerged.

Second update, here we go!

Let’s start the two shifts today, please book all!,

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